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Postby Zeroun » Wed Apr 20, 2016 7:43 pm

So this is what I whipped up for a starter town with Chris's tool. I went for simplistic and easy to navigate for actual noobs, which will soon be all of us lol. I put two banks because it would be easier for noobs to come out of the arena to deposit and one by the tavern if someone needed to trade something the bank wouldn't be very far. It may be overkill, but any feedback is nice.

Last edited by Zeroun on Wed Apr 20, 2016 8:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Maps

Postby Rodeo » Wed Apr 20, 2016 7:45 pm

I like it. :D

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Re: Maps

Postby Lateralus » Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:12 pm

Looks good! Nice and compact! I'd like maybe like to see houses moved over a bit so you didn't have that stretch of 10+ squares to leave town but otherwise looks perfect.

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Re: Maps

Postby NiteHawk » Thu Apr 21, 2016 4:31 am

While we design this I want to state that no squares should ever overlap one another from different areas. Just keep that in mind.

What about even more simplistic? Like:

Ss.png (30.64 KiB) Viewed 8865 times

Maybe I'm wrong though, I like nice movement in cities without getting stopped by a wall though (I.E: where the library/academia are you have to go north then west to continue.

I also moved the houses, to shorten the gates in. Removed one line of road and spaced out the other three roads. I tried to make it more easier to read on a Minimap as well but based it on your city.

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Re: Maps

Postby Zeroun » Thu Apr 21, 2016 6:52 am

I like the simplistic design, I feel like that design would aid more player interaction due to the smaller size so it works for me. I get what your saying, but as far as how the land masses interconnect with each other with roads, marshes, etc... Idk if I'm the right guy for that lol, I know Satsujin has introduced a land mass idea, and it could work if the starter city was all the way on the left in his red circle. How many towns are we guessing it will be? I can keep making towns and potential oad designs, but I would like to get as concrete as we can.

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Re: Maps

Postby Lateralus » Thu Apr 21, 2016 8:45 am

Zeroun wrote:I like the simplistic design, I feel like that design would aid more player interaction due to the smaller size so it works for me. I get what your saying, but as far as how the land masses interconnect with each other with roads, marshes, etc... Idk if I'm the right guy for that lol, I know Satsujin has introduced a land mass idea, and it could work if the starter city was all the way on the left in his red circle. How many towns are we guessing it will be? I can keep making towns and potential oad designs, but I would like to get as concrete as we can.

Me too I and agree with hawk as well. Looking good guys.

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Re: Maps

Postby NiteHawk » Thu Apr 21, 2016 8:54 am

Zeroun wrote:I like the simplistic design, I feel like that design would aid more player interaction due to the smaller size so it works for me. I get what your saying, but as far as how the land masses interconnect with each other with roads, marshes, etc... Idk if I'm the right guy for that lol, I know Satsujin has introduced a land mass idea, and it could work if the starter city was all the way on the left in his red circle. How many towns are we guessing it will be? I can keep making towns and potential oad designs, but I would like to get as concrete as we can.

Regardless, it's a step. I based my map off of yours. Often it's better (at least for me) to see something first then modify. I wouldn't of done so if you didn't give me something to go off. :P This city for his map should work well I'd say for a starter area.

Remember how simplistic ROK was in design, Terra for example 8) Just remember, it will be shown on the minimap so it's nice to have a gap if it's possible between streets and stores/div/etc. I would only go with one bank. It's not that far away and it should help with interaction if they see people on the street etc. For houses, we don't need to add a ton of houses to one area. In my example it could loop back.. Like this:

Test2.png (41.38 KiB) Viewed 8857 times

Those houses would probably be the most expensive compared to other places, as obviously starter cities normally have the most people. We can also have an 'apartment' if we want 'more' but that's future talk.

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Re: Maps

Postby Zeroun » Thu Apr 21, 2016 10:06 am

I really like that design though. The simplicity and distinctive characteristics makes it really easy to navigate and would be noon friendly. However I hope the starter town becomes the afk and another one doesn't become the duskan of this game. I will try and design about 4 more towns and get some feedback. Idk when I'll be able to get to it but when I get them done I'll post them. Nite hawk, just customize them as you see fit, I'll be the prototype man lol.

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Re: Maps

Postby NiteHawk » Thu Apr 21, 2016 10:24 am

Zeroun wrote:I really like that design though. The simplicity and distinctive characteristics makes it really easy to navigate and would be noon friendly. However I hope the starter town becomes the afk and another one doesn't become the duskan of this game. I will try and design about 4 more towns and get some feedback. Idk when I'll be able to get to it but when I get them done I'll post them. Nite hawk, just customize them as you see fit, I'll be the prototype man lol.

Haha all good mate.

In terms of a starter town being the 'main town'. It depends on what is there. I.E. The auction hall, the pvp room, etc. A big portion why Duskan was the main was purely because of those two rooms. People wanted to flaunt their stuff anyways.

Location would probably be it too. Duskan was a nice middle from everything. We should think about the starter city being in the center anyways. Maybe having 2 or three branches around it.

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Re: Maps

Postby Satsujin » Thu Apr 21, 2016 11:12 am

I think the starter city being the central hub of activity would be a good idea, at least at first. We only need one or two cities for launch, the rest can be added as people out-level the starter areas and would naturally want to expand (the lake in that corner of the landmass I posted would be a good cut off point for the starter areas, I think), because if the starter cities are a day's walk from each other thinking in lore terms, then that's a pretty big lake to have to sail across or walk around. It'd give a sense of scale for the whole landmass too, so it'd take maybe a few weeks hiking in lore terms to reach either the mountain range to the east, the desert to the south, or the rest of the forests to the north.

After we've got a stable product and player base, moving the central hub to another town might make more sense, especially if we go with someone's suggestion to make crossing the mountains a storyline quest to expand the world space.
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