Old Devlopement Log: and below

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Old Devlopement Log: and below

Postby NiteHawk » Sun Nov 12, 2017 4:42 am
-Fix to force allocation bug.
-Fix to disconnection that occurred while creating a character.
-Fix to window titles in character creation screen.
-Added items that can alter your look over by adding a line or two. (I.E. X is wearing a ring.)
-Fixed guild log sending to work properly.
-Major overhaul to the character creation system to make more sense for new players.
--First you pick a class from the class window, which gives details on the right.
--You will then get a 'recommended' races to go with the class. You are not forced, it is simply a recommendation. Also has details to the right.
--You then pick a name, stats, and a picture. The picture has been modified to be a scroll wheel of several images rather than a number listing.
--You pick a divinity which gives info on what each divinity does.
--Final window before creation.
-XP per level difference in a party for NPCs/party members reduced from 15% to 10% making it easier to level together when the higher levels get killshots. The cap is still set at around 7 levels total however (Pretty much no XP after this.)
-Modified client button colors to be similar to default skin.
-Improvements to closing windows and checking to see if windows are open speed time which should help window
-Fixes to launcher and client stacking in the taskbar. They should stack properly and together now.
-Launcher now can AUTO UPDATE itself as long as it is in a location that doesn't require administrative rights, otherwise it will tell you to go to the webpage to download like normal.
-Added a 'force reallocation' mechanic that doesn't require anything such as removal of gear.
-Small bug fixes.
-Auction now displays your maximum bid if you are the maximum bidder.
-Small fixes to the auction system.
-Ranger infra bonus items have been changed (Scope Lens/Small Scope Lens) Re-equip them for a better bonus as it is based on percentage now!
-Barb leveling bonus extended.
-Quest Window: On each new quest 'page' the selection you are on will reset to nothing, so you don't accidentally click an option you don't want.
-Auction has two new tabs, completed which shows a weeks worth of completed bids, and 'Bid' which you currently hold bid for. If you lose bid however you won't see them there (Would be nice to show here but we'll deal with this in the future.). Still have a couple more small improvements to go.
-Auction telegrams now display the proper item color when you claim it if it has humming/etc.
-Reduced the item listing in auctions flicker a good deal. Still has some little issues but it should be alot better now.
-Guild logger now that handles most guild commands. Any leader or higher can grab the log via /GLOGS which is sent to your email.
-Guild booting requires the FULL name to be kicked and cannot be kicked with a partial name.
-Account logger has been cleared and redone to handle a few more things such as when a player is deleted, logging in, etc. (nothing past account related things right now.). There is now a button to get a full log to your email. The log is cleared after a certain period of time so if you need old logs you need to contact me.
-Couple LUA script fixes such as zombie leech attack being broken and some new functions handling other things.
-Different method of handling attacks for scripting. if you see DOUBLE MESSAGES or errors let me know ASAP as I missed something then!
-RoomItemAdd for dropping room items now can take a couple extra arguments for scripting.
-Added a way to prevent XP on death for special occasions.
-Fixed banning a user on too many login attempts.
-Fixed some issues with special commands such as /pull.
-On lookover fixed instruments AP values with humming effects, as well as adding a message stating what ammo any ammo type weapons use.
-You can now take out stacked items from your vault if your inventory is full and you have room for those stacked items.
-Launcher FIX PERMISSIONS button now works properly. It was not setting permissions properly before. If you have any issues involving macros not saving, maps not loading/saving, or any permission issues, first reboot your computer then run the fix permissions button and it should work without reinstalling now!
-Removed a few DLLs from the client and launcher that should help speed up launch times. Clicking the Login/etc button will still have a delay as it's handling some hash checking/creations.
-Fixed dynamic client logger from doubling up messages on guild/etc. This should work proper now.
-Scroll of experience should work properly now.
-Poison rooms/etc should drop gold pouches if you die with no killer ID attached to you now.
-Fix to an auction exploit.
-Fixed to an error that occurred when trying to hide and using your mouse button to hide.
-Duel Wielding damage should be working again. Barbs might of gotten a small boost when raging from it (around 5%). Assassins DW'ing damage should be working again.
-Auction system horizontal bar should remove automatically now.
-Added AUTO LOGGING. This will auto log when you connect
-Fixed using mouse clicks + arrows on the minimap.
-Fixed skill list not clearing when you changed characters.
-Added some images for hammer items.
-A couple small auction window fixes added. Included Artifact quality, which 'is' possible.
-Allowed admins to bypass 20 item limit in auctions.
-Added additional logging to auction system.
-Fixed moderate/critical/etc colors below the image portrait on look over.
-New auto scroll lock feature! If you focus on the chatbox tab, scrolling to the bottom will stop so you can read or copy paste. Soon as you go back to the inputbox, it will scroll to bottom. If you don't like this feature, it can be disabled in the options.
-Some text can be auto copied to your clipboard when you simply select text in the look over descriptions, quest info, skills, etc. This allows you to copy-paste data easily without the use of ctrl-c as the window tends to auto focus on the input box. (This does not copy from the chat window!)
-Fixes to the auction system when paging to not be so glitchy.
-Fix to auctioned items and stackable items.
-Skills tab has it's skills font size reduced.
-Vault and Auction window close automatically if you leave the area.
-Server fix to a deadlock with spawning monsters.
-AlwaysSickness rooms added. This allows any room to have the sickness effect even if it was disabled by the room class type.
-Delete key should work now when inputting text in the chat input box.
-Chat input box has a maximum length again.
-Using middle mouse key in auction area should work to deposit into vaults.
-Several fixes to auction system (Pages issues, search issues, scrolls in wrong location, etc.) Current scrolls may not move to the right tab however, but any new scrolls should be OK.
-Ice embers renamed to Water Ember and now should work.
-Lookover fix with items that has ice embers.
-Ranger AC bug fix when you come back to your pet after leaving it somewhere (or dying). AC should properly readjust.
-Bless scrolls should work now.
-Black Ice and Iron Forge skin working as intended now which should resolve some bugs (Such as trade window bug.)
-Permissions issue fix on launcher and EO.exe.
-Slayer same room backstab delay increased to 1 second.
-Adjusted MR rates. Int does not effect MR rates, nor does weapon. (Weapons will give other bonuses soon.) MR is static depending on your class, race, and wisdom amount. MR formula can also be slightly adjusted without having to reboot the server (for balance reasons.)
--Races (Does not effect as much anymore, elemental was lowered, goblin was raised, will explain it in another post about MR.)
---Elemental> 0.95
---Saurian> 0.95
---Half-Orc> 0.975
---Drakeblood> 1.0
---Elf> 1.0
---Half-Elf> 1.025
---Dark-Elf> 1.025
---Dwarf> 1.05
---Gnome> 1.05
---Human> 1.05
---Halfling> 1.05
---Goblin> 1.2

