Easter Event (18th/19th)

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Easter Event (18th/19th)

Postby NiteHawk » Mon Apr 18, 2022 8:05 am

Hello folks!

Easter will be here once more! Eggs will be placed all around the world, they could even spawn in your houses or guild halls! You will have to /search each room to find the eggs!

The eggs will spawn three times a day.
Monday: 7am, 3pm, 11pm
Tuesday: 7am, 2pm, 9pm

The server will warn you when it is about to spawn, so be prepared to get to a safe spot and get ready! It takes a 2-5 seconds to actually spawn in all the rooms. :) The initial spawn however will be ready as soon as the server is up!

On top of all the regular green and blue eggs that give you prestige points, you will find some other unique items, such as holy embers, evil embers, 50 QP coupons, and large pools of PPs in other rare eggs. Each time a spawn of eggs occurs, a small amount of these 'rare' items will be apart of the /searching. What will drop? Well, you'll have to find out for yourself.

Enjoy folks!

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