Gamblers Luck

Moderator: Event

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Joined: Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:43 am

Gamblers Luck

Postby Rodeo » Tue May 30, 2017 7:12 pm

Once Warped in DO NOT Move off square. This will result in automatic DQ.

To start off this event one player will be selected by /randplayer and they may choose to attack anyone they choose. After they die or the target dies they will have an 8 second countdown (After being healed/restored). You can attack as soon as the countdown ends if you take longer than 10 seconds to attack you are dq (I will warn).

All Items allowed!
-This event is No Health Potions/No Mana Potions.
-You can use your full mana BAR and with it all spells (FF allowed)
-Pets are allowed (however its up to you to control your pet. if your pet attacks someone before your turn or someone other than target you will get one warning then DQ. If your pet attacks someone when its your turn to pick target that is now your target). This pretty much means you are not going to want to cast a pet if you are a chanter/necro unless it is the last battle.
-Slayers/Brigs may double hide but they may not hide before they are called or attacked.(if you hide before you are called or attacked you are dq)
-Elders May Morph/unmorph at any given time and may also choose to heal themselves if they so wish. (can also ff)
-AS SOON as you attack someone else the next battle starts so careful with clicking. Just as with your pet if you attack someone that starts the battle even if your last one just ended.

Last 3 remaining will get pp. (total pp is amount of players who enter *4) (60% for winner and 25% for second place 15% for third place)
Exmaple: [10 people enter wo there is a 40pp pool] 24 for first. 10 for second. 6 for third. 5pp always for steak (divided if multiple winners)

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