---Druid> 0.9
---Barbarian> 0.925
---Assassin> 0.95
---Cleric> 0.975
---Knight> 1.0
---Thief> 1.0
---Ranger> 1.025
---Paladin> 1.05
---Bard> 1.05
---Monk> 1.075
---Necromancer> 1.08
---Sorceror> 1.1

-Removed spell negation (10 damage) off elementals, added spell negation (10 damage) on goblins.
-Spell negation per 1 wisdom has been reduced by half (settable without restarting the server now if it's not enough.). Spell reduction was probably far too high with high wisdom. Spell negation starts at 10 wisdom instead of 5 wisdom, any lower then 10, and you'll be dealing extra damage rather than less. 10 wisdom would be considered the 100% baseline.

-Weapons can have a static pierce bonus (currently no weapons have any.)
-Added a way to add temporary values on players in scripting.
-Started added ways to permanently change your name, class, divinity, etc for use.
-Build server now outputs errors globally.
-Added a way to reboot the server with a full reset.
-Every month on the 1st there is now a 'heavy maintenance reboot' that will take a little longer to reboot than a normal reset. This ensures the game files are optimized and up to date and removes any invalid lines.
-Soulbound items to your account added.
-Items that are gained through the referral system are account soulbound now. Old items will not be affected by this.
-Referral items has been adjusted as well.
-XP/Gold Boosters have been adjusted through the PP system. They are now combined XP/Gold boosting items called 'Level Boosters'. You can buy a weaker level booster for one hour, or standard level boosters that last 3 hours, 24 hours, or 72 hours. There is no safety on these and will override any current boosting effects.
-Auction system added! The auction system is located in Seamoor near the bank. Any item can be added that is not soulbound to yourself or your account. More information will be posted about the auction system shortly.
-Trade window added. Trading can be done in any safe location, such as a city. You can trade up to 6 items (those 6 items can have a be stacks of items.) as well as gold.
-When you gain experience you now will have two messages, one when you hit the experience needed to level up, and one when you hit the experience cap. The message now also gives a 'sound indicator' so you don't miss the message through leveling and can be disabled in the options.
-Fixed a few issues when deleting characters.
-Added some new staff commands for admins.
-Fixed an issue where a newly spawned NPC that attempted to spawn more NPCs would give an error.
-Added a way to trigger breaking eating/drinking without activating a combat timer.
-Fixed /mget exploit to pick up more than one item on items that have a 'unsafe get' of X count (Crimson scales, etc.)
-Added a way to hide health on NPCs in the description (can be used for signs etc).
-Expire time can now be under a day or 'in between'.
-Stackable items with expire timers get an average time. I.E. if you have a item that has 20 hours left, and another that has 24 hours left, and you stack them, it becomes 22 hours.
-Fixed a logout script issue.
-Fixed an error where it claimed you gained renegade points when you actually gained paragon points.
-Added a temp quest log in order to handle some quest bugs.
-Added rooms that can prevent XP gain.
-Fixed class 'bonuses' for XP/Gold actually removing automatically.
-Added /temple which shows you your current temple location.
-Removed academia research system opening a browser window and now you can /research items. (Maybe other things in the future.). Researched items can be 'excluded' from the system with a flag in the item file.
-Fixed a AP display bug. YOUR DAMAGE HAS NOT CHANGED!!! Decked items will lose 4.5 AP as each enchantment/bless/hum/etc only gave 0.5 AP, not 1 AP. (Which again, has always been this way!)
-Fixed some errors that occurred with FADE and HIDING. (If there are any more or still any, let me know ASAP.)
-Infra-vision is now a percent bonus rather then a static bonus, this should fixed some issues of infra-vision being way too high on some monsters.
-Added a fix with bows and ammo value displaying wrong arrow or bolt though correct ammo was used.
-Fixes to the ban system when removing multiple bans.
-Fixes to discord message system to prevent crashes using the async method.
-You can now /use an item with a long argument, I.E. '/use scroll of identify Forest Bandit' will work.
-Bug where if you had a food and water item at around the same time and one would continue to work even if you moved should be resolved. (All food/water items should break properly when you move/attack/etc and not continue.)
-Changes to the immunity system:
--Immunity should give warning messages if you break your immunity before the time expires.
--Immunity is shown on look over. (let me know if it isn't.)
--Spells should correctly remove immunity.
--If a player has agressed in PVP and a player heals someone in who has aggressed, than they too become in combat and lose their immunity. You are considered 'not in combat' after 2 minutes of not aggressing a player. Players agressing you does not give you a timer.
-Fix to the message queues which caused some messages to be randomly be lost. (AKA client would miss some messages.) Hopefully resolved now!
-Richtextboxs have been removed completely and have been replaced with GTK+ controls. This means scrolling should be alot smoother and should be able to handle more text before lag occurs. It has been replaced in the main chat area, quest box, item/player/npc descriptions, etc. It may require some more tweaks but it should still be alot better and have alot less errors (Such as not being able to do anything when your party is moving really quick and you click on the chat window.)
-Added colors to many areas, such as quests, look overs, item descriptions, etc.
-All monospaced fonts are now visible that are installed on your machine now in the options.
-Added an account login recorder. You'll see who logged in by clicking the 'Log' button once you login in the account manager. More information will be added in the near future.
-Questing system improved. You can now 'view' items before you pick them. Items that you cannot use will be grayed out, though you can still pick them.
-If window position is not visible on the screen due to removing a monitor or an error, the window position will reset to be visible on screen.
-ComputerID adjusted again. This might cause loses of minimaps and login details. I thought I added this last patch but I didn't. Sorry if this resets your maps!
-Reduced initial 'Login/New Character/etc' load time and resizing window reload time by half.
-Options screen has options to resize item/npc/player descriptions and quest tab font size. You can also disable the new leveling sound effect here.
-Default max lines before cache clear increased to 500.
-About/TOS windows now have loading bars rather then just being blank until loaded.
-Menubar should always be on top now.
-You can now scroll the store items, player, or items on the ground via using the middle mouse anywhere in the location of the place you want to scroll in. (You don't need to use the scrollbar only anymore.)
-Chat windows should no longer change tabs when the window is 'locked' on its own.
-Fixed a few minimap errors by using empty strings rather than null ones.
-Added a freaking calculator. Can use + - / * and ^. Works with multiple numbers. I.E. '/calc 5+5-2+55' Does not take any brackets though at the moment, it will process each number one at a time instead.
-Added a roll dice feature. /roll 'number1' 'number2'. Does not require the arguments and will roll a 1-100 if nothing is specified to the room.
-Fix to a crash when clicking your account ID in the account manager area. It will copy the account ID properly now.
-When handling new files access will be granted to all users rather than just the current one. This however will only take place on a new install. If you experience issues, try to use the launchers 'Fix Permission' button or reinstall to resolve.
-Clicking links shouldn't error the client anymore.
-Added some new colors, which include colors with background.
-The input box now sizes up if you select a larger font size.
-/changecharacterquick now works properly and doesn't freeze the client.
-You can now attack specific NPC names in case of similar names such as 'SuperX', 'SuperY'. You can still use the ID however to bypass this.
-The launcher now continues if the connection to the update website cannot be reached, allowing you to still play the game (Long as there is no updates required!)
-The launcher now sets permissions on folders properly. You can update your permissions by reinstalling OR clicking the cogwheel and selecting 'Fix Permissions'.
-The launcher now supports image only updates. This means we can push out image pack updates without the EXE being updated.
-Holding down shift when opening the launcher will prevent the launcher from auto starting the client on it's own if you have it ticked.
