Likes and Dislikes

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Likes and Dislikes

Postby Lateralus » Wed Dec 13, 2017 3:47 pm

So with all the talk of needing to shake things up a bit it got us thinking we prob need to step back and figure out what is and isnt working. I try to split my time between staff and play but admit I can be a bit out of touch as a player since i don't get much time for it. Hopefully getting some feedback here can translate into us getting more stuff in game that people enjoy.

If you guys could post here letting us know your top 3 of each category that would be very helpful.

Top 3 Oads or bosses:

Top 3 leveling spots:

Top 3 Quests or Chains:

Top 3 Events:

Top 3 Most worthy PP items:

Fav/Top 3 Classes:

Top 3 things you are looking forward to in upcoming updates:

Favorite and least favorite part of the game:

Why are you playing the game and why do you continue to play the game:

Favorite feature from the last update:

Any pointless systems or things you think could be removed or need improved to matter:

Feel free to comment on things you dislike as well if you think it can be altered to be better.

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Re: Likes and Dislikes

Postby Lateralus » Wed Dec 13, 2017 4:21 pm

Top 3 Oads or bosses:
Ringleader solo
Divine Elemental

Top 3 leveling spots:
Canopia Forest early

Top 3 Quests or Chains:
Canopia quests
Dreadlands quests
demon vaccine quest in wiken

Top 3 Events:
Best bandit (thief only event)
Draft Mosh
3v3 tourney

Top 3 Most worthy PP items:
Any weapons.
-Armors dont seem worth it. maybe if we put some cool shit on the armors like spell resist or mana leech or something like that it would make them more worthy of the 400pp. right now imo its just better to get weapons for diff alts. 1-2 ac diff is nothing.
-Amulets really dont seem worth it. 120pp for 1-2 damage is ehh. I would like to see them moved to 1 whole stat point for maybe 500pp or higher? You would see people striving for them.

Fav/Top 3 Classes:

Top 3 things you are looking forward to in upcoming updates:
New Class

Favorite and least favorite part of the game:
pvp at than is prob my fav part of the game.

Its a bummer the economy is so stale. my fav part of most games is playing the market. on wow id love to just play the auction house. I think with disenchanting and some other upcoming tricks that will change tho.

Why are you playing the game and why do you continue to play the game:

Always enjoyed these kind of more casual games. the pvp aspect is prob my fav and its always fun collecting and exploring new things. Its a bit limited for me since most content passes through me but things like the halloween area where im hands off or certain new oads are always fun to explore.

Favorite feature from the last update:

I enjoy the new crystal dragon its a nice change up. The race rebalacing is nice as well gives players more options to explore.

Any pointless systems or things you think could be removed or need improved to matter:

I think ammys could take a second look I dont think they should be hugely over powered but I think its good for players to want to strive for things. If a player has to collect or grind up a lot of gold that means a lot of farming and palying and being active. There really isnt anything in game for players to solo strive for besides pp but thats not something you can always do. Right now the 1 damage or whatever isnt really worth the bother imo. I wouldnt mind seeing store bought at .5 for say 500k? and full 1 stat for say 500-600pp. You could still keep the low ac ammys for the current price but maybe have better stat ammys that make more of a diff

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Re: Likes and Dislikes

Postby Tristan » Wed Dec 13, 2017 5:20 pm

Top 3 OADs or Bosses:
Mana Devil

Top 3 lvling spots:
Dead lake
Top 3 quests/chains:
DL(although way too long)

Top 3 events:
it used to be Koth
same with jrkoth
cycle down was fun

Top 3 pp items:

Fav/Top 3 classes:
i'm going to split this up...
My favorite classes are :

The Top classes are not debatable:
DM (easily) way too strong "often called Chanter 2.0"
Chanter also way op
Elder (which is actually well balanced)

Top 3 things you are looking forward to in upcoming updates:
Hopefully a class balancing
I hear there is a new class
more races could be cool (that's a wish)

Favorite and least favorite part of the game:
Favorite: I like the people, overall. PVE is super fun.
least favorite: I cannot compete in events, as I play mostly melee chars, and they are overwhelmingly underpowered at this point.
Ac doesn't seem to matter ever, never has.
Pvp cause the classes are hugely imbalanced
Shield bash. !!!!!!!!!!!!! is worthless. like completely.
I could go on, but I've said this stuff all before.

