For your inspiration

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For your inspiration

Postby Remnant » Wed Apr 27, 2016 8:02 am

The ashes of greatness and mediocrity are indistinguishable.

Gray. Fragile. Fleeting. They turn to dust beneath my feet.

As I walk this barren land, I ponder how we got here. Since no living thing survived the catastrophe, nobody really knows. But there are whispers, dreams, echoes. Deep in the woods and behind closed doors, old-souls reminisce about things long past. Nobody talks about such things openly, whether out of fear, respect or some other compulsion, I do not know. They are no more than ramblings to most people here, but a handful believe it, and that's enough for me.

They say we were created by some of the old-gods themselves, from the remains of a wonderful world long gone. I have my reservations about how wonderful this world was if it was consumed by fire, neglected by the One God himself. But they persist. Is it possible? Were we created from the smoldering heap of rubble that surrounds us? Were you rebuilt from a flake of ash? I, A plume of smoke? An ember?
I am a remnant of things long past, of things that lingered but could not last.

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Re: For your inspiration

Postby Dorgon » Wed Apr 27, 2016 11:40 am

Very nice

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Re: For your inspiration

Postby Remnant » Fri Jul 29, 2016 9:46 am

And now there is a post called "Pokeballs" in the completed suggestions forum.

This could have been something special. Instead it's just a duality of shit pandering to nostalgia and fads.
I am a remnant of things long past, of things that lingered but could not last.

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Re: For your inspiration

Postby Thoth » Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:35 am

Remnant wrote:And now there is a post called "Pokeballs" in the completed suggestions forum.

This could have been something special. Instead it's just a duality of shit pandering to nostalgia and fads.

Instead of making assumptions you should probably check the date of the original post which was pre-Pokemon Go. In fact I was there when Backpack initially thought of the idea in game and discussed it among people, staff, and admin who were there. It's inception had nothing to do with any specific catering to "fads" and more to do with widening Ranger abilities to give them more of a diverse skillset. The term got used in the beginning because that was the closest possibility of a name we could come up with just to post the initial idea for public feedback and it was no big deal to start. If you felt it was pandering then, then you probably should have spoken up...but you either actively chose not to....or you don't frequent the game and forums enough to care. That said it sounds like more of a personal issue as your choice to not be involved in being part of consensus choices at the time (in this case it was well over a month ago so you had more than enough time to check and have your say) most conducive to their discussion and implementation is hardly the population, staff's, or admin's problem. You would likely need to consult your own free time on this issue, especially considering the last time you posted prior to yesterday was late April. That doesn't seem like the activity of someone who wants to contribute as much as stir the pot every so often.

If you feel this game is nothing special there is always the possibility of locating your ALT and F4 key and putting them to use. I would hate the idea of you feeling like you are wasting your time here when there is a plethora of other things that would be much more of a valuable use of your time. That said, sorry to see you go and I hope you find some truly exceptional things in your life that you can eventually come to enjoy because you seem not to really be adding any positive, rational, or by any small means useful input here. Thanks for stopping by though.

Have a nice day.

Thoth, the original creator of the video game.

Driab wrote:What good is power if you can't use it when it is completely unnecessary?

Also....Thoth = Byr

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Re: For your inspiration

Postby Backpack » Fri Jul 29, 2016 8:02 pm

Remnant wrote:...pandering to nostalgia...

With all due respect, which there isn't much of at this point, this game is a graphically enhanced MUD. What do you know of nostalgia?

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Re: For your inspiration

Postby NiteHawk » Fri Jul 29, 2016 8:15 pm

Remnant wrote:And now there is a post called "Pokeballs" in the completed suggestions forum.

This could have been something special. Instead it's just a duality of shit pandering to nostalgia and fads.

I think pokeballs was just a joke for what he wanted. It was more about rangers having one pet, I think you really looked into it too seriously for some reason.

Rangers can claim a pet in the world of a animal, aquatic, etc type, and it will become their servant. They only get one, and they can equip it similar to a player, equipping it with an armor slot, weapon slot, and special slot (spell/etc). You capture them using soul gems, something that alot of games actually use, but I think it fit well here. It was simply a way to change up the rangers slightly so they could have a faithful and powerful servant rather then the old ROK way of charming 5 pets and never really having something you could actually call your own.

I'm not sure if you're just reading the title of the post without actually reading the contents or the development log/core posts to how it was actually implemented. Sorry you feel that way, hope you find a game you can enjoy though. :)

Best of luck mate!

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