-The launcher and the game client should share the same taskbar icon when opened. (But you should still initially use the Launcher to start the game.)
-If the launcher fails, a little icon will appear to take you to the TEXT FILE giving the full error of what occurred.
-Leech does not have a random value on leeching. Instead the set values are /4 the damage. (Before was /4 to /5, meaning lower leech results, so this should help a little.)
-Small fix to /steal script and it not giving you a combat timer.
-Fix to ticktimer script.
-/scribe does not use up all turns unless you fail and fizzle rate has been reduced based on level.
-Many other small things I've forgotten.
-Ice divinity changed to Water divinity.
-God names have been changed! Fire=Pyros, Night=Nox, Earth=Terra, Lightning=Voltus, Water=Riva, Evil=Demios, Holy=Lumi, Neutral=Nethys
-Two handed swords have been rebalanced a bit and have been given a unique ability (Doing basic ones to start). Most two handers have +2/+2 of same one hander level, which puts the minimum very similar, but maximum a little lower, but will benefit from a unique ability. All abilities to start will be the same but different ones will come out (Or I will adjust them on the swords. For now this is a test).
-OAD Indicators added (Lat should expand on this later.)
-Revamped the multiplier stacking to be added, not multiplied. This will help balance out damage a little bit when there are many factors. If you see any issues let me know. (I.E. hitting for crazy amount of damage.)
-Barbarians now deal up to 8% more damage with lower health. (For example at 50% they will deal 4% more damage. At 1% health they will deal somewhere around 7.99% more damage. At full health they will deal no extra damage.)
-Barbarians now deal 1.4x on first rage, 1.45x on second rage, and 1.5x on third rage. It is reset when rage is reset.
-Fixed thieves not receiving proper damage values on dagger or bow.
-Assassins and Thieves can now hide on spot. It takes 0.8 seconds to rehide or if you are searched out. You can still move to another room (or back and forth) to reset this to attack quicker. The time here may change depending on how I see fit but is slower than a vet who knows what they are doing (From testing, lowest was 0.48 seconds to move back and forth.)
-Two handed swords now have +2/+2 from their one hander counterparts of the same level, and will now have a unique script (starting with some basic critical damage scripts.)
-Arrow critical damage chance has been upped. Jagged Arrows for example from 12% to 18%.
-Pets now protect their master sometimes like guardians do. This is based on two things: Their taunt level, and their dodge agility. Each taunt level after 1 gives 5% ((TauntLevel-1)*5). Each dodge point gives 0.2% chance. So if I have a pet with a TauntLevel of 3, and a dodge agility of 18, My chance of getting protected is 13.6%. Currently the max taunt level you can find on a pet (and more rare) is 4. This should give those low attack/high taunts some more use!
-New character names can only have one '_'
-Passwords can now contain @#$%^&+=_!?.,:;* characters as well and be up to 32 characters.
-NPC search success reduced by 40% (1/4th the success of a player now.). They get a free search each attack so it's only fair!
-Added new emotes.
-Fixed FB login issues with the new API update.
-Monks and Druids now use light helmets. Their AC has been scaled to support it however. You will receive a helmet gift in the mail based on your level. With level 25 purple helmet you'll be at +1 ac for both classes though. (Monks AC start at level 8 and up and druids get a small AC reduction on morph to accommodate.) (Rev 2)
-/scribe takes 1 stamina to create a scroll, and only takes all your stamina if it fails.
-Rangers can now scribe 'scroll of identify', which when used allows the ranger to get details about the NPC such as race, divinity, and if it is capturable.
-Fix to issue where if you were a follower in a party and had a pet, and the pet got the kill, the gold would not be given out to anyone.
-Fix to using items that have similar names to other. It checks full name first, then sub name (I.E. amber potion and amber shouldn't clash now.)
-Added a message when you attempt to use an item that is not usable rather than having nothing occur.
-Big content update! Alot of things have been revised thanks to Lav and Lat!
-Crimson Dragon is re-released. Info will be posted soon!
-Fixes to the way arrows are handled when you are on the last arrow.
-Friendly NPCs no longer count towards the total count in a arena.
-Arenas don't add immunity on death now.
-On reallocation you are moved to Seamoor automatically. Still need to unequip though. And still need to update client message.
-Fixed an issue with pets being in an arena and taking up an arena slot when pulling the chain.
-Fixed pet party npc movement so that you actually can tell what pets enter/leave the room when you have more than one pet.
-Experience loss adjusted. At maximum experience loss it is now 1.5mil/750k/375k.
-Adjusted Obscuration Potion. Costs 100 gold per. Lasts around 15 seconds. Stack amount 4. More of a 'tactical' use potion now.
-/pet heal now when no pets are called will split HP properly, depending on how many pets require healing, and not based on the amount of pets you actually have.
-/pet heal now displays what pet slots need to be healed if there are only pets that need to be revived.
-/pet info fixes to the special slot.
-/protect will bypass if the protector is lower than level 16 in order to prevent low level deaths. If the person protected is over level 16, he will not be aggressed too. Does not apply in arenas and immunity rules are still the same.
-Pet HP raised a bit and will effect lower level monsters alot more greater than high level so that they compete. Often higher level do have a little more HP regardless.
-Forum layout adjusted for mobile themes (wooop)
-Fixes to boss mobs so that if the server crashes the OAD boss mobs will respawn (long as they haven't been killed)
-Fixes to arrows and unequipping bug where it would claim you run out of arrows and add a inventory slot of an invalid arrow (vanishes when you drag).
-/pet heal and /pet revive do not take up attacks if they don't work. /pet heal and /pet revive also restart your combat timer if you are in combat, but not out of combat.
-Pet gear is fixed, you need to reequip the pet gear for it to work though.
-Fixes to items that are classified as bows but aren't actually (Yo-yo for example for rangers.) Does not claim/state it is using arrows now (though it wasn't.)
-Bastian is now proper image'd.
-Added missing images to client.
-Fixes to guild/party/page/etc block rooms. You can no longer see any guild/party chat directed to yourself as well. Pages are blocked as well (and they see a message stating.) You will see *Chat Block* in place of the Area name, which blocks both your location and indicates that you cannot see messages.
-Minor script fixes.
-Scripting Change: Removed NPC.Set.Name and added Entity.Set.Alias(). Set.Alias sets a name on a NPC, but the alias (like staffs have) for players.
-/pet info now displays correct stats with gear (Pet spawning was fine, just not the info.)
-Fixes to bosses not spawning properly.
-Arrows now say 'an attempt to critical' when critical hits occur. For thieves, when hiding and attacking, it will say SNIPE instead of AMBUSH on a critical. THIS DOES NOT INCREASE OR DECREASE THE CHANCES OF CRITICAL. It's just a message adjustment.
-Fix to pets when for some reason the server crashes and the variables aren't removed, which will cause errors when you attack.
-Fix to login script that had the wrong variable preventing it from running.
-Fix to /mod where it would give ninjas an extra attack per mod. (Woops)
-Fix to unequipping two weapons where it wouldn't display the removal of one attack, though it occurred.
-Fixes to status effects rounding off on login rather then keeping their decimal points (Damn integers)
-Ammo type is now part of the attack script, finally allowing the removal of the hardcoded bolts/arrow issue.
-Pets can now equip and unequip armor only in cities. However, all equipment is now soulbound.
-Fixes to /pet and /capture.
-Fixed an equipment examining bug that prevented examine.
-/scribe soulbound now works again.
-Slime tames and hawks work as pets now. However, any old Hawk pets need to be tossd
-Fixed a gold bug where it would claim it deposited negative gold to your guild (It does not do this, so no fret anyways.)
-Added missing Ranger Stores and Ranger Guildmaster NPCs.
-Having level 25's in your party does not effect experience UNLESS they kill the monster. This means you can have protection without any sacrifice.
-Track increased to 5 minutes as the potions work a bit well to reduce tracks.
-Fixed a couple staff commands.
-You can now unequip pet gear properly.
-New website! It's a work in progress but it's out there! Works on mobile as well!
-Added support ticket system which will be located in the help section soon.

