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Re: 2 hander option for chanters.

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 4:09 pm
by Terron
yeah either way it would be fun.

Re: 2 hander option for chanters.

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 2:35 am
by Rigs
Kind of a pain to make these so here's probably the most logical build for this idea


Re: 2 hander option for chanters.

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 4:09 am
by daedroth
Cheers Rigs!

Re: 2 hander option for chanters.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 2:58 am
by Terron
lookin good, i want one.

Re: 2 hander option for chanters.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 7:22 am
by NiteHawk
I mean I don't know what kind of testing this is though :P We're testing using sword two handers, something they'll never achieve anyways. Even if a staff weapon was introduced, it wouldn't be sword levels, and then would have to be class locked too just in case. But seems like a hack that way.

I'd rather just boost their class damage overall to about that damage as posted above (or slightly less as I don't see that he STR buffed himself) rather then faffing about with making class only weapons that are this specific. Even if it was a two hander staff (???) it's only 1/1 to 2/2 more which wouldn't give them the damage you see above. That is if we even do it.

Really what you want is a better class damage modifier.

Two handers promote nothing as if two handers are the best weapons for them, that's all they'd go for. They only have 'one weapon' and no shield, so introducing a two hander with no reason not to use a two hander (because they don't use shields) makes no real sense. There's an actual reason to use two handers vs a shield as it's more damage vs more defense.

Simply making their str modifier better would be the real solution here. Necromancers can use daggers, something which doesn't get used anyways currently and would probably assist them somewhat.

Re: 2 hander option for chanters.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 8:06 am
by NiteHawk
I.E. A 23 str/20 int would boost to 26str on a sorc, hitting for 137-174 damage with the boost.
I.E. A 23 str/20 int with a dagger necro, hitting for 144-172 damage with the boost.

Something like that I guess, or around.. Based on with div, no ember, brill purple atm.

Re: 2 hander option for chanters.

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2018 8:37 am
by Terron
i think youre reading too much into it. i want them to use a 2 hander like a battle mage and lose channeling power by having no focus(wand/staff). the idea is choice. opening up class variations and in all honesty opening up the class in general to over a half dozen races. i dont really just want super staffs or 2 handed staffs that already just sounds like alot of nothing. i mean if thats the case you an just make the power spell 2x as powerful on self. the idea isnt to have a class do superior physical and magic damage. as something would have to balance the spell output with some sort of sacrifice factor. possibly no blast w/o a staff equipped.

i chose 2 handers because they seem more or less a 1 class item, and not even optimal for zerks either. to be frank i prefer 2 1 handers and double embers any day. i think the game hasnt quite caught up to that yet as swords are a little scarce but wont be forever.

i think everyone would agree boosting chanter damage with 2 handed staff/power boost isnt really fair to other classes who generally have to pick 1 type of damage. and chanter could easily sacrifice the +1 and a couple wisdom and have a character doing high physical and magical damage. that isnt what I intended with the suggestion. that being said lets weigh in the pros and cons.

-12 races can actually be a chanter
-decent melee character with levitate
-2 handers get a prime use. (recently i was in silhouette and handed every cavalier in guild a 2 hander and we still had over 40 2 handers on storage)
- magic oriented class that can actually hurt other casters.
- hybrid damage user (theres a few of these they dont really work pvp but pve its nice sometimes)

-lose blast while equipping 2 handers (only real way to counterbalance this otherwise the premise is just a bard with blast)
-armor blocks/absorbs
-shieldless melee user(not prime in pvp)
-will generally have less AGI than other melee users.

-generally have to lose MR to achieve best battlemage stats. (bad for player, good for gameplay)