Raider Chief/RL Indicator

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Raider Chief/RL Indicator

Postby JadeFalcon » Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:24 pm

As the subject indicates.
Not only its a huge pain to get golden keys in the current environment, most of them are utterly wasted due to the lack of indicators for theses bosses.
Its just not feasible for us to farm keys, and then waste them all - i know the quest is supposed to be hard... but this is nigh impossible
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Re: Raider Chief/RL Indicator

Postby Terron » Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:34 pm

indicators suck. this isnt the problem really the problem is the stuff isnt in when u play, and people hoard it. this kinda problem exists game wide. the long waits for spawns more players than the actual content can support.

im all for lowering drop rates a tad and making it spawn more often. but i dont think an indicator is going to help it be in more for you. it would be in even less if anything.
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Re: Raider Chief/RL Indicator

Postby Kruell » Tue Oct 16, 2018 9:38 pm

Sadly I agree that it would be in less often for you if there were an indicator. People have plenty of keys. I know people who sell them or vendor them when they get close to expiring. If people were able to check on the indicator while they were doing their rounds, they would always get the chief and RL and you would never have a chance.
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