current broken factors in game

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Re: current broken factors in game

Postby Terron » Wed Jan 24, 2018 11:12 pm

cant really group all pkers the same way. running around on a level 25 saurian slayer and raping level 16s is kind of funny. but yet would grow tiresome with a miniature game and no real training spots. i mean if you think about it level 16s only go a handful of places. pretty much identical to level 24s imo. theres just no good areas with monsters level 24/25 most everything is 23. its limited at best.
if tyrargo was a guardian or druid etc its likely he couldnt pk anyone without a team or buffs. unless they are half dead to start. this is typically how all pks happen, people just dont drink a potion and sit severely wounded.

slayers were broken on rok, which is undoubtedly the backbone of this game. however, on rok, u could log 3 characters and atleast somewhat defend yourself. people still dominated, primarily with multiple slayers usually buffed/supported in some manner.
ember has no support, slayer finds you, slayer attempts rng and u die or dont die. i find this pretty fkin horrible for a single alt game.
that being said i dont think faggot pages and suck my ballsack is the answer.

imo delete slayer, core problem right there. let barbarian shine for once. let pkers build up fury, find, and try to round people with 3 huge hits. seems better.
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Re: current broken factors in game

Postby daedroth » Thu Jan 25, 2018 12:59 pm

Cydon wrote:>Your average PK results in rage pages of "fuck you", "you're a faggot", "go kill yourself", and on and on. Now THAT is abuse, PvP in a PvP game is not abuse.

You think PVP can;t be abused? It can literally stop someone from being able to level ANY CHARACTER THEY HAVE. Sometimes those responses are warranted. The person who is literally stalking a player and ALL OF THEIR ALTS is abuse. You don't even have to PK them. Just consistently show up and attack them while they are leveling on every single character they have. Eventually you can't level without the threat that you will get PK'd. Not to mention the SUPER CHEESE of just PKers attacking a couple times then letting the actual mobs you are fighting kill you. Lose more exp and then they can get around the 3 PK an hour rule. Tyrargo was consistently abusing this and made multiple people quit the game. You can talk about the verbage used after this, but it was 100% warranted. Don't be a giant dickbag and harass lowbies because you have a power trip and maybe people would stay and enjoy the game. Like I said, it's not just "PK", its any PVP from a level 25 crushes someone > level 23. The 3 pk an hour is a joke since many players lose a couple million over those 3 deaths and only have an hour to play (not the retired, i have no job, disbaled, I play for 16 hour a day types). You basically get all your time wasted. WHO WANTS TO DO THAT????? Well not me, my friends, my coworkers, or most people. So you can say PVP isn't the reason the game doesn't have any players, but it's not true at all.

I would rather get pk'd than deal with some of the pages you send in game (I was shown some by my friend). If I was a sensitive soul I would find you more "cancerous" than the pkers you are always whining about.
Disclaimer: Any ideas I come up with may not even meet my approval. I am just posting an idea based on the topic I have just read.
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Re: current broken factors in game

Postby JadeFalcon » Thu Jan 25, 2018 3:31 pm

Cydon wrote:>Your average PK results in rage pages of "fuck you", "you're a faggot", "go kill yourself", and on and on. Now THAT is abuse, PvP in a PvP game is not abuse.

You think PVP can;t be abused? It can literally stop someone from being able to level ANY CHARACTER THEY HAVE. Sometimes those responses are warranted. The person who is literally stalking a player and ALL OF THEIR ALTS is abuse. You don't even have to PK them. Just consistently show up and attack them while they are leveling on every single character they have. Eventually you can't level without the threat that you will get PK'd. Not to mention the SUPER CHEESE of just PKers attacking a couple times then letting the actual mobs you are fighting kill you. Lose more exp and then they can get around the 3 PK an hour rule. Tyrargo was consistently abusing this and made multiple people quit the game. You can talk about the verbage used after this, but it was 100% warranted. Don't be a giant dickbag and harass lowbies because you have a power trip and maybe people would stay and enjoy the game. Like I said, it's not just "PK", its any PVP from a level 25 crushes someone > level 23. The 3 pk an hour is a joke since many players lose a couple million over those 3 deaths and only have an hour to play (not the retired, i have no job, disbaled, I play for 16 hour a day types). You basically get all your time wasted. WHO WANTS TO DO THAT????? Well not me, my friends, my coworkers, or most people. So you can say PVP isn't the reason the game doesn't have any players, but it's not true at all.

Now, i've left you talk withour replying, but ill just say this:
Get a life. Seriously.
So i killed you - if you want to know, really its not personal. Your just another alt not in my clan, so I kill you. I do this to everyone, including people i like. You know, its a game. That you take it so personal is just ridiculous.
Also, guess what - I am actually a nice guy! Had you paged me and told me "hey im new can you help me" instead of *eat shit and die", I would probably have helped you. But hey, your choice, so don't whine.

