Hello! Your friendly developer here with another upcoming update.
Let's talk about two bigger things coming this next patch, starting with the smaller one first.
First up is /itemroll. In certain instances you will be able to roll for the item. The person with the highest roll can claim the item. You can also ignore the itemroll. If everyone ignores the roll then it's up for grabs for anyone. Generally an item roll will take around 20 seconds. It does NOT mean it's soulbound to you/etc unless it's specified, it's simply a way to have a fair system to claim items if you wish to use it. Obviously it will only be used for certain areas, not all items.
A preview of item rolling here:
Achievements is up next. This is something more fun I wanted to do for awhile and I figured it was a good time to take a break from some harder things and work on this. Achievements will be in medals form: Bronze -> Silver -> Gold -> Platinum. Bronze/Silver will be fairly obtainable, Gold will be a bit tougher, and Platinum will be very long to obtain.
There are currently 42 medals to obtain, each one having their own requirements. On top of this, you'll even gain small bonuses for each medal you unlock! Unlocking medals can give you passive bonuses such as damage, XP boost, humming chance increase, etc, but they can also give CM, PP, FP, and items such as reallocations, image changes, divinity changes, and even racial changes!
Neato right? It's account wide as well, which is great! You even have an account profile you can edit/change that's more geared towards social media and other things. There will eventually be a top 100 board as well, and some other fun things. More medals will be added as we can. This isn't done yet however, I'm hoping to get it done by the end of the month fully with testing done to it. Obviously the numbers per medal may be changed.
What's next? PVP revisions to make PVP a little less restrictive (I don't think I'm a fan of how convoluted repenting/etc is and have a better way of doing it), and also adding some more PVP means. Then looking at 25+ and seeing how to do that. Finally the new client, something I've been wanting to do is getting more close!
Obviously we'll be looking at MR/Magic Negation and tweaking it too, but I think it's still too early to do. We'll see how it goes in the upcoming months however.
Thanks guys!
Upcoming changes around the end of the month + What's next!
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