Why are you playing the game and why do you continue to play the game:
I like the people, I like making art, and pve is fun. Continuing to play the game has been difficult, and not because of lack of content... it's because I shouldn't have to be force to play a magic slinger to be competitive. To which I've said endlessly for over a year. Look at the Koth logs and compare how many Chanter/DM winners there are... it's staggering.

Favorite feature from the last update:
I have none.

Any pointless systems or things you think could be removed or need improved to matter:
for all the gathering, The 5hp rings are a joke, a frog can tag you for more hp.
shield bash!!!
Make ac worth something.

I said a year ago that the magic classes were going to ruin the game, if not balanced. No one listened and turns out I was right.
I should be able to be competitive with any class, sadly that's not the case anymore, and yes I have a chanter. I've done the research, I had helped testing Classes in the beginning. Then no one cared when I said there was a problem. I don't have a solution to it, but there is a class problem. Also ninja's don't feel quite right.

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Re: Likes and Dislikes

Postby Terron » Wed Dec 13, 2017 5:40 pm

Top 3 Oads or bosses: cant really pick a top, w/o factoring them w/o drops.

seta fiend archfiend sals and karnath all pretty cool
edit: gnoll fort is cool i like that lots of parties can potentially go

Top 3 leveling spots:
refinery arkanmaw seta vale

Top 3 Quests or Chains:
dont like them really they are a huge waste of time

Top 3 Events:
tandem mosh i guess, dont really like moshes or any so called 1v1 atm. classes arent even near close in relative output. same classes over and over

Top 3 Most worthy PP items: all i care for is instrument

Fav/Top 3 Classes:
favorite- bard brig chanter (necro/stalker for pve)
top-chanter/ druid /high mr ninja/balanced cav

Top 3 things you are looking forward to in upcoming updates:

Favorite and least favorite part of the game:
likes:smashing mobs for loot
dislikes:1 class has rounding power, some races are downright awful at melee, thanatos oad - love the pvp hate the layout. bring chanter it hovers in mirrors fizzle room all day, bring priest? hope u like your melee skills. bring ninja? lets just tap search out of boredom.

Why are you playing the game and why do you continue to play the game: fun/friends

Favorite feature from the last update: /shrug

Any pointless systems or things you think could be removed or need improved to matter: amulets/rings need to be a little better but not so much that it makes dwarf ort horc irrelevant.
Last edited by Terron on Thu Dec 14, 2017 12:34 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go into the same box"

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Re: Likes and Dislikes

Postby anthriel » Wed Dec 13, 2017 7:59 pm

My 2 cents for what its worth - hope it helps.

Top 3 Oads or bosses:
Due to timezone and irl stuff, im lucky to be online with enough people to go on any OADs, so any of them is good/fun to me. However after running the same one daily for say 10x and spending 30mins + to do so with no variation in experience or loot gets old and feels more like a chore than relaxation/fun. Therefore i'll prolly vote for the dragons (even though i rarely see em) cos of their randomness and the chance to do them when im actually online.

Top 3 leveling spots:
- Kakegi, Arkan Grasslands, Wiken GY

Top 3 Quests or Chains:
As a newbie i found quests super interesting and great... but soon realised that their rewards (gold and exp) were far lower than just finding harder mobs to hit & run... So being time poor, I decided to just do the latter in order to progress faster.... more grind and less enjoyable way of playing but then again as a newb i felt that all the good stuff could only be done by someone with a 25er (as everyone in the guild i join had 25ers and were off doing endgame stuff).... that being said here are 3 i think are better than the rest.
- Wiken one (esp the one where you have to go to Turen... keeps it interesting and uses worldmap)
- Kakegi ones (decent rewards for the effort @ end of chain)
- Arkan/dreads ones (decent rewards for the grind effort)

Top 3 Events:
rarely see any events.... ive been in like 2-3 moshes so not alot to go by.