I mean, you talk alot, but you never made any smart question like - "how do i avoid being pk'ed". Its true, some people level entire alts without NEVER being pk'ed! Including people not on my clan, so take me out of the equation.

Also another fun fact - I actually play about an hour a day, not much more on weekends. Not enough to "harass" anyone, mate.
And final fun fact - you have paged me with insults, and when i added your alts to my /ignore list, you logged other alts to page me more abuse. That is a bannable offense.

Final fun fact: Do keep posting, you are amusing.
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Re: current broken factors in game

Postby Cydon » Thu Jan 25, 2018 4:19 pm

I mean, I'm done playing the game unless PVP is opt-in. You single handedly made 3 players quit. You are proud of that? You deserved all those responses (and much much worse). It wasn't the PK, you literally found all my alts, then would consistently stalk me and attack each alt until I logged off, rareley did you actually PK, so you abused the PK more than 3 an hour, by simply threatening to kill me and my friends constantly. I couldn't even play the game, same goes for my friends. I don't care how "nice" you are, to me you are a giant asshole, i made multiple attempts to figure out what your problem was but you never responded. You have some weird power trip in the game and need to get a life, if harassing lowbies is fun to you, then it just means you can't compete with players your own level. It's more sad that you think it's amusing that people quit the game which already has almost no players. RoK was fun because people like you really didn't exist. They were busy actually trying to kill people their own level and not seeing how many players they could make quit. The game would be much better off without players like you in it.

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Re: current broken factors in game

Postby Folder » Thu Jan 25, 2018 4:53 pm

Cydon wrote:You deserved all those responses (and much much worse).

Please stop. You're being ridiculously rude on these forums. If you ever made any effort to get to know people you'd realize they are not what you've made them out to be.

Cydon wrote:RoK was fun because people like you really didn't exist. They were busy actually trying to kill people their own level and not seeing how many players they could make quit.

lol just...ok maybe you never played old RoK. PKing was 10x what it is here. The entire game was PKing. That is what people did. PK/PKK clans killed each other all day. Crossroads. Gate sitting. And guess what, there weren't even any restrictions on PKing like waiting until lvl16 and (soon) not losing XP for kills. Not to mention EVERY ITEM YOU HAD DROPPED.

Take off the rose sunglasses man, the old days were fucking brutal and now it's pretty much rainbows and unicorns. And you still think it's too intense...I don't get it man.

Look you don't have to like the game, that's fine. Is what it is. But please stop spouting off at people on the forums, it's toxic behavior and doesn't help anything.

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Re: current broken factors in game

Postby JadeFalcon » Thu Jan 25, 2018 4:54 pm

Cydon wrote:I mean, I'm done playing the game unless PVP is opt-in. You single handedly made 3 players quit. You are proud of that? You deserved all those responses (and much much worse). It wasn't the PK, you literally found all my alts, then would consistently stalk me and attack each alt until I logged off, rareley did you actually PK, so you abused the PK more than 3 an hour, by simply threatening to kill me and my friends constantly. I couldn't even play the game, same goes for my friends. I don't care how "nice" you are, to me you are a giant asshole, i made multiple attempts to figure out what your problem was but you never responded. You have some weird power trip in the game and need to get a life, if harassing lowbies is fun to you, then it just means you can't compete with players your own level. It's more sad that you think it's amusing that people quit the game which already has almost no players. RoK was fun because people like you really didn't exist. They were busy actually trying to kill people their own level and not seeing how many players they could make quit. The game would be much better off without players like you in it.

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Re: current broken factors in game

Postby Folder » Thu Jan 25, 2018 5:26 pm

Fee fee's? Lol.

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Re: current broken factors in game

Postby Terron » Thu Jan 25, 2018 5:32 pm

lol, done measuring your micropenises? can we stay to the topic at hand plz.

silh aint got players theyre outnumbered 8:3 at almost any given time during the day.
noone can really pk you enough to make you never gain exp.

well those mysteries are solved .
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Re: current broken factors in game

Postby NiteHawk » Fri Jan 26, 2018 9:00 am

Closing a topic for once in history because it's literally just a shit fest. Also banned the one character as I'm not sure whoever created it would think that in any case that forum name would be legit, which also deleted his posts.

I pretty much got the gist of the topic, though.

If there's a proper discussion about slayers and such feel free to open up a thread about it. I do agree they are a bit OP but there are probably lots of ways to adjust things, which include beefing up other classes too or balancing the AGI for smaller gangs, reduced agi when backstabbing, etc.

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