The first Ember Online Trivia Event!

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The first Ember Online Trivia Event!

Postby Cerebrus » Sat Nov 12, 2016 10:16 pm

Okay. Here are the Questions, and Answers to the event we ran tonight! Winners were Folder, OneShot, and Celerity! Again, good job guys and the next one will be much more organized :)

Q: I taught you how to whisper to your friends in the same room. Who am I?
A: Master Prestidigitator

Q: What monster is covered head to toe in a filthy cloak but a twinkle in her eyes seem to catch your attention?
A: Beggar

Q: Which town is overrun with bad guys?
A: Linwood

Q: At which shop can you buy the Wooden Deflector (green level +8 shield Item)?
A: Canopia Trading Post

Q: What town does not sell weapons?
A: Wiken

Q: What's the name of the NPC sitting in the disposal room in Bityrn?
A: Melody Scrapp

Q: In which shop can you buy emberstones?
A: Alchemy/magic shops (either works)

Q: Which class/classes have the ability to have pets?
A: Rangers/Necromancers/Sorcerers

Q: The game is set in which Kingdom?
A: Alderra

Q: What's the name of the Sobbing Mourner's Daughter?
A: Josephine Speilent (the last name is not necessary for a win.)

Q: What Monster drops the tainted cloak?
A: Cultist Recruiter

Q: What are the two newest races added to the available choices for races that you can choose from during character creation?
A: Elemental and Drakeblood

Q: Which monster drops Black Feathers?
A: Kakegi Crows

Q: How many towns are there currently in game?
A: 6 (bonus points if they can name all six)
B: Seamoor, Canopia, Bityrn, Linwood, Turenyara, Wiken

Q: Which town sells Sapphire Potions?
A: Turenyara

Q: Which two classes have the smite spell that does massive damage to undead creatures?
A: Cleric and Paladin

Q: Which button do you use to mass buy and sell items?
A: Shift

Q: What is the name of the little npc in Linwood?
A: Terrified Child

Q: Which npc drops the forest cloak?
A: Forest Witch

Q: What type of armor is sold in Wiken?
A: Silver Weave, Beast Skin, Silver Chain, Silver Plate (Silver can be the main answer but bonus points go to getting all of them)

Q: What item does Evelyn ask you for in her quest?
A: Wine (bonus points for the exact number which is 3)

Q: What Monster flies into the world and wreaks havoc randomly?
A: The Crimson Dragon

Q: How do you tell staff characters from Regular players?
A: Staff names are yellow in /who

Q: What is the name of the creator of Ember?
A: Nitehawk (bonus points for knowing is actual name :P)

Q: Name three staff members aside from me.
A: Satsujin, Lateralus, Nitehawk, Cerebrus, Kawasaki

Q: Where is Lateralus Hiding?
A: winner finds him. -He was hiding on the beach near the Alderra Military Academy.

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