Guild Changes/Party Changes?

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Re: Guild Changes/Party Changes?

Postby Folder » Wed Dec 13, 2017 8:47 pm

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Re: Guild Changes/Party Changes?

Postby daedroth » Thu Dec 14, 2017 2:46 am

anthriel wrote:... blah blah blah ...
Shrugs. Peace all.

Love the way you end a posting filled with witticisms and digs, the irony is delicious.
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Re: Guild Changes/Party Changes?

Postby anthriel » Thu Dec 14, 2017 4:05 am

daedroth wrote:
anthriel wrote:... blah blah blah ...
Shrugs. Peace all.

Love the way you end a posting filled with witticisms and digs, the irony is delicious.

I do apologise if anyone is offended by my posts. It is not my intention to personally attack anyone (not NH, not staff and not Silh members). I sometimes just feel the need to proverbially "shout louder" to be heard when I'm so often outnumbered on the boards with my alternative views. So "peace all" is my way of saying that I mean goodwill towards all and welcome friendship with anyone who doesn't bear grudges against me for my alternative thinking.

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Re: Guild Changes/Party Changes?

Postby JadeFalcon » Thu Dec 14, 2017 4:29 am

I do not think guild or party changes are needed.
What you need is mechanics that nullify the "big" party/ "big" guild advantage.

This i think can be addressed with two things:
- Randomize OAD (and OAD keys) timings. This will throw a monkey wrench at "heavy planning" guild, and give a chance smaller guilds by chance have enough time to muster enough people before the big guild even wakes up. Coordination in a big guild is harder, after all.
- Make more 3 man OAD's, with lots of small keys instead of a big key. For example, Seta is a 3 man in theory, but because there are only two "open" keys, it devolves into a big fight that we always win.

Fundamentally, as other people said - the issue is the base of players. I mean, I keep telling folder to recruit everyone not because i want us to be super powerful (actually i do too), but when I imagine some player sitting in a clan all by himself.. he is going to quit. There is a critical mass problem here. This is a social game, so people need to socialize. There are no guild or party or mechanics change that can address this.

Plus what Dan said. I dont see why we cant have high level areas where we are forced to play with each other. Even OAD areas with NoPK, NoParty system, that drop stuff randomly..
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Re: Guild Changes/Party Changes?

Postby Lissy » Thu Dec 14, 2017 10:41 am

anthriel wrote:I get what most of you Silh guys are saying. I honestly do. But while I understand how the ideas you have expressed (eg playing with friends etc) are good for your game experiences within Silh, I just can't see how they actually translate to the game growing when not every new player can/should join Silh.

I think you're missing my point, though. I don't think this is a Silhouette issue. I joined Silhouette because I was invited to the game by a friend who was in Silhouette. I stuck around because the guild is active, and being in an active guild is basically the only way to interact with people. Making this guild less active would just drive away players like me. If there were 40 people playing at any given time and 30 of them were in Silhouette, that would be a problem and there would be a reason to look at guild balance. If, as there are right now, there are 9 people online and 4 of them are in Silhouette, 4 are in Empire, and 1 is in Revolution, the whole guild balance issue becomes a red herring. IMO, the problem becomes keeping people entertained by being able to interact with others outside of the guild system.

anthriel wrote:For example, firstly many of you say you were attracted to join same group cos of the cool, civilised ppl in it and warm family feel of the guild. That's great. Many newbies would love that and thrive if included in it. Many have already. But every newbie can't join your guild because you also all generally say you all love pvp and the game is boring without it. So who do you eventually fight then? If all the uncivilised, un-cool ppl are kept out of Silh (as daedroth suggests) then the alternative to Silh for any new player isn't going to be very attractive for them is it (as obviously you yourselves wouldn't like not being in Silh)? So what then? How does the game actually attract and retain new players when that new player logs on and realises 70%+ of players online are all friends from the one clan who have closed recruitment, spent months playing and equipping each other and are now looking for someone in the remaining 30% to pvp with? Pretty intimidating I'd say...

Again, this is a population issue, not a Silhouette issue. If 70% of the game is 15 people, the solution isn't to make the game less fun for those 15 people in hopes of recruiting 15 more before they quit from boredom like people from smaller guilds.

anthriel wrote:Happy to be convinced otherwise by dazzling suggestions of how to attract/retain new players that don't involve dreaming about highly unlikely scenarios where individuals who desire to solo games themselves join/"man-up"/solo-everything... or large groups of friends (of the size to rival Silh) join and stick it out. Neither of those seems very likely to bank on.

Shrugs. Peace all.

I mean, I don't have any dazzling suggestions that are sure to work, but you don't either. You have an idea that probably wouldn't impact very much, because this game is *super social* more than anything else, and almost everyone who plays is a casual gamer who wouldn't be interested in leaving friends to get prestige points/incentives. I'm glad you're offering ideas, but I think boredom is a bigger reason for attrition than inability to get high powered items (especially since high powered items generally aren't as high powered in this game as they were in RoK).

I like recruitment incentives. I like Elvis's suggestion about making a world broadcast when a new account logs in. I like global chat, so new players aren't just dumped into a noob area (even with a much better tutorial than RoK ever had) to figure out the game mechanics and possibly get bored/overwhelmed before they ever interact with another player. I think adding incentives for hanging out in one area (similar to Tavern of Terra) might be helpful, as might dumping new players into Tavern of Seamoor or somewhere theoretically more populated.

