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Key Phrases and Special Commands

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 1:34 pm
by Metzger
Recently, I’ve had several people come to me expressing confusion and an overall misunderstanding of the key phrases and special commands systems in Ember Online. Soon enough, new areas will be released; utilizing these features on a more frequent basis, and the community needs to have a better understanding of how they work. So I wanted to put this post together now, in order to address the issue, and give a little helping hand. Some of this might be totally obvious, but I'm going to put it all out there anyway.

As it stands, Key Phrases, also known as Special Movement, do not equal Special Commands. The most obvious distinction between the two is that Key Phrases do not use a / in front of them. Special commands do.

I’ll give an example and some notes on each:

Key Phrase(Special Movement) – In the tutorial area(Tutorial Island Dock) in game, you have to type and say, “board”. When you say the phrase(in this case, just one word), it ships you off to Seamoor. It essentially warps you from one area to another.

Notes on Key Phrases:
  • Key Phrases can be one word, or they can be several.
  • Key Phrases can be caps sensitive, but they don't have to be.
  • A single room can have multiple key phrases.

Special Commands – Special commands typically denote an action you will take within a room in order to achieve a specific purpose. For example, in the Dwarven Mines area, there is a lift with a winch. In order to access the winch, you must do a /pull winch command.

Notes on Special Commands:
  • Special Commands have a / in front of them.
  • The text following a special command can be one word, or it can be several, and can be caps sensitive.
  • A single room can have multiple special commands.

Current List of Special Commands(not safe to assume this list is set in stone):
  • /close
  • /grab
  • /look
  • /open
  • /pull
  • /push
  • /search
  • /smell
  • /help

A couple final notes:
The majority of this information can be found in game with the /help command.

A lot of areas indicate that a key phrase or special command is necessary by the coloring of certain words in the room description. It is not safe to assume this will always be the case in every area. For example, a level 20 OAD might give a small hint in the form of special colored text. However, that same hint(the colored text), in a level 25 OAD, might not be there but a clue will likely still be present.

Sometimes paying attention to what we call 'flavor text' is important as well. These special messages are received upon entering a room and while they aren't typically indicative of things to look for, they can be. You'll see those messages as well if you CAN NOT enter a room and will typically, but not always, point to a reason why entry is forbidden.

Additionally, never assume the game is limited to only what I've written here. There is a lot of room with the scripting system that Chris built to do very unique things, something I am currently working very closely with. :twisted:

If I've missed anything, please post it here, and I'll add it.

Re: Key Phrases and Special Commands

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 10:10 pm
by Kenichi

Re: Key Phrases and Special Commands

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:16 am
by Adramelk
I just hope all is tested repeatedly before it is put into the game. Burning hours away in new areas only to find a game breaking bug is super annoying.

Re: Key Phrases and Special Commands

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 4:28 pm
by Metzger
Adramelk wrote:I just hope all is tested repeatedly before it is put into the game. Burning hours away in new areas only to find a game breaking bug is super annoying.

Without a doubt there, Adramelk!

If your comment is the result of the release of a recent new area coinciding with the issues going on in game currently, you can rest assured it was tested, retested, and then retested another 100 times before was made live. ;)