Leveling-group healers get the shaft

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Leveling-group healers get the shaft

Postby Metzger » Tue Nov 22, 2016 4:58 pm

So if I am invited to a leveling group as a healer, cleric or otherwise, I'm typically asked, or expected to heal. As a result, these things happen:

    I get less EXP because healing a player does not give nearly as much EXP as it does casting a spell on a monster. Healing a player seems to be about 1/3 or 1/4 the exp that attacking a monster would give.

    As a result of primarily healing the group, I get very few killshots. Lately, most leveling groups have been doing the, whoever gets the killshot, gets the loot, rule.

    As a result of getting few killshots, it makes it quite difficult to finish quests, and/or make any goldwhile leveling in a group.

Sure there are ways to work it out with the group so that we can round robin the loot, but let's be honest, that almost never happens. People like the, KS gets the loot, rule.

I could also go level by myself, but what fun is that? Not to mention, Nitehawk said somewhere that he wants to "encourage group leveling" I think, right?

I think to fix part of the issue, healing a player should give the same EXP that attacking a monster would give. Also, I'd love to see loot options available for selecting while in a party: KS gets the loot, Round Robin, etc.. etc..

What do you guys think?

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Re: Leveling-group healers get the shaft

Postby NiteHawk » Tue Nov 22, 2016 5:24 pm

Metzger wrote:So if I am invited to a leveling group as a healer, cleric or otherwise, I'm typically asked, or expected to heal. As a result, these things happen:

    I get less EXP because healing a player does not give nearly as much EXP as it does casting a spell on a monster. Healing a player seems to be about 1/3 or 1/4 the exp that attacking a monster would give.

    As a result of primarily healing the group, I get very few killshots. Lately, most leveling groups have been doing the, whoever gets the killshot, gets the loot, rule.

    As a result of getting few killshots, it makes it quite difficult to finish quests, and/or make any goldwhile leveling in a group.

Sure there are ways to work it out with the group so that we can round robin the loot, but let's be honest, that almost never happens. People like the, KS gets the loot, rule.

I could also go level by myself, but what fun is that? Not to mention, Nitehawk said somewhere that he wants to "encourage group leveling" I think, right?

I think to fix part of the issue, healing a player should give the same EXP that attacking a monster would give. Also, I'd love to see loot options available for selecting while in a party: KS gets the loot, Round Robin, etc.. etc..

What do you guys think?

It's based on your level vs mob level or player level is why. It's the same formula for both monsters/players. I'd assume the monsters are higher level though. You might wanna get proper stats though for similar leveled mobs vs players.. I'm pretty sure it shouldn't be 1/4th the exp.

In terms of looting, I think we can add party gold exp but adding a round robin system is a bit eh, because then the item would be locked to the KS, and no one else could pick it up etc etc. Meaning people can't loot or steal and stuff, and I kind of like that mechanic. If your party mates aren't giving you good loot, maybe you should find new friends who aren't dinks. Most people split gold afterwards generally when it comes to items. I don't really want items to be stuck on the ground for only X people to pick up.

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Re: Leveling-group healers get the shaft

Postby Folder » Tue Nov 22, 2016 5:25 pm

With smite I felt that I had plenty of opportunities as a pally to get xp, but I do hear you. The only true solution is to make all xp shared and not just KS.

Re: loot. I think that this is solved by groups themselves. People are pretty cool in groups in my experience. When healing on my pally typically people gave me all mana drops and some even tipped me after.

So that is to say it was a good leveling experience for me even when fulltime healing. I'd say we should talk about all xp being shared as well as group killshot credit for quests. Those 2 things would balance things imo.

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Re: Leveling-group healers get the shaft

Postby NiteHawk » Tue Nov 22, 2016 5:28 pm

Folder wrote:With smite I felt that I had plenty of opportunities as a pally to get xp, but I do hear you. The only true solution is to make all xp shared and not just KS.

Re: loot. I think that this is solved by groups themselves. People are pretty cool in groups in my experience. When healing on my pally typically people gave me all mana drops and some even tipped me after.

So that is to say it was a good leveling experience for me even when fulltime healing. I'd say we should talk about all xp being shared as well as group killshot credit for quests. Those 2 things would balance things imo.

