Page 1 of 1 Changes (June 11th Reset)

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 8:37 pm
by NiteHawk
-/togglewho should be increased to 90 minutes now total.
-Warning on client if you attempt to set a skin larger than your window. You can still do so if you wish, but it will warn you that it might have issues.
-Fixed an issue when logging in on a character and you break connection (which results in a crash error.) Instead a nice message will be displayed asking you to try again, and the client shouldn't lock up.
-Added missing arrows for 'Modern' theme.
-/setnick for admins handle removing friends properly when changing a account nickname to not cause issues.

Re: Changes (June 11th Reset)

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 7:32 am
by NiteHawk
-Incognito mode characters are displayed as characters in /who with a [i]
-Fix to ranger pets not attacking sometimes.