Rest Ability.

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Rest Ability.

Postby daedroth » Mon Apr 30, 2018 3:48 pm

What about a rest option that triples your natural mp/hp regen rates until broken (doesn't work in a temple though)?
Disclaimer: Any ideas I come up with may not even meet my approval. I am just posting an idea based on the topic I have just read.
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Re: Rest Ability.

Postby Lateralus » Tue May 01, 2018 2:48 am

Something like a minor mediate but for mana and health?

Think it could be good however I think you might have to put some limits on it that might involve some other timers. Maybe could only be used in town idk.

Iike the idea now sure how to implement to be balance and fair tho. Kind defeats food a bit? Idk what do others think?

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Re: Rest Ability.

Postby daedroth » Tue May 01, 2018 5:03 am

yeh i was thinking of it being used anywhere though,
and yeh the "until broken" bit was when you got attacked or did some action (just like eating/meditating really)
and off course the combat timer would have to not be there etc
and it wouldnt really replace for or drink, because food/drink is still much faster
Disclaimer: Any ideas I come up with may not even meet my approval. I am just posting an idea based on the topic I have just read.
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Re: Rest Ability.

Postby Kruell » Sat May 12, 2018 10:41 pm

I was once toying around with an idea for "temple scrolls" or "prayer books" that a person could use. It was something tied to the divinities that would make you start regenerating like in a temple. The only thing I could think of at the time for balance was to say while it was in use you were effectively frozen and unable to act. This would mean using it outside of town would be a VERY BAD idea as a lvl 16 could run across you and kill you. To me though the penalty was too high for the benefit so I moved on thinking if it came up again I'd try to come at different angles.

When I was trying to figure out how to get something like this in game I just kept running up against balance issues that I couldn't get past. Maybe if it was a non-stackable item that turned a square into a temporary "sacred" zone for ONE divinity it wouldn't be abused on Boss runs or snuck into an event (Player A uses Nox Scriptum, Player B /hide in square gains benefit, all /hiding characters of one clan same div just so they can do this, if they are a few half orcs... WOW).

Having an item like this that cost a lot of gold wouldn't stop people from abusing it and would ultimately be a bad idea since there are some who can just generate massive gold and keep their entire clan supplied with them. Maybe others can throw out their ideas and Chris can distill something from the mess that might work.
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Re: Rest Ability.

Postby daedroth » Mon Nov 04, 2019 11:00 am


Also why not make meditate last until fully healed (or interrupted off course).
Disclaimer: Any ideas I come up with may not even meet my approval. I am just posting an idea based on the topic I have just read.
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