Leveling-group healers get the shaft

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Re: Leveling-group healers get the shaft

Postby Kismet » Sat Nov 26, 2016 8:13 pm

Excuse my unsound judgment. Am rather drunk/tired.
Last edited by Kismet on Sat Nov 26, 2016 9:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Leveling-group healers get the shaft

Postby NiteHawk » Sat Nov 26, 2016 9:06 pm

Is KS stealing really a big issue though?

The reason why I ask is that generally adding this I feel will be a heavier load on the server, pretty much a list for EACH mob that needs to store both the name and the damage dealt. (You'd then have to loop through all the names to get total damage, then get percentages for each.). You'd probably have to make sure the player is on the square too. That or you'd have to have a timer that removed player after X seconds. Or record the time and only award people that attacked it within the last 2 minutes.

It wouldn't be so much a strain with only 20 people, but if theres 100 people running around hitting things one day then it's going to hit the server huge because each attack and spell needs to be recorded DPS wise.

I'm not sure what you mean by total healed/heal ratio either. How would that work in with this though? Healing vs KS seem completely different to me? Unless you mean you'd have to record all the heals done during the battle, but no way I'd add something like that. That is getting over complicated for EXP distribution. The % based one is at least do-able rather easily. I just don't like adding more strain to the server if it can be avoided. Specially lists of data.

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Re: Leveling-group healers get the shaft

Postby Kismet » Sat Nov 26, 2016 9:55 pm

Let's just say the percentage based one then. Otherwise it wouldn't be fair for those who contribute more to the party's total damage and leeching should rightfully be discouraged.

Edited for apologies. :oops:

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Re: Leveling-group healers get the shaft

Postby Rodeo » Sun Nov 27, 2016 11:56 am

I myself would like to move away from experience per point of damage that's how we do it now right?

Giving each monster a set experience and dividing it by the number of party members seems to be fair for healers and dps alike. You could also give a party bonus of 2 to 8% depending on how many party members are in the group so that working solo isn't always the best way to go.

As to deter leeching a party leader command of /premove (player) would be a benificial addit ion as if they are idle you can just drop them in town or leave them at a spawn to die.

As far as strain on the server can this be lessened by donations for a better server that can handle whatever load that is being put on it?

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Re: Leveling-group healers get the shaft

Postby NiteHawk » Sun Nov 27, 2016 3:11 pm

Rodeo wrote:I myself would like to move away from experience per point of damage that's how we do it now right?

Giving each monster a set experience and dividing it by the number of party members seems to be fair for healers and dps alike. You could also give a party bonus of 2 to 8% depending on how many party members are in the group so that working solo isn't always the best way to go.

As to deter leeching a party leader command of /premove (player) would be a benificial addit ion as if they are idle you can just drop them in town or leave them at a spawn to die.

As far as strain on the server can this be lessened by donations for a better server that can handle whatever load that is being put on it?

/kick exists already. Check /help party for commands.

Yeah but you strain even a heavy server by doing this. I would generally like to know peoples take on this though. Party already gets a KS bonus as it is depending on the party size. I kind of like the PPD though cause it makes players feel like they're gaining exp 'fast'. It is the whole quest that requires 5 items that drop 5% of the time, or 20 items that drop 20% of the time type deal. Yeah, you need 20, but the time to complete would be the same, it just feels like 'more' is happening.

It's both KS and PPD. PPD is pretty low and KS is mainly the lot of it I think.

But if people feel like it needs to be adjusted I can eventually see. I disagree with it right now as I don't see it as an issue, but other people can chime in here and tell me what's good.

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Re: Leveling-group healers get the shaft

Postby Reaper » Mon Nov 28, 2016 1:23 am

I personally think it is fine the way it is. I don't really see a big issue. I'm in the process of slowly leveling a cleric, so I guess when I start GY'ing I will be able to give better feedback. I do think if you are concerned as a healer, go into the party letting them know to bring their own pots. Tell them in an absolute emergency you will heal but you will be DPSing and not paying attention to health to get exp.

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Re: Leveling-group healers get the shaft

Postby NiteHawk » Mon Nov 28, 2016 4:28 am

Reaper wrote:I personally think it is fine the way it is. I don't really see a big issue. I'm in the process of slowly leveling a cleric, so I guess when I start GY'ing I will be able to give better feedback. I do think if you are concerned as a healer, go into the party letting them know to bring their own pots. Tell them in an absolute emergency you will heal but you will be DPSing and not paying attention to health to get exp.

Well, the exp less on clerics is due to that. 300mil to 400mil is 25% reduction which attempts to account for struggling a bit too, or healing others. I can look at the EXP per heal too shortly.

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Re: Leveling-group healers get the shaft

Postby Lateralus » Mon Nov 28, 2016 12:52 pm

While party leveling can beat bit slower they still have an improved ray that deals some good damage while in parties.

Solo level clerics are hands down the fastest class to level with their always hitting heal undead.

As for shifting all exp to killshot that would just be abused people would widdle down npcs the tale ks on the character to be leveled outside the party. People in parties would abuse it as well seeing you really could be Afk just getting all that ks exp. atleast now you have to do a little hitting to get good exp in parties but it's still abused you can be Afk in party and make more than solo leveling.

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Re: Leveling-group healers get the shaft

Postby Metzger » Tue Nov 29, 2016 12:32 am

Hit priest earlier, so here's my priest leveling guide:

Ray sucks ass. Only use it for levels 1 - 8.

Quest through Cemetery and Grove until level 18.

Cure whatever you div on in GY until 21.

Aid whatever you have div on in DY until 25.

Smite sucks ass. No point in using this unless you want to conserve mana and level slower. Don't do that though because you need to get to level 25 ASAP. Also, it has a lower hitrate than aid, so F that.

Soulbound is nice, but whatever, spending 5k to SB is probably faster.

Also, skip parties at all costs. It'll just slow you down.

Side notes:
I think priests should get a group heal. And something that does more damage that ray.

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Re: Leveling-group healers get the shaft

Postby NiteHawk » Tue Nov 29, 2016 6:41 am

Ray is a low level spell correct. They will not get anything better. They are not meant to dish out the DPS and be super hard to kill too.

Anyways, there are changes based on this discussion and the healing discussions (that was in the assassin area goofy enough.)

Aid does -50 less heal (-25 on monsters since its /2). It is around 275 with 22int on max.
Heal does around 112-131 with 16-20 int at max.
Cure does around 76-98 with 16-20 int at max. For bards its around 98-120 with 12-20int (Bards gain a larger bonus so even 12int is 'ok' but not great, and yeah, cure is int based on them.). For druids, add about +5 int that thats your max (so 12-16 int would be 76-98 heals for example.)

SMITE is now a set 5 MP for both classes. Smite damage is also increased a little bit on clerics. I felt it was OK for paladins. It should be more worth it now.

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