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- Sun Nov 15, 2020 1:00 am
- Forum: Build Log
- Topic: Build Change/Fix Log - 11/14/20
- Replies: 0
- Views: 19347
Build Change/Fix Log - 11/14/20
Updated collector daily quests to mix things up a bit and feature some new items in the world to find. Updated underground area with some new drops and improved gold value (was a little lower than it should be). Also diversified stats and skills on the monsters to make them a bit more interesting. Y...
- Fri Oct 23, 2020 6:57 pm
- Forum: General News
- Topic: Ember Halloween 2020
- Replies: 0
- Views: 19182
Ember Halloween 2020
Halloween Event! We have made some interesting additions to our Halloween event which will run for 10 days this year! (10/24 through 11/02). Below is a little sneak peek of the additions as well as a summary of the events/features. The New Stuff We have introduced a few new monsters to the Forest o...
- Sat Sep 05, 2020 9:05 pm
- Forum: Event News
- Topic: Screenshot And Video Contest 2020
- Replies: 5
- Views: 24608
Re: Screenshot And Video Contest 2020
We are extending the screenshot/video creation contest until Sept 15 (10 days). Hawk had some stuff come up which has delayed things a bit. We will get some examples on the post as well since there were some unanswered questions.
- Mon Aug 24, 2020 2:43 pm
- Forum: Build News
- Topic: Ciruin Intelligence Briefing
- Replies: 4
- Views: 17878
Re: Ciruin Intelligence Briefing
War Master Tech has vanquished the evil in the malevolent portal for now and as a reward his Void Blade has been purified creating the Sanctified Blade. There will be an ongoing need for soldiers in the malevolent portal in check.
- Sat Aug 22, 2020 12:21 pm
- Forum: Build News
- Topic: Ciruin Intelligence Briefing
- Replies: 4
- Views: 17878
Re: Ciruin Intelligence Briefing
War Master Tech has made progress in our intelligence efforts in the Dreadlands. With the help of the Portal Keeper he was able to open the final portal. We have been asked to vanquish the overgrown evil that resides in that portal as a last task before Archmaster Klevin purifies our Void Blades.
- Fri Aug 21, 2020 2:38 am
- Forum: Event News
- Topic: Screenshot And Video Contest 2020
- Replies: 5
- Views: 24608
Re: Screenshot And Video Contest 2020
Extending the contest entries to Sept 1st. The last day to submit everything is September 1st!
Also to answer some questions you can submit to youtube and send link to Hawk.
Also to answer some questions you can submit to youtube and send link to Hawk.
- Thu Aug 20, 2020 10:53 pm
- Forum: Build News
- Topic: Ciruin Intelligence Briefing
- Replies: 4
- Views: 17878
Re: Ciruin Intelligence Briefing
War Captain Promiscuous has completed the first 4 preliminary tasks for the Portal Keeper in the Dreadlands. His gathered intelligence shows that the Portal Keeper is now seeking 15 Void Essences. He has agreed he will indeed upgrade the Void Blade. He makes it clear you will need to wield the Void ...
- Thu Aug 20, 2020 12:55 pm
- Forum: Build News
- Topic: Ciruin Intelligence Briefing
- Replies: 4
- Views: 17878
Re: Ciruin Intelligence Briefing
One of Ciruins greatest soldiers Futch was able to locate the Portal Keeper. He gathered the following intelligence for us: It looks like The Portal Keeper does in fact need our help and is willing to purify any ~rVoid Blades~c our army has collected if we complete his tasks...
- Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:36 am
- Forum: Build News
- Topic: Ciruin Intelligence Briefing
- Replies: 4
- Views: 17878
Ciruin Intelligence Briefing
Ciruin Intelligence Briefing: Intelligence reports are showing readings of huge electrical storms in the Dreadlands. Storms these large usually can only mean the opening of a new portal. To further investigate this theory we sent one of our soldiers in and he is now claiming he spoke with the one kn...
- Wed Aug 05, 2020 11:03 am
- Forum: Event News
- Topic: Screenshot And Video Contest 2020
- Replies: 5
- Views: 24608
Screenshot And Video Contest 2020
We are looking to update the site as well as create a few promo videos and need your help! We ran a skin creation contest about a month ago so you guys should have some updated skins to create these screenshots and videos with! Once again there will be prizes similar to the skin creation contest. An...