-Sword of Sorrows is now functional and will be released soon.
-Crimson scales added and the Dragon should be reappearing soon.
-When an entity dies to a trap or something that generally cannot hold gold, the gold is instead dropped as a gold pouch. You can pick up the pouch and use it to gain back the gold, or to claim it yours!
-PP items bought from a store now have a chance of having the 'humming' effect. Previously bought PP items will not be adjusted, sorry. When you buy the item it will have the same chance as if it was dropped by a NPC. It will give a message if the item is humming on buy.
-Humming item drops are now at 10% instead of 5% for default. However, the 'highest rarity values' are still hard to get:
--Current Example on Weapons: Default 5% chance for a humming item; Roll 1-10 dice. 20%: 1min/1max, 40%: 0min/1max, 40%: 1min/0max.
--New Example on Weapons: Default 10% chance for a humming item; Roll 1-20 dice. 18-20: 15%, 12-17: 30%, 1-11: 55%... (Remember 15% is 2x due to double drop rate for example!)
-All OAD bosses should always drop at least one level 25 BLUE gear. We have decided that in orders for OADs to be useful, we want blue rarity items to be the normal on one a day monsters. Generally you will see green rarity items on normal and hourly monsters (still drops on boss monsters too at a higher rate.), minimum one blue item, and about a 1/7 chance to drop a purple item. Most should be set like this already.
-Lower level (8-20) mini-bosses/rare monsters have had their 'rare item' drops increased as well to promote usefulness of lower level 'rare items' while leveling.
-All NPCs have higher ember drop values. We have catagorized all monsters into 4 categories for ember drops:
--Normal: All NPCs have had their ember drop values double. Level 25 mobs have slightly higher rates then Level 22-24 now as well. (Level 22-24 is 2.0x chance from before, and 25 would be around 2.5x).
--Rare: Hourly mobs, mobs that have high spawn timers, will have higher then normal drop rates to compenstate for their hourly timers.
--Key Bosses: Any boss in an OAD that is not the final boss. The chances of dropping embers is alot higher.
--OaD Bosses: Will normally always drop lowbie embers, and have a decent rate at dropping 3% embers as well. 4% embers now drop from them at a moderately low rate (around 1.5%-2%) but it's very possible.
-Added class EXP/Gold bonuses that can be used. Default is 2 weeks. These will be typically followed by a class event while we balance out the classes. Generally this will be automated in the future without interaction from staff.
-Added area bonuses that can be used to create 'hot spots' for a couple days.
-MOTD displays class or area bonuses.
-Experience loss has been adjusted. You will get reduced experience loss per death in a row up to one hour between kills. At maximum levels, it's 1 million for the first death, 650k for the second death (65%), and 300k for the third death and up (30%).
-Friendly NPCs can now follow you in cities! However, when they enter cities they become exhausted (as players do) and only check every 8-12 seconds if they can attack again (depending on their exhaust timer). They also still get room blocked if the NPCBlock is higher than 1.
-Tracks now only leave trails for 2 minutes only. *Note: We are aiming to make 'water' areas non-trackable as they do not leave trails. Most should be done but some are probably missing still.
-Obscuration Potion added. This does not make you invisible, however, it prevents you from being tracked for 2 minutes.