Top 3 Most worthy PP items:
never owned any

Fav/Top 3 Classes:
druid, sorc, assy

Top 3 things you are looking forward to in upcoming updates:
- progress, change, innovation ---> hopefully leading to a more players and a more vibrant/diverse community

Favorite and least favorite part of the game:
- favourite: active developer/development, interactive community of players, class/race diversity
- least favourite: diminishing community of players, predictability/lack of randomization (and any game mechanics that cause those two)

Why are you playing the game and why do you continue to play the game:
- When im free enough to play (and not idle), I like helping and interacting with people, whether they be newbies asking Qs or vets looking for party members to PVE/PVP etc. I like to meet ppl of all diff groups/guilds and make friends with them where possible. I like semi-RP type guilds with some kind of world/lore-based agenda (e.g. i was part of Sylvan Guard and DoJ for some limited time when i actually played RoK... always wanted to join GotMM cos they sounded cool... shrugs)

Favorite feature from the last update:
race mod as compensation for race rebalancing + changes to the way reallocate works to help make it not so harsh for newbs who make mistakes

Any pointless systems or things you think could be removed or need improved to matter:
Would be good to ask questions about old-school game mechanics carried over from ROK (eg. 8sec exhaust timer... so boring... its like mash 3 macros & then twiddle thumbs for 7sec.... if it was halved i could do twice as much with the limited time i have to play and not feel so zzzz when leveling etc)

Peace all.

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Re: Likes and Dislikes

Postby Folder » Wed Dec 13, 2017 8:36 pm

Holy crap Tristan make a character with Wisdom lol. Onwards though!

Top 3 Oads or bosses:
(All of these because they encourage pvp)

Top 3 leveling spots:
Trail bandits
Vila traps
I only have 2, but I hate lvling so lol

Top 3 Quests or Chains:
Dreads chain
Wiken chain (the one ending with mort)
Kakegi chain (I do think it's too long but the loot is good)

Top 3 Events:
Random team mosh
Best bandit

Top 3 Most worthy PP items:
Only weapons are worth it. That said I own precisely zero PP items because they are all way too expensive imo.

Fav/Top 3 Classes:

Top 3 things you are looking forward to in upcoming updates:
Guild wars
Premium memberships

Favorite and least favorite part of the game:
PvP is where all the fun is for me. Least favorite would probably be slogging through OaDs that need 6 people and take a long time.

Why are you playing the game and why do you continue to play the game:
For friends, for PvP and competition in general.

Favorite feature from the last update:
Free race changes baby! MR fixes were very helpful imo as well.

Any pointless systems or things you think could be removed or need improved to matter:
Armor is garbage and I think it's a big deal for progression. I don't think top end needs changing necessarily but the gap between green and purple armor is very very small. Amulets and rings feel weak as others mentioned, hard to justify the effort although I concede they are mostly just bonus drops from other OaDs.

Feel free to comment on things you dislike as well if you think it can be altered to be better.
Overall pretty happy with things. Would of course like to see higher numbers and more competition. Make Armor Great Again (for the first time).

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Re: Likes and Dislikes

Postby Tristan » Wed Dec 13, 2017 10:49 pm

Folder wrote:Holy crap Tristan make a character with Wisdom lol. Onwards though!

Top 3 Oads or bosses:
(All of these because they encourage pvp)

Top 3 leveling spots:
Trail bandits
Vila traps
I only have 2, but I hate lvling so lol

Top 3 Quests or Chains:
Dreads chain
Wiken chain (the one ending with mort)
Kakegi chain (I do think it's too long but the loot is good)

Top 3 Events:
Random team mosh
Best bandit

Top 3 Most worthy PP items:
Only weapons are worth it. That said I own precisely zero PP items because they are all way too expensive imo.

