Valentines Event - Starting Feb 19th! Set Piece Item, Boosted XP/Gold!

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Valentines Event - Starting Feb 19th! Set Piece Item, Boosted XP/Gold!

Postby NiteHawk » Sat Feb 18, 2023 6:32 pm

The final set item is available starting tomorrow! Participate in daily quest events in Seamoor City to earn yourself another one of the three unique 'set' items! Each set has weapons, armors, and helmets to choose from which contain bonuses depending on which 'set' you pick! Once you have all three items, you will gain additional bonuses from your 'set'!

The event begins on February 19th and runs for 12 days (3rd). You can earn 3 tokens a day. You require at least 21 tokens to earn yourself the 'set' item.

Again: The three sets you can get are as follows:

Offense Set
The offense set focuses on damage which boosts your strength and intelligence. With three 'set' pieces, you will gain a total of 0.8 strength and 0.8 intelligence!

Defense Set
The defense set focuses on survival which boosts your endurance, wisdom, and armor. With three 'set' pieces, you will gain a total of 0.6 endurance, 0.5 wisdom, and 10 armor!

Intangible Set
The intangible set focuses on speed which boosts your agility and lowers your exhaust time. With three 'set' pieces, you will gain a total of 0.6 agility and a -0.15 second reduction to exhaust time!

Brawler Set
The brawler set focuses on close range combat which boosts your strength and agility. With three 'set' pieces, you will gain a total of 0.5 strength and 0.5 agility!

Sorcery Set
The sorcery set focuses on spell power which boosts your intelligence and charisma. With three 'set' pieces, you will gain a total of 0.7 intelligence, 0.3 wisdom and 0.7 charisma!


A final note

You can pick and choose which item you want. For example, it is okay to choose two weapons and a helmet! However, in order to gain the 'set' bonus, all items NEED to be from the SAME 'set'!

All monsters will drop items needed for the quest. Expired Foci 16-20, Living Focus will drop from level 21-25. The higher the level mob, the better chance of drop (level 20 for Foci and level 25 for Focus.)

There are two areas in Seamoor City that handle this event, so make sure you look around. (Talk to the NPCS in the World Event Center for details and on how to get the tokens each day).

Additional tokens can be sold!

Also: Bonus XP is 15% and Bonus Gold is 7.5% per NPC kill.

Enjoy guys!

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Re: Valentines Event - Starting Feb 19th! Set Piece Item, Boosted XP/Gold!

Postby Kruell » Sun Feb 19, 2023 4:29 am

Extra Tokens can also be used for Crafting in the Jade Stone Holiday Shop. That is the room you get your set item. This year the Craft choices have changed. Due to feedback, more than Gold Pouches are available. All of the boxes and bags give crafting material. For 15 Tokens you can get a Heartwood Recurve, which is an Epic level 25 bow.

So even if you don't get all the tokens you need for the set items, players can still turn in the tokens for something of value.
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