-NPC Deaths no longer count towards your K/D ratio. (obviously pets/summons still count)
-NPC Kills no longer update until you log out. This is to prevent '/i' hunting for NPC kills to raise.
-Last online now displays time. Last online will always display now as well regardless if they were on or not on the current day.
-Added rooms that you cannot guild/party/page. Possibly for events.
-Fixed a guild invite bug and allowed invites from any leader at any time.
-Adjusted arrows/bolts/etc to have a universal file rather then specifying all the arrow you can use per bow. This way you can make 'groups' of ammo.
-Fixed a shield equipping message if you attempt to equip another.
-Added a hook to looking over items. New functions for scripting: Tools.GetStringFromFile, Tools.GetNumberFromFile, Tools.GetBoolFromFile, Room.Item.Add, Room.Get.KeyPlayerLimit, Room.Get.BypassImmunity, Room.Set.KeyPlayerLimit, Room.Set.BypassImmunity, Player.Get.Immunity, Player.Get.Renegade, Player.Get.Paragon, Player.Get.Logging, Player.Get.Item.PreventUnsoulbind, Player.Get.Item.FindInventoryReverse, Player.Add.Paragon, Player.Add.Renedage, Player.Set.Immunity. Removed Player.Get.Equip* functions and Player.Get.Inventory* functions now have a 'equiped' boolean to check. ProcessLogoff now can check before/after logoff timers.
-Fixed a script crash when a NPC kills itself (reverse healing, etc) and the server crashes. (NPCs won't kill themselves for now until we revise the scripting system which will resolve this.)
-Fixed a script error when trying to get a party count and not being in a party.
-Fixed an issue when you tried to delete a room script file after it was already loaded.
-Poison now works properly on mobs such as he King Scorpion, Cave Spider, and King Cobra. They have a longer then 5 seconds.
-/scribe soulbind is now /scribe soulbound
-You cannot hide or be protected when logging off. Fade also is removed and cannot be casted.
-Blind should work if the NPC can cast it now.
-Slight fixes to a few script message errors, such as 'You cast heal' instead of 'You cast aid'.
-The movement function for scripts now has a "direction" variable in order to tell which way they went.
-Added special log that can be generated for area logs, specifics, basic data on one mob, etc etc.
-Fixed issues with the death scripts that made you die more than once to poision, burn damage, etc. Please notify me ASAP if you are still dying more than once from HP loss effects!
-NPCSpeak and other functions now can use ~n to make a new line in chat.
-NPCs now have a default vanish message instead of simply disappearing.
-Fixed a bug that allows you to sap/strength/etc a NPC and the effects would stack after death making weaker/stronger monsters each time they spawned.
-Fixed a bug where daily mobs could be refreshed by regular staffers.
-Expiring items cannot be stackable items now. It will warn the player that there is an error and to report it to staff, then remove the expirey.
-Quests can now have paragon and renegade points. These are good and evil points. They can be used at the moment to prevent or allow equipping of items if you do not have 'enough' points. Will expand on this if it is used.
-You can view your paragon/renegade points with /morality
-Added a way for staff to verify accounts just in case.
-Fixed a transfer bug that would display the wrong player list (couldn't do anything but still.)
-Fixed script death messages to occur right after the attack, not before.
-Inventory dropping, giving, or using items now will take from last inventory slots and go backwards when using the text commands.
-Added a restriction in which some items can not be unsoulbound.
-Added a restriction which paragon/renegade points can be required for item equipping.
-Added staff only keylock rooms.
-Added party member limit locks. If you try to enter a room with a party limit lock it will prevent you until your party limit has been lowered. Does not count NPCs and based on the party itself, not where you are at. We will see how this works out when it's tested on new limited OAD areas.
-NPCBlock ignores friendly mobs as well now.
-Fixed some issues where sneaky staffers could figure out where I was by using the warp command.
-Obits now have a chance to display weapon names as well. I.E. 'Kawasaki felt the pain of NiteHawk's staff blade!'.
-Obits count raised from 8 to 10.
-Default client skin has been changed. There are now two skins by me and two skins by Lateralus. The old blue skin is under 'Blue' now and you can change back if you wish. There is also a non-logo black default theme as well.
-Fix to the logoff timer (hopefully resolving a error/crash that may occur sometimes.)
-Adjusted the 'Do you want to delete this quest?' message.
-You can now middle mouse click to deposit and withdraw items from your vault.
-You can now change chat windows easily using CTRL+Q to CTRL+T.

-/n now gives information if a room is has the 'bypass immunity' flag and if the room is PK or not.
-Added the immunity system
--Immunity occurs if you die 3 times in an hour in a room that does not have the 'bypass immunity' flag. All three deaths must be equal to or less than an hour. It does not matter whom kills you in this regard.
--Immunity lasts 1 hour from the last death.
--You can get PK'd in arenas and areas that have the 'bypass immunity' flag on, regardless if you are immune.
--If you aggress in any shape or form, your immunity will be reset, regardless if you are immune or not. (AKA you will start at 0 deaths with no immunity.) If this system works out okay then I might make a safety to prevent attacking players while immune.
--If you protect someone and are immune, if the person they are protecting is attacked, you will still be hit.

-Added /arrest and created a jail cell. You cannot speak in the jail cell except general room message.
-Added /togglewho. This makes you invisible from the who listing. It does not make you invisible from '/i'! You must do this when you login as it resets. This is because I don't want people using it unless they really need too. I.E. leveling reasons. It hurts the game otherwise.
-Removed saving settings of /gloc. You must use it on login. I decided that alot of people seem to forget to remove this (like the toggle of who.) and I'd prefer this be a toggle that you do on login.
-/prestige renamed to /awardpp to prevent confusion.
-Admins can sync up files from the server with /updatefiles.
-Admins can set the bonus area with /bonusarea.
-Adjusted /spy to have two levels. One for general data which is good for events and an head staff/admin level one.
-Staff can now use the /obits command anywhere (for events.)
-Staff now have three useful tools for events: /randplayer which will pick a random person in the room, /matchup which will make a 1vs1 listing matchup, and /randlist which will randomize everyone in the room and spit them out in a list. /randlist and /matchup can have 'ignores' by adding arguments seperated with a space per person. I.E: '/matchup Bob John Carl' would exclude Bob, John, and Carl from the list. /randperson does not have this feature for abuse reasons.