Fav/Top 3 Classes:

Top 3 things you are looking forward to in upcoming updates:
Guild wars
Premium memberships

Favorite and least favorite part of the game:
PvP is where all the fun is for me. Least favorite would probably be slogging through OaDs that need 6 people and take a long time.

Why are you playing the game and why do you continue to play the game:
For friends, for PvP and competition in general.

Favorite feature from the last update:
Free race changes baby! MR fixes were very helpful imo as well.

Any pointless systems or things you think could be removed or need improved to matter:
Armor is garbage and I think it's a big deal for progression. I don't think top end needs changing necessarily but the gap between green and purple armor is very very small. Amulets and rings feel weak as others mentioned, hard to justify the effort although I concede they are mostly just bonus drops from other OaDs.

Feel free to comment on things you dislike as well if you think it can be altered to be better.
Overall pretty happy with things. Would of course like to see higher numbers and more competition. Make Armor Great Again (for the first time).

I have wisdom... it just doesn't work! That's the reason everyone takes Chanter/DM to koth. Too hard to compete otherwise.

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Re: Likes and Dislikes

Postby Ohko » Thu Dec 14, 2017 1:35 am

Top 3 Oads or bosses:
Divine Elemental (Not how the key spawns, just the boss fight)
Crystal Dragon (The Orbs should appear on the list when it spawns.)

Top 3 leveling spots:
Ark Plains

Top 3 Quests or Chains:
Kakegi Grove
Raiders Vale

Top 3 Events:
Random Team Mosh

Top 3 Most worthy PP items:

Fav/Top 3 Classes:


Top 3 things you are looking forward to in upcoming updates:
Guild Houses
New classes

Favorite and least favorite part of the game:
PvP is my favorite interaction between players. Either in Oad battles or events. Anything that includes teamwork.

Refinery. Like what Jake said, hard to get a big group with the amount of time to run it.

Why are you playing the game and why do you continue to play the game:
Started cause of nostalgia
Continue cause of old friends.

Favorite feature from the last update:
Rechargable Amulets

Any pointless systems or things you think could be removed or need improved to matter:
Rings at its current state. I know it's still early in the implementation and there will be more options, but it feels like it does not give enough for how rare the essences are at the moment.

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Re: Likes and Dislikes

Postby Terron » Fri Dec 15, 2017 1:15 pm

Tristan wrote:
I have wisdom... it just doesn't work! That's the reason everyone takes Chanter/DM to koth. Too hard to compete otherwise.

wisdom works, there just isnt armor that absorbs/nullifies magic damage. so each hit is like 145-180 regardless and your hps run out.
i had said before each chest/helm/shield gear should have armor class and spell armor class. o well blast off like the rest of us.

p.s. my dm got thrashed 100% of the koths ive joined (besides wither bug). im retty sure hes killed 3 people and died 8x in koths. worthless.
"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go into the same box"

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Re: Likes and Dislikes

Postby Lateralus » Fri Dec 15, 2017 8:42 pm

Terron wrote:
Tristan wrote:
I have wisdom... it just doesn't work! That's the reason everyone takes Chanter/DM to koth. Too hard to compete otherwise.

wisdom works, there just isnt armor that absorbs/nullifies magic damage. so each hit is like 145-180 regardless and your hps run out.
i had said before each chest/helm/shield gear should have armor class and spell armor class. o well blast off like the rest of us.

p.s. my dm got thrashed 100% of the koths ive joined (besides wither bug). im retty sure hes killed 3 people and died 8x in koths. worthless.

I think the idea with the prefixes and suffixes and new scrolls will be to have armor that has spell resist and absorb on there. we are really close to having all the blues and purples covered so that stuff will be next.

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