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by Aieron
Tue Apr 13, 2021 10:07 pm
Forum: Build Log
Topic: Profession Adjustments -- 4/13/2021
Replies: 0
Views: 19132

Profession Adjustments -- 4/13/2021

- The quest to learn Inscription requires fewer materials and now rewards the materials like the other profession quests. - A number of recipes had their common mat numbers adjusted to fix inconsistencies. You'll notice some numbers have been lowered while others have been increased, but the time to...
by Aieron
Wed Mar 17, 2021 7:51 pm
Forum: Build News
Topic: Recipe Adjustments
Replies: 0
Views: 25492

Recipe Adjustments

- Slightly lowered the amount of Orichcalcum Ore needed per craft for lvl25 Rare tier.
- Fixed an error with the Uncommon materials needed for Dragon Kris
by Aieron
Sun Mar 07, 2021 8:22 pm
Forum: Build News
Topic: Iron Salvage - Tier 2 and Orichalcum Salvage Buffs
Replies: 0
Views: 25235

Iron Salvage - Tier 2 and Orichalcum Salvage Buffs

Iron Salvage - Tier 2 and Orichalcum Salvage now give 5 instead of 1 for whatever gems it rolls.
by Aieron
Fri Mar 05, 2021 11:44 am
Forum: Build News
Topic: Fishing Bait and Alchemy Recipe Changes
Replies: 0
Views: 25679

Fishing Bait and Alchemy Recipe Changes

We weren't happy with how Attract bait works since it only had only off or on functionality. I like the idea of having rare bait with differing levels of magnitude, so Attract bait was changed. As a result, attract bait that's in-game already was nerfed given it was far more effective than I intende...
by Aieron
Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:45 pm
Forum: Build News
Topic: Disenchanting Bonus Ranges
Replies: 0
Views: 24808

Disenchanting Bonus Ranges

I realized that this should have been included in my 1st post, but I missed adding it. Disenchanting has bonus ranges depending on the tier of dust. 0-250 Seeds of Terra 251-500 Drops Riva 501-750 Shades of Nox 751-1000 Cinders of Pyron Essentially, if you have lvl 250 d/e'ing, you have a high % to ...
by Aieron
Tue Mar 02, 2021 12:43 pm
Forum: Build News
Topic: Professions and Affixes!
Replies: 4
Views: 71778

Re: Professions and Affixes!

I realized that this should have been included in my 1st post, but I missed adding it. Disenchanting has bonus ranges depending on the tier of dust. 0-250 Seeds of Terra 251-500 Drops Riva 501-750 Shades of Nox 751-1000 Cinders of Pyron Essentially, if you have lvl 250 d/e'ing, you have a high % to ...
by Aieron
Sat Feb 27, 2021 11:42 am
Forum: Build News
Topic: Level 50-70 Recipe Changes and Fishing Logic Improvements!
Replies: 0
Views: 17208

Level 50-70 Recipe Changes and Fishing Logic Improvements!

Level 50-70 Recipe Changes for Armor, Weapon, and Jewelry Craft I had a disagreement with Past Keith, and he lost. The lvl25 Green tier wasn't properly requiring Rare materials despite the tier before it and the tier after it needing Rares. Originally, I converted the Rares, so you'd need more Gree...
by Aieron
Mon Feb 22, 2021 6:58 pm
Forum: Build News
Topic: Alchemy Recipe Adjuments!
Replies: 0
Views: 17279

Alchemy Recipe Adjuments!

- Crafting stat potions now gives 10 instead of 5, and they stack to 10.
- Adjusted a number of the Essence requirements since 5k for 10 food/pots seemed excessive.
- PVE food, Seafood Etouffee, now lasts 10 minutes instead of 5 minutes.
- PVE potions now last 60 seconds instead of 32 seconds.
by Aieron
Fri Feb 19, 2021 2:29 am
Forum: Build News
Topic: Recipe Adjustments and Random Rings Change
Replies: 0
Views: 17626

Recipe Adjustments and Random Rings Change

- Armorsmithing was using tier 1 materials later than the other professions and is now corrected. - Alchemy's hp/mp pots can only give you 5 levels since I removed their Rare material requirement and Essence.- - The Hot Ham and Cheese Sandwich recipe was fixed. - Jewelcrafting's Salvage recipes' cos...
by Aieron
Wed Feb 17, 2021 10:58 am
Forum: Build News
Topic: Jewelcrafting Recipe and Scavenging Changes
Replies: 0
Views: 17369

Jewelcrafting Recipe and Scavenging Changes

- We've adjusted the lvl30 recipes to use a more balanced amount of materials. - Level 50 recipes were incorrectly using tier 1 uncommon materials. - Bolt of Cotton no longer drops from Tier 1 NPCs, and it's replaced by Cotton just like how the other gathering professions work. - Medium Leather now ...

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