Terms of Service
Do not be abusive or otherwise harass others. You may not divulge personal information about others without their permission. This includes telephone numbers, addresses, etc. All personal out-of-game issues should be left OUT of game. Do not involve our Staff in your personal disputes unless in-game abuse has occurred. This does not include characters as you have the choice to hide or reveal who you are in game. However, you cannot impersonate another player without permission of that specific player. If you feel you are being harassased in game please /ignore the character that is harassing you, and if they bypass the ignore function please save a copy of the game log and email admin@ember-online.com.
The security of your account, characters, and their possessions is YOUR responsibility. If any person other than you knows what your password is, your characters are NOT secure. Sharing accounts is PROHIBITED , even with people you live with. Likewise, because of the nature of our banning system your decisions may affect any other players that live with you. You should be ready to accept the consequences if they violate the rules and get banned from the game. We will do all we can to assist if your character or account is the victim of abuse, however we will not replace missing items, gold, etc.
You are only allowed to have one character on at a time, any attempts to bypass this limit will result in a ban. If you have a shared IP address and have multiple people playing at a time please email admin@ember-online.com with the accounts that will be connected so we are aware of any issues that may come up.
Punishment Includes:
1st offense) Ban for 2 weeks plus XP/Gold Loss.
2nd offense) Month ban plus XP/Gold loss.
3rd offense) 3 Month ban plus heavy XP/Gold loss.
4th offense) Permanent Ban
YOU or YOUR GUILD are allowed to kill someone 2 times an hour. Guild kills are announced in game and in your guild discord, so there is no reason to not be informed. This is a general rule and we retain the right to handle each occurrence on a case by case basis. (For example, attempting to be sly and disband guild/going incognito just so you can kill a player several more times.)
This does NOT include if the player or party commits a hostile action on you first (attacking, stealing gold, drop stealing, etc) after they have died twice in a row. This does NOT include event areas or specific areas where PvP is unavoidable, such as key dropping rooms, control crystal defending, OADs, etc.
Punishment Includes:
1st offense) 72 hour ban
2nd offense) 1 week ban
3rd offense) 2 week ban
4th offense) 1 month ban
5th offense) 3 month ban to permanent ban
Using an external program to control your character and its movements, actions, or speech is not allowed. This includes the simple act of attacking/searching/using items/etc by automatic means to allow your pet to continue attacking.
Punishment Includes:
1st offense) Ban for 96 hours and removal of gold/experience
2nd offense) Ban for a month, total gold removal, and heavy experience loss on your main character.
3rd offense) Permanent ban.
Consent to Monitor: While the game is running, the game may monitor your computer memory for unauthorized third party programs (i.e. botting) running either concurrently with a game or out of process. An "unauthorized third party program" as used herein shall be defined as any third party software prohibited above. In the event that the game detects an unauthorized third party program, (a) the game may communicate information back to administration, including without limitation your account name and the details about the unauthorized third party program detected; and/or (b) administration may exercise any or all of its rights under this agreement, with or without prior notice to the user.
Buying or selling of any in-game item, character, or services for non-game items (cash, items from other games, etc.) is strictly prohibited. If you advertise buying or selling anything for non-game items you will be banned and the items or characters could potentially be confiscated and destroyed. If you do purchase something for non-game items our staff is NOT responsible; after all you're not buying anything from us. Regardless if you buy or sell, if you are caught, a heavy or permanent ban will be imposed.
Premium Items: You can gift any single premium purchase (Purchases that aren't packs) once every 3 months. This purchase is not to be traded or sold in any shape or form and MUST BE A GIFT ONLY! Doing so in excess of this allowance will earn you and the buyer a permanent ban and any items in question will be removed.
Cheating of any kind will NOT be tolerated, especially by our own staff. If you see any evidence of cheating you should immediately send an email of the incident to admin@ember-online.com with all of the details that you can provide. Cheating includes but is not limited to any activity that gives you an unfair or unintended advantage over other players. Please be aware all actions taken on staff characters are fully logged and reviewed regularly by the game's administrator. Please remember that our staff is volunteering their time to make this game a better place for you, any accusations of cheating should be directed to the administrator and not aired like dirty laundry in a public forum or global chat.
You CAN be banned in game for inappropriate activity on the message boards and the wiki. Racism, personal attacks, and false staff corruption claims that occur in game, public discord channels, or on the forums will also result in a ban using the below hierarchy. These platforms are all part of the community that makes up our game world and your actions in one area will impact how you are treated in the others.
