Geralut's Adventure

Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2018 5:15 pm

Geralut's Adventure

Postby Whitestar » Wed Dec 25, 2019 7:56 pm

A Xmas Tease.

An unnatural wind billows through the gate one by one the street continues. Then forlorn ancient shops temples and homes appear through the fog. The howl of a wolf in the distance penetrates the ancient cities air. A lone adventurer cloaked against the bitter wind struggles through the old road to reach the lost city.

At the city gates, a stone monument stands shattered, our adventurer sees a text plate at the bottom. He kneels down to inspect It much is damaged but he can decipher “arian Destroyer ” the message obviously obscured, our adventurer wonders. He notices an old stone building still intact near the gate next and enters to find shelter and rest from the trek through the wilderness in his heavy armor.

Several months before he was commissioned to go forth and locate an ancient capital. The king recently discovered a tome, telling of a conflict near the founding of his city in the time of his ancestor the first king of Alderra. In the volume it spun towering tales of an ancient threat and valiant heroes. It told of ancient magicks and powerful weapons. Long forgotten he wondered what remained. Likely plundered he thought but still his curiosity lead to a call for an expedition. With little expected he intended to keep it small. A single party of adventurers set off to sate his curiosity.

The company of Geralut was selected to lead the expedition. Geralut a tall sturdy human knight founded the guild 3 years ago, he sat in Eagle Talon Inn with his band of 30. They spent most of their time questing through the realm. Never settling but expanding their influence and renown building towards the future where they might one day establish their own guild hall.

“Geralut what in Pyrons blessed name makes you think this contract is worth taking. That greedy king has never made a fair contract.” Rilas said exacerbated by his leader yet again taking another unprofitable contact. “5000 gold pieces up front 50% of the plunder on returning for a wild goose chase and only a story and ancient maps to go by.” Rilas Fireheart mutters. A devoted Paladin of Pyron he was responsible for protecting his party. Being Dark Elf he wasn’t particularly strong in any category of his profession but that hasn't stopped him from becoming 2nd in command of the company and valued greatly.

Geralut shakes his head smiles and responds “50% of the plunder with first 2 picks besides i have a feeling about this”

His companions all groan.
Kaitlyn Rose as slender and as beautiful as her race seemed to decree was bold enough to voice it first “yeah the last time you had one of your feelings we ended up battling the Crimson Dragon for half the morning” the company snickers “and to forestall you, yes we gathered a couple scales during the battle but we lost 3 members doing it.”

Geralut looking solemn, the tables surrounding his quieten. He knew very well what that day had cost. 2 of which were original members of his band. His beloved Beth casting forth the healing waters of Riva through the fight finally drained of her magical repository in such a sustained battle she began rejuvenating under the protection of Rilas and Garforth a promising young squire. The young lad excited to be in his first real battle had been assigned to watch over their right flank made a costly mistake. His main force tactfully regrouping after the loss of their companies only ranger Quilros. They had pressed an advantage too close so they were out of position when for some unknown reason Garforth began taunting the dragon. Before Geralut could even signal for the company to withdraw the dragon swept Rilas from the field and sent forth a molten blast that devoured the young knight and his love. He proved his mettle yet again that day keeping it together to withdraw from battle. They still had a job to complete it was a minor one which stung a little. It was the last test for Garforth to becoming a full fledged member of the band. One he would never complete with the intervention of the dragon pulling the company from the task. He had allowed the untested Garforth to remain on the field. He had failed to consider his recruits long trials nearing completion he might have advanced enough to perform his latent abilities. He thought being nearest to his cleric and an experienced paladin out of direct conflict would negate risk to himself or the Company, it was a mistake and his to bear.

The Elven bard Kaitlyn looked over towards Geralut and realises what she's said. “Sire, please forgive me i meant no offense.”
Geralut blinks escaping the memory of that fateful day “no matter, you maybe right we walk into an unknown. There's no telling what we might discover lurking in our future. I have accepted the contract but will not hold anyone to go unwilling.” he pauses considering the contract and allowing them to whisper. “ in fact, the company is too large for this contract the pay sufficient for at most 4. I was the one to accept it so shall be among that number. I’ll require 3 volunteers. Rilas I will entrust the guild to your charge in my absence you speak with my authority” Rilas looking devastated elicits Geralut to continue “Forgive me old friend i know you wish to join me despite being riled about the contract particulars but both of us can't go traipsing off leaving so many of these rascals unattended” The company insist all would be well, while some trying to lie convincingly most can't keep it together, Rilas nods reluctantly. “Of course, I will tend to this sorry lot. While you have all the fun.” he scowls at them “So the matter at hand is 3 volunteers.”

The guild as one stands to volunteer. Geralut and Kilas unsurprised begin calling names.

Geralut Shouts first “Kaitlyn Rose, friend you stand to volunteer?”
“Sire, yes if i attend the party. My songs shall strengthen our way. Allow me to make amends for my careless words earlier”
“No amends are necessary for their were truths to them. Your refreshing voice would be a boon to our adventure and greatly appreciated” She exhales in relief and takes her seat.
Rilas Acknowledges Yarmelic “Speak if you must old ‘Shade’”
“Boss, I may be small, I may be aging, but my fingers are still nimble, my eye keen if i may be permitted my abilities would certainly outvalue my pace”
Geralut chuckles “aye, i prefer a cautious pace anyway. Your services may indeed prove invaluable” Shade nods and returns to the bar for the groups next round. Always a gentleman about spending the bosses coin.
Liqualian moves from the back of the room “as the only Necromancer i believe i should offer the most value in dealing with a potential dead city”
Rilas scowls deeper. “You might be right but should wait for permission to speak. Geralut?”
Not overly concerned about proper etiquette Geralut answers, “I had hoped your desire to come was genuine, I fear you might be correct and someone to control the undead may be warranted. I would like to thank everyone for volunteering. I'm sure Rilas will keep you busy and in good stead until my return. We will leave at dawn's light on the first day of the new month.”

Two mornings later the guild had prepared the enchanted knapsacks for a lengthy journey. The 4 well rested adventurers equipped and laiden with their supplies begin to march forth to find the lost city. Just exiting their hall they happen upon the Kings Guard bearing an official missive. “Good travels to you and your company. My sorcerer said today you would depart. I am sending along another adventurer funded by me, he will be well worth the imposition. He is already prepared and i'm sure you won't mind his company he will be at the gate when you arrive. -King Alderra”
“And so we have a spy to join us” Shade declares. “Perhaps” Geralut responds “let us see”

They arrive at the gate to find Hariel. A noted Paladin of Riva.
“Well met Brothers” a slight bow “sister”.
The Adventurers clasp arms with Hariel welcoming him back to the fold and set off on their latest newest adventure.

Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2018 5:15 pm

Re: Geralut's Adventure

Postby Whitestar » Wed Dec 25, 2019 7:56 pm


Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2018 5:15 pm

Re: Geralut's Adventure

Postby Whitestar » Wed Dec 25, 2019 7:57 pm


Posts: 12
Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2018 5:15 pm

Re: Geralut's Adventure

Postby Whitestar » Wed Dec 25, 2019 7:57 pm


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