I don't think I'll be adding exp per point to all. It's a pain to calculate everytime and I think it will be hard on the server to have to deal per shot. Won't be nice.

Credits for quest though would be something I could look at though for kill shots.

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Re: Leveling-group healers get the shaft

Postby Folder » Tue Nov 22, 2016 5:30 pm

Ok fair enough. Group quest credit would be real nice. As an example earlier today running a 4man group doing corrupt guard quests...quest is to kill 20, so that means 80 in a group and an awful lot of stopping dps so specific people get the KS. Kinda bleh.

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Re: Leveling-group healers get the shaft

Postby Folder » Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:45 pm

Chris have you ever considered getting rid of per-hit xp and increasing KS xp to balance that out? You could equalize party xp this way and it would even be less calculations for the server.

Doing that and adding group credit for KS on quest seems like a pretty interesting idea. Big change perhaps but would encourage grouping more and even xp out.

Also maybe worth considering nerfing KS xp a little in bigger groups so that 6mans dont level 6x faster than solo.

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Re: Leveling-group healers get the shaft

Postby NiteHawk » Wed Nov 23, 2016 3:01 am

Folder wrote:Chris have you ever considered getting rid of per-hit xp and increasing KS xp to balance that out? You could equalize party xp this way and it would even be less calculations for the server.

Doing that and adding group credit for KS on quest seems like a pretty interesting idea. Big change perhaps but would encourage grouping more and even xp out.

Also maybe worth considering nerfing KS xp a little in bigger groups so that 6mans dont level 6x faster than solo.

I'm not sure how I feel about that specially if others come and steal KS. Since it has been happening I wonder if this would make people rage who are soloing, specially if there is more then one person in the arena. I don't generally like the idear though of removing it as it at leasts prevents this from happening when not partying up.

The exp isnt 6x though, not sure where people are getting that. It doesn't mean everyone gets 100%. The exp is actually split, but you do gain a bonus. I am lowering the bonus a bit though.

I.E> two people in party is 130% exp split (so 65% exp each).
Six would be 150% exp split etc etc

Obviously they are killing faster though too. So technically if 6 people killing it means they gain 50% faster. Instead of starting at 30% and ramping to 50%. I am lowering it to 10% and ramping it to 30%. I'm having gold/party kills for quest added as well.

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Re: Leveling-group healers get the shaft

Postby Lateralus » Wed Nov 23, 2016 5:18 am

Folder wrote:Chris have you ever considered getting rid of per-hit xp and increasing KS xp to balance that out? You could equalize party xp this way and it would even be less calculations for the server.

Doing that and adding group credit for KS on quest seems like a pretty interesting idea. Big change perhaps but would encourage grouping more and even xp out.

Also maybe worth considering nerfing KS xp a little in bigger groups so that 6mans dont level 6x faster than solo.

I think in a game like this is might make ks farming a little too easy and could be taken advantage of. IE group of players goes around getting things to crit and player to be leveled is out of the party and just grabs killshots and speed levels.

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Re: Leveling-group healers get the shaft

Postby daedroth » Wed Nov 23, 2016 7:15 am

The ks gets the drop issue, isn't there that "/randomparty" thing? That could be used to fix the ks gets the item problem thing (and the person who got will get skipped the next time to keep it fair). Although if your with the right group the loot is usually not an issue (gather loot, sell loot, one person gets all the gold, gold then get split between the group. With items it can be honour based (as in who needs gets) or the /randomparty think I already mentioned... off course as I said that depends on who you are with, maybe make out rules before you go out? Then there are no misunderstanding or whining... haha, good luck).
Disclaimer: Any ideas I come up with may not even meet my approval. I am just posting an idea based on the topic I have just read.
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Re: Leveling-group healers get the shaft

Postby Rodeo » Sat Nov 26, 2016 7:30 pm

I like the way revelation: lands of kaldana did exp with KS say yoy killed a bear bears GI've 45k exp if you do 75% of the damage to the bear and sone one runs in and kills it the player who did the majority gets the exp. This game had a really good group/solo play aspect and if it was still around I would suggest you guys check it out.

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