-Ranger Pet Changes: With this your pets are lost, however you will gain back your gold from pet equipment and a rare soul gem for a quick capture of one pet.
--Capture has been COMPLETELY revised so that if we need to modify a NPC and it is a current pet, it will scale properly with your current pet without me having to wipe all pets from game again now!
--You can now have three pets. Most commands now use a number to determine what pet you want to use. I.E. /pet call 1
--Revised /pet command list.
--100% efficency is now based on 20 charisma.
--Removed yarrow leaves completely.
--/pet heal now heals for a far larger amount than before, specially out of combat. If you have no pet out and use /pet heal, it will split the heal between your three pets.
--/pet revive works out of combat, and only takes one turn to revive. They will start off with 1HP however.
--Temples now heal your pet if it has been called and with you in the temple.
--Pet gear must be equipped while the pet is out. Each pet needs it's own seperate gear and can be shaped to your liking (I.E. A tanky/higher taunt one vs a DPS one.). Instead of destroying gear, you can now remove gear when the pet is out as well.
--Revised pet gear to scale. Very cheap gear to higher level gear.
--Added a few actual 'caster' spells that take in full int:
---Self Mend: Heals itself only for a higher value then regular mend.
---Leech: 15% chance to leech a target. Higher int means higher leech values.
---Beam: 15% chance to cast beam. Higher int means higher damage.
---'Breath': Converts 85% of your physical damage to spell damage. It's unaffect rate is based on int, so be careful. (DAMAGE IS NOT BASED ON INT HERE)
--Mend does not kill undead.
--Arrows do not give a damage bonus. The original damage bonus arrows give are now on the actual bow instead.
--Arrows give a chance to critical hit a target, up to 12% chance with jagged arrows to deal 15% more damage. Bolts are higher chance but lower damage (17% chance to deal 10% more damage for example.)
--Rangers will now be able to earn a pet before level 8 in the fighter guild.
--Ranger guilds now have a backroom store (level 8+ ranger guilds) to buy general goods and scaling pet armor.
--NPC capture rates revised. Still harder at high levels, but lower-mid levels have been increased. You still gain killshot XP if you fail the capture however.
--Pets should now attack their masters target properly now. If you still see randomness (and the player isn't hiding/etc) let me know!
--A ranger guildmaster has been added to all ranger guilds which gives general information about the class. More classes will follow as we work on balancing them.
--NOTE: We will be working on a couple caster pets soon.

-Several minor bug fixes have been released as well. - Will be in effect at server reboot on April 30th
-Fixed FB referral not working. (Sorry, will not fix old accounts but MSG me if you made an account recently I will manually add the referral.) - Will be in effect at server reboot on April 26th
-Fixed an issue where NPCs did not take proper damage with DOT spells or even died to them (they now can die properly if they're HP goes below.)
-Adjusted stat effects on NPCs to check via timestamp when they attack rather then only on exhaust. This should make DOT and stat effects more effective on NPCs, but it still requires a player to be there for the timer to work.
-Added a SpellDamageBonus amount to spells, though not used yet.
-Fixed a couple script errors. - Will be in effect at server reboot on April 24th
-Fixed wording to the logout message.
-Stopped items from being used while logging out.
-Fixed a couple message issues when typing while logging out.
-Added DIVINITY to the character selection screen. It also now adjusts the color of the race/class/div based on your actual divinity.
-Added /connect and /disconnect. Also added /swap.
-Fixes to an issue if you had a USB thumb drive or other pluggable HD device, the maps would keep wiping. (note: some people may have wiped maps due to this fix, as now it uses the main hard drive as a check only, but this should be very few people, if any. Sorry!)
-Finished the log off timer to be more proper. It now opens up a window with a timer until you can log off. You can still quick log off though. (There is no more timer in the character selection screen as it was broken anyways). This obviously does not pop up if you are in a safe area. You cannot MOVE/ATTACK/ETC during this. You can still speak though. Everyone will be notified that you are logging off in the same square. You also unhide and disband any party when you attempt to log off. Can still be faded by someone else, but I don't see this being a big issue as you can still be attacked which is the main key.
-Fixed issues where the disconnect button did not change to connect when you disconnected. Most should be fixed now and it should recognize a DC better, specially at reset.
-Second attempt at fixing the traps issues/bug.
-Client now has a build mode (for builders). This also adds maps/settings/etc to a separate folder to prevent clashing.
-Added server functions to enable/disable build mode on the build server, which also unlocks commands for staff.
-Added a way to disable discord/fb posts (Build server again)
-Added alt limit bypass mode for certain cases.
-Fix so mana doesn't go below 0 if you have no mana to begin with. (If you have below 0 now use the same item that caused the issue to fix it.) It will still drop if you have mana.
-Adjusted spawntime for unique NPCs to work more properly.
-Fixed a bug where npcs wouldn't spawn when set to spawn once per day.
-Added scripting for armor.
-Added scripting for getting and dropping items.
-Added scripting for 'beforeattacking' so certain things can be added, such as para checks without losing attacks, which should not occur anymore.
-NPCs cannot search when para now, and para works on them as well.
-Added a way to create items that can have higher or lower drop rates then 33%.
-Added a way to prevent SB from happening
-Added some scripting functions for handling party when only in room.
-Added functions to disable discord and fb posting on test server to prevent clashes.
-Warping doesn't trigger the 'after warp' script, but still follows the 'before warp'. This should solve trap issues.
-Fixed a couple staff commands.
-Traps shouldn't activate on people in the party but not in the same square anymore.
-Fixed a memory leak.
-Fix to scripts and PP awarding.
-Fix to examining buy items in PP stores and temples to be working now.
-Fix to expire timed items.
-PP system tier1 and tier2 added.
-Fix to script crash. Adjusted the server to attempt to check to make sure the player/npc is still alive before calling the script.
-Finalized tutorial area.
-Added color to dropped items when a number amount drops.
-Adjusted NPCs array to go into a queue when they die rather then removing it outright.
-Fixed typo 'Obituary'.
-Fix to server crash.
-Adjusted some code formula so that the server stops creating player slots (new bug) even though there is multiple slots free.
-Added an INIT script function for monsters.
-When reconnecting on logout in an unsafe area, it will tell everyone you reconnected rather then showing a left/join message.
-When changing characters, a new timer will appear at the bottom right on your account manager window which indicates the time until you can get on another character (It also states the character you just logged off on so you can log it in instantly if you want to move it to a safe place instead.)
-Fixed NPCs not displaying when they are in your party, others can see them properly now unless faded/etc. (Not sure why no one told me about this!)
-/who now displays people who are logging off in gray.
-/who is now sorted.
-Other small bug fixes.
-If you logout in a city regardless of your combat timer, you will log out instantly.
-Fixes to bard instrument on death.
-Fixes to discord/fb messages having colors and being generally incorrect.
-Fixed a bug where an item can get overridden if you are organizing your inventory and someone passes you an item at the same time due to sync issues.
-Druid formula changes. All formulas for druids have been adjusted. Druids also start with a higher DAMAGE base and then gain less STR as a result, so you deal more damage out of morph as a whole. This should also reduce the lack of missing weapon stats from OAD value by about half. I will post more data on it soon.
-Fixed some images and added a couple new ones.
-Fixed an issue with sickness not removing.
-Fixes to fading your monster or another monster.
-Fade will no longer drag monsters as party leader.
-Discord bot fix.
-Getting messages you shouldn't get should now be fixed.
-Fixed party chat.
-Fixes to certain items when drinking/eating not displaying a message. - The end of the world.
-Grabbing an item off the ground unhides you and unfades you.

