Big update is here, and a big quest coming! Spirit Lantern Quest is active! You can find the quest in the World Event Center. You need to claim the item within 30 days, and you will have 90 days to complete it. Charge the Spirit Lantern and earn yourself some goodies!
Upon completion, you will gain +125PP, 50CM, and a +4 unique knapsack (randomly picked between three knapsacks once you complete the quest):
1. Milo's Backpack - +4 slots, 40mp
2. Dragonskin Satchel - +4 slots, 4ac
3. Orcish Backpack - +4 slots, 15hp
When you login for the first time, you will earn +2 racial allocation points, +2 reallocation points, and +2 image change points. These can be used directly in the account manager!
The Wheel of Chance is back for 7 days. Earn some unique rewards, including dragon scales!
Spirit Lantern Quest + Login Bonuses + Wheel of Chance
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