If you find yourself banned, your ONLY option is to send an email to admin@ember-online.com. If these matters are taken to the message boards or any other public platform instead, you will lose the right to appeal your ban. Banning does happen by mistake on occasion, and sending us an email will allow us to investigate the matter and get you back online as quickly as possible if that is determined to be the appropriate action.
Hate speech and Racial slurs:
1st offense) 72 hour ban
2nd offense) 1 week ban
3rd offense) 2 week ban
4th offense) 1 month ban
5th offense) 3 month ban to permanent ban
General bans issued may include:
1st offense) 72 hour ban
2nd offense) 1 week ban
3rd offense) 2 week ban
4th offense) 1 month ban
5th offense) 3 month ban to permanent ban
Each player is allowed one game account. Under no circumstances should a player access a secondary account, whether it is owned by them or anyone else, for any reason. Any player found logging in to multiple accounts may be subject to disciplinary actions ranging from a warning to a ban (depending on the number of infractions). Should the account belong to another player, that player will also be subject to the same consequences depending on their history with account sharing. These infractions, if they result in lost or stolen accounts/items or any other grievances, will not be subject to support from Staff or be influenced in any way on our end. There is no legitimate reason for logging in to someone else's account, or for having a second account, with no exceptions.
1st offense) 1 week ban and possible deletion of secondary accounts
2nd offense) 1 month ban and deletion of secondary accounts
3rd offense) 6 month ban and deletion of all accounts
4th offense) Permanent ban and deletion of all accounts
Character trading or having someone level your character is at your own risk. The owner of the character is the current account the character is on. As soon as the character is transferred to another account, it is NO LONGER YOUR CHARACTER and staff will not intervene in any situation afterwards. There are no exceptions or grounds for appeal on this.
Event Rules
Be respectful of your fellow players during events, this includes not using derogatory language toward others. If you abuse this you will be find yourself removed from any events for the following time period:
1st offense) Banned from participating in events for one week.
2nd offense) Banned from events for one month
3rd offense) Banned from events for three months.
4th offense) Banned from events permanently.
Unless otherwise stated in the event rules or announcement, all quest items including; mystery auction, dragon items, global quest rewards, and other event items are prohibited when participating in an event. Please remove these while participating in events, or risk having to either forfeit the event or compete without some of your equipment.
Forum Rules
Be respectful of your fellow forum and/or Discord users at all times:
We are here to fight the dragons, not each other! Do not attack or flame any players, no matter what history you may have. It isn't permitted on the forums or on Discord.
No spam or Meaningless Content
*Make sure your threads have a reason for discussion when you create them - instead of 'I do not like slayers', tell everyone what you do not like and how to make it better.
*Do not post in all caps, do not stretch your post unnecessarily with line breaks or tabs.
*No duplicating a thread in the same forum or across several forums, and do not post the same message repeatedly in a single thread.
Stay on topic of the original post - do not hijack another thread
*When replying to a post, make sure your response is on topic with the original post. Do not take it off track.
*Do not intentionally derail another thread, be respectful of others work.
*Do not purposely start an off-topic argument for the sake of it.
You CAN be banned for inappropriate activity on the message boards, Discord, or the wiki. They are all part of the community that makes up our game world and your actions in one area will impact how you are treated in the others.
By continued use of the forums, Discord channels, or by playing Ember Online, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms of Service. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site and Ember Online. The materials contained in this web site are protected by applicable copyright and trademark laws.
In no event shall Ember Online or its staff be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or profit, or due to business interruption), arising out of the use or inability to use the materials on Ember Online's Internet site, even if Ember Online or an Ember Online authorized representative has been notified orally or in writing of the possibility of such damage. Because some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on implied warranties, or limitations of liability for consequential or incidental damages, these limitations may not apply to you.
Private Policy
Ember Online collects and saves personal information when registering for our Services (Website and Game Logins). We may collect your email address that permit authentication for the game Ember Online. When using another login feature, such as Facebook Login, the email address is also collected, as well as any information transmitted dependent upon your Facebook Privacy settings.
The information gained through the registration service is neither sold nor transferred to a third party. Personal information is used for identification and authentication to game accounts and communication or direct advertisement with the user. Communication settings may be editing the client's account status at the character selection screen. Users who wish to remove or revoke access to their information should delete their accounts from the game server by choosing Wipe Account.
In the event of a data breach, affected users will be notified via their registered email address. Ember Online complies with all applicable laws and statutes that govern personally identifiable information on the internet. Any questions or concerns should be communicated to game staff at admin (AT) ember-online.com.
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About Us
Ember Online is a graphical mud based game. Come join in on the fun!