Build Change Log - 10-6-18

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Build Change Log - 10-6-18

Postby Lateralus » Sat Oct 06, 2018 4:03 am

New Features/Content/Adjustments

Daily Quests
Added 5 New Daily Quests (Thanks Kruell!). These will be appearing in your quest rotation so keep an eye out!
-2 casual quests
-3 vet quests

Monthly adjustment to collector quests

Crystal Smash
-Tainted crystal now easier to hit with magic and melee.
-Tainted crystal now has a better chance to drop more and better crystals on death.
-Tainted crystal now gives out better crystal drops during milestones.
-Tainted crystal quicker respawn time.
-Lowered Fairy blind chance.
-Skeletal Pup better dodge but lower mr (better target for casters)
-Skeletal Pup slightly better crystal drops


Fixed missing pic on about 15 companions
Fixed typo on phoenix companion
Fixed entrances to dreadlands and refine to allow pets to follow.
Fixed typo in seamoor city auction house
Fixed typo in potion of mortality
Fixed honey wine to restore mana
Fixed tarnished cup (was not dropping correctly)

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