Edit: OH! One thing that I think would actually impact my interest in being in a guild... Right now, I only level in parties because there's zero benefit to leveling solo the way there was in RoK. Back then, I'd only level solo so even if there was nothing "going on" I felt entertained. I think maybe adding some incentive to leveling alone (bonus KSB or something), that might be a helpful way to keep people around who aren't part of a large group all the time. This would only help people like me who actually enjoy leveling as a way of turning our brains off, though.
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Re: Guild Changes/Party Changes?

Postby daedroth » Thu Dec 14, 2017 12:18 pm

Lissy wrote:... Edit: OH! One thing that I think would actually impact my interest in being in a guild... Right now, I only level in parties because there's zero benefit to leveling solo the way there was in RoK. Back then, I'd only level solo so even if there was nothing "going on" I felt entertained. I think maybe adding some incentive to leveling alone (bonus KSB or something), that might be a helpful way to keep people around who aren't part of a large group all the time. This would only help people like me who actually enjoy leveling as a way of turning our brains off, though.

I prefer to solo level because of the way I level, not many people level the slow way I do :)
I know that means I level even slower but meh, I'm usually watching a movie or chatting in discord to clannies, so it does not bother me.
So yes, make solo levelling more attractive to me, pwetty pwease!
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Re: Guild Changes/Party Changes?

Postby Ohko » Thu Dec 14, 2017 2:32 pm

JadeFalcon wrote:Fundamentally, as other people said - the issue is the base of players. I mean, I keep telling folder to recruit everyone not because i want us to be super powerful (actually i do too), but when I imagine some player sitting in a clan all by himself.. he is going to quit. There is a critical mass problem here. This is a social game, so people need to socialize. There are no guild or party or mechanics change that can address this.

This is a problem that can't be addressed by inviting everyone into Silh. We stopped recruiting becase then we'll become what Lis mentioned above that we would be 70% of the population. We try to let the other guild recuit these members, and if they're not happy in the other guild than it's not our problem. Staff have broadcasted a few times that there are new players that a looking for a guild and Silh have refrained from recruiting them unless they remain guildless for a few days.

I think Elvis's suggestion on the new player broadcast and global chat will help with retaining new players. Global chat will keep the social aspect of the game active and hopefully help retain the player population.

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Re: Guild Changes/Party Changes?

Postby Terron » Thu Dec 14, 2017 11:39 pm

there should only be 6 guilds.

pyron guild
nox guild
terra guild
voltus guild
riva guild
nethys guild

or you could, in the future, add racial and div based content. this would promote wacky builds like inverno's saurian healer. there could definitely be some fun with div/race wars and oads etc. and this promotes socialism with new people. help boost character training/needs and item wants/needs.
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Re: Guild Changes/Party Changes?

Postby daedroth » Fri Dec 15, 2017 3:14 am

Terron wrote:there should only be 6 guilds.

pyron guild
nox guild
terra guild
voltus guild
riva guild
nethys guild

or you could, in the future, add racial and div based content. this would promote wacky builds like inverno's saurian healer. there could definitely be some fun with div/race wars and oads etc. and this promotes socialism with new people. help boost character training/needs and item wants/needs.

Damn that'd be funny. I kinda like the idea (for the novelty factor)... but eh yeh (the novelty would wear off)...

Let's run with this idea :)

Factions: Make a few factions based on race (I think the Elder Scrolls Online has this yeh?) or even Div (but not so keen on this one).

Possible Faction Layouts:

Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, Elemental (not so sure these guys should be here maybe switch Drakes with Ele's where appropriate),

Dark Elf, Half Orc, Goblin, Saurian,

Elf, Half Elf, Drake,

Humans can go into any faction (us humans be sluts).

Ah what fun there would be!

If serious, the only downside is the breaking of clans (and clan equilibrium), which is the main problem in the first place.
Other problems:
Who would become leaders of the factions (this might only work with staffy leaders. Imagine the events that could be run through this, could be some interesting ones. Shame about the extra work for staffys though eh)?
Division of the spoils of war (I can imagine the angst already).

Anyways, time to look busy at work.
Peace all.
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Re: Guild Changes/Party Changes?

Postby Terron » Fri Dec 15, 2017 8:31 am

i think each race should have a champion player imo. could flip back to lats idea on characters receiving points etc for monster kills/oads/pks etc and have the server autoselect players as a race champion based on highest points.

i dont really think we need to break current guilds but it would be nice(i think) if sometimes you had to cooperate outside of your guild. be it just an event ran div vs div or a racial locked oad. could eventually lead to equipment thats locked to a certain divinity or race.

the basics of the game should remain how it is. however currently theres barely any fluctuation in characters. they are basically the same 3 mage builds same few monks same cavs etc. people have leveled some rarities ofc, but they just aren't used often. racial content and divinity content would open up a chance to use everything even melee gnomes.

that being said, i do however, believe that racial and divinity based content should be somewhat difficult. moreso than normal stuff. in this, by locking each oad/instance/event to 1 of each class per "fight". atleast in a racial duel or war it shouldnt be 6 gnome chanters vs world.

theres 144 character options and 6 divs, id actually like it if all of that was explored.
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