-Fade works differently now:
--When you do an action that is a spell/skill/attack, bar a couple (such as hiding), fade will wear off.
--Duration decrease a little.
--Fade gives +2 agi and +2 int while hidden. It only grants the bonus to pierce, not damage. (It is removed before the damage check applies but after the pierce check.). Removed once you use a spell/command/attack. So first attack in a group should give you a edge on hitting.
--FF stops fade and prevents refading.
-Eating food will also unfade you (may change this, will see how it goes first.). Fade should typically be the last thing your party does for a sneak attack.

-Combat Timer on Logoff
--Based on the combat timer (purple bar). If you have a combat timer, you will not be automatically logged off.
--If you logoff in an unsafe area (an area where you can attack). You will get a 10 second combat timer added to you (similar to doing an action).
--Until the combat timer is gone, you cannot log in another character. You can however, log in the character that is under attack still, which will be indicated if you try to login.
-Added warning message when you are about to log off in an unsafe area or have a combat timer.

-Death Sickness:
--If you die you will have a temp sickness that lowers stats.
--In PVP
---As level 25: Lose -2 stats for 2 minutes first death, -3.5 stats for 4 minutes second death, -5 stats for 6 minutes third death, and -10 stats for 8 minutes fourth death and up in PVP.
---Under 25: Lose 0 stats for 2 minutes after first death, -2 stats for 2 minutes second death, -3.5 stats for 4 minutes third death, -5 stats for 6 minutes forth death, and -10 stats for 8 minutes fifth death and up in PVP.
--In PVP situations, as long as you wait out the timer, you will never see 'stacked' sickness.
--In PVE: Lose -2 stats for 20 seconds, any situation.
--Does not occur in game rooms (and arenas hopefully)

-Fixes to some alias issues that didn't allow certain aliases.
-Fix to development items bug on death
-Added a check to movement scripts to allow verification if you want it to only be the individual that moved, or everyone.
-Fixes to tutorial system (hopefully release soon!)
-Fix to window losing focus when saving in the macros page and removed 'Macros saved!' message box.
-Fix to TOS blinking that requires you to click on it once or when it updates to stop the red blinking box.
-Removed colors from a /gcast for Facebook and Discord.
-Added transfer ID on account manager, mainly for facebook. CLICK it to copy it to your clipboard!
-Lowered starting packet delay from 125 to 100.
-New room images that will be added soon!
-Druids no longer have a negative AGI when not morphed. I however removed 1 agi point (around, bit less then this) from their cat/bear form to compensate so in morph they are the same as they were before. - At downtime Jan 26th.
-Added logging features. One to log real time, and one to log current buffer. Both will go into a text file. There is also a dropdown button to go to where the log files are being held as well.
-Fix to ban times.
-Fix to typo in 'humming'.
-Made a mistake with last online where it would change the date on reset. Will be fixed after THIS reset.
-Fixed a crash.
-Druids gain a little more AGI.
-Druids do not progressively gain STR/END/etc. Instead, they have maximum from the get go. Level regulates the stats fine alone.
-Revamped tutorial system completely. Not using the interactive tooltips DLL anymore.
-Adjusted holy image and added better divinity images for rooms.
-Fixed 'Last Online' bug displaying blank.
-Fixed bug where if you made an account and then tried to login, 'Connecting' would be shown forever.
-Fixes to '/gadmsg' messages.
-Fixes to '/gtop' messages. 'Description' will not be displayed if it is not used.
-/gloc is persistent now.
-Start room is now a changeable value.
-Many buffs/debuffs will be in purple now when they wear off.
-Defined that guild gold is deducted using certain commands and in the help files.
-Leech adjusted. Instead of giving back /3 or /4 the HP, it now gives back /4, /4.5, /5, or /5.5
-Rot adjusted again. It is just below leech, and scales until level 25 now.
-Fixed HP again, I mucked up the calculations and gave lings 75 HP more than they should have. HP without charisma is as follows now:
17: 900
18: 960
19: 1020
20: 1080
21: 1140
22: 1200
23: 1260
24: 1320
It's a completely new formula.
-Lings do not have a stamina bonus anymore.
-AGI dodge formula back at 2.0%.
-Forgot to add: Barbarian EXP is now 300mil.
-Necro pet scales properly now instead of the wierd per 5 levels on top of the scaling. Should be useful at lower levels now like sorcs pet is.
Balance Changes
-Maximum divinity bonus damage/resistance is now 15% (10% on self, 5% with embers.)
-Unaffect rate formula adjusted on the attacker side. (23 int will have the same unaffect rate as before, but going down in INT will cause the unaffect rate to decrease in a less impacting way. This makes it so lower INT doesn't gimp you completely.). Defender wisdom per point still works the same however.
-Unaffect rate adjusted on monsters vs players. Casting a spell will unaffect less on a monster vs players. (Similar to dodge rate on players vs NPCs.) This may need tweaking to be higher/lower.
-All weapons gain +1 minimum starting around level 8 or 15 (depending on the type). All daggers gain +2 minimum. Maximum is the same. This is in an attempt to reduce the range a little as it is slightly high, specially on daggers.
-Spell damage adjusted. Most spells have +2 minimum, but similar maximum damage.
-Rot damage adjusted to be 'just' under leech now, and is useful as a damage spell, based on level 25.
-Health formula adjusted. With lower END you will have higher HP, but higher END will leave you with same HP as before. The formula is now LEVEL*2*(END+1)*CLASSBONUS... This is auto adjusted on your characters on login!
-AGI formula adjusted from 2.0% to 2.3%.
-Minimum dodge is now 1%, maximum dodge is now 99%.
-Knights have a 4% HP bonus instead of 5%.
-Barbarians have a 8% HP bonus instead of 10%.
-Knights/Barbarians damage has been adjusted to be lower. Assassins also have slightly less max damage too.
-Necromancers/Sorcs/Clerics have their damage multipliers raised. Their damage is only useful if they have STR but it is still lower than other classes overall.
-Druid adjustments. Druids bear form lose out on their WISDOM bonus in bear form (made them invincible to spell casters, they already own them cause of high wisdom.). Also, Druid now only lose 5% AGI again but Druids also lost an AGI point in morph forms to balance it out. AGI should be around the same in morph as it was before.
-Thief bonus drop rate from 20% to 33%. Remember they only have to be in the party!
-MR adjustments
--Goblin MR increased from 9% to 19%. (Lower WIS balances this out.)
--Half-ORC MR decreased to 1% to 0%.
--Saurian MR decreased from 3% to 1%.
--Drakeblood MR increased from 0% to 2%.
-All stats can have decimal points in them now making EACH point useful towards the spell/skill (morph/song/spells/etc) For example, on morph you might get 26.5 strength.
-Some song powers adjusted (int was decreased a bit because it was a bit powerful, due to not being able to give small amounts originally.)
-/protect does not reduce AGI. It however still reduces MR a bit.
-/track does not take up any stamina anymore.


