Staff Positions Open & Staff Awards

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Staff Positions Open & Staff Awards

Postby NiteHawk » Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:30 pm

I'm going to be transparent about things like this as I've always been trying to be upfront with anything we do.

First off, we're still looking for writers, builders, scripters, events, quests, etc. If you haven't yet and want to apply, please submit your application. If you already submitted, don't worry, we haven't voted yet. Please apply ASAP.

Second off, I feel that being in staff can be tough/taxing, specially event staffers. We can't seem to hold them because of how some people act towards them when things don't go their way, even if it is not the staffers fault. We can't seem to get many applicants due to this too. I've said again and again that they do this for free, on their own time, missing out on events themselves. It ends up being more of a second job and not very fun as a lot of the time the people who end up running off our staffers are rather loud.

I will be starting staff awards, mainly as a low amount of PP for activity. I haven't set the amount for builders yet but it will be per area (and/or scripts). For event staffers, they will get 3PP per event run. The average staffer runs between 6-12 events a month so it's around 18 to 36PP a month.

I do wish I didn't have to do this, but it is what it is right now. I hope eventually that it's not required, but for now I feel like it is required to keep staffers around. We will also be working on some automated events or semi-automated events which should help out, but this is a slow process. Hopefully we'll see it sooner then later though!


Apply today. Most people will have their shot to make an impact. I give a chance to most people as long as you have the games best interest at heart and have not caused problems in the past.

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