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Guild Log/Account Log

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 8:25 am
by NiteHawk
Guild logs are added. I am gonna expand it so you can view the last X lines directly in game but for now you can get a months worth of logs using /glogs. This will be changed though in the near future. Guild logs handle things like withdraws, deposits, kicks, invites, etc. Everything that has to do with a guild that is important.


Similarly account logs have been expanded so you can see further than 50 lines and now display more information such as deleting characters, logging in characters, etc (nothing to do in game, only account related atm.) You can send a full log to your email. This is cleared every now and then however as well but it should be enough to see what has been going on with your accounts within the last few days. If you need very old logs I can sometimes handle the request since I backup every day. The logs had to be cleared now however but they should start recording again as you do things.


Re: Guild Log/Account Log

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 10:36 pm
by killa

Re: Guild Log/Account Log

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:23 am
by Folder
edit: jk I'm dumb this is working fine :D