Server Changes
-Added active top guilds information. This occurs if you are not in a guild and will display current active guilds. It can be disabled with '/togglegtop'. You can view the top guilds manually with '/gtop'.
-'/gadmsg' added. This is the advertisement message that goes in '/gtop' when your guild is displayed there.
-Players can '/apply' to guilds if not in a guild. This is just a minor adjustment and officers and up can view applications with '/gapps' and '/gdelapps'. You still need to meet them manually, but it is an way for newer players to at least get in touch. If there are new applicants, a message will be displayed on login if you are an officer or higher.
-Added support for discord and facebook for announcements.
-Announcements to discord/facebook/in game can be done with one simple command, '/gcast'. This will send a message in game, to facebook, and to discord.
Our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/udzY8
Our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/emberonlinegame
-Announces PP and item awards in the staff-award channel automatically now on use for easy viewing.
-Added non-playable race/class (for staffers to help them in events at the moment, maybe something bigger will come out of this in the future.)
-Added LAST ONLINE date .. (If they haven't been online yet. This will not take into effect until someone has logged in once since this change.)
-Added some spawn/death logging on special monsters that will help for debug and abuse.
-Fixed /pattack and /pmove when targeting an individual. It now works properly.
-Added some additional handlers for the /mod command.
-When you TRANSFER A CHARACTER, you cannot log that character or transfer again for 1 hour after transfer. It will be in limbo until then.
-Added coding for an universal temple and an universal guild for the training areas.
-You can now see helmets on look over.

Client Changes
-Added tutorial system and tutorial area will be implemented soon. You can disable the tutorial system in the options.
-Separated page pings and guild pings. This can be adjusted in your OPTIONS.
-Added TOS button when you launch the client. It will flash red until you read it once. If TOS changes, it will flash red again on a new client update.
-Help button on character creation added. You can view class/race help here. *Still needs to be updated but is up to date bar this update.*
-Tooltips added to creation/realloc.
-Stats change color when they are at max in reallocation and creation.
-Fixed tabstop
-Telegram message fixed when getting items to be more generic.
-Some minor bugs fixed.
-Steel armor on pets give -1 less AGI (total of -3 agi).
-Many pets have their taunt levels adjusted when their attacks are not default of 2. Typically pets that have 3 attacks have a taunt level of 2, and pets that have 1 attack have a taunt level of 4.
-Removed Noise Emitter pet upgrade for now.
-Christmas pets will be removed shortly, and you will get a item for compensation if it is your current pet. Sorry guys.
-Fixed a npc death loop bug.
-NPCs with quests will have a light pink color and also will have a '!' in their character image. (drawn on the go)
-Fixes to guild chat and ensuring that the slots are cleared each connect just in case of errors.
-Fixes to connecting, ensuring that the slots don't get assigned to same target fully via syncing the threads.
-Added basic system for tutorials though are are none yet.
-Fixed CC sizes, preparations for the help button there.
-Added some additional images.
-Fixed AD bug not displaying right on login.
- and had bugs which needed to be addressed.
-Taunt damage reduction works now. (Apparently was never to begin with.)
-All debuff spells have the same resistance as regular spells now.
-Barbarian two handed damage now works (Was not before) Still needs testing as it might be too high now. (Was also never working.)
-Small adjustment to damage system.
-Roar is now level 19 instead of 18 (mistaked).
-Fixed keylocks involving stats to have the bonus stat as well.
-Fixed a server crash on client leave.
-Server downtime bug fixed.
-Druids should be able to use fist weapons now.
-Fixed guild banks giving -1 gold on kill.
-Guilds seeing other members/chat/etc fixed, Was due to a recently update fix that I adjusted.
-Fixed localization issue where client was giving an EMSize error. Should be good now.
-Fixed ships in bit/tuer as they were swapped. - December 17th Reboot.
-Fixed a client localization bug involving telegrams and an 'EMSize' bug. NOTE: If your client size goes huge/large, delete your Settings.dat file or try resizing the client down to a small size, it will fix itself then and should be good forward.
-Fixed a couple small bugs client size.

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