Random Musings

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Random Musings

Postby Kawasaki » Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:12 pm

I would like to think that the world is ruled by multiple empires, and we all start off in one place, but we have a choice to make early on, do we help the empire where we started defend against the oncoming attack of another kingdom, or do we side with the other kingdom whose reasoning behind the war is justified and righteous.

The war could be a questline that leads to the destruction of parts of the world, to introduce new lands and quest lines. I've always enjoyed the idea that what we do in the world actually has an effect on the introduction of new and unique story lines. I would say that we shouldn't completely destroy things but change the way they are laid out because of wreckage and destruction.

Another thing I think is that the gods actually need to play a bigger part in the game rather than just increasing damage against another faith besides yours or protecting you against a faith. In ROK the gods just... existed. They never seemed to have a reasoning to be their, did they create the world, did they create the players of their faith in their image? Did any of them actually want you to go out and cause mayhem and destruction?

Feel free to add and discuss options and ideas that you have.

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Re: Random Musings

Postby Kawasaki » Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:25 pm

For the quest lines I would like if we could put a system of the city reputation, where doing quests gives you reputation points that allows you to buy items for a slight discount and opens up higher tier items that the shopkeeper can sell for you.

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Re: Random Musings

Postby Ghost » Wed Apr 27, 2016 11:29 pm

There is something very attractive about this idea of active spaces. The idea of being able to attack a square itself or build a square. Remnant has hinted to this idea in a couple of places on the forum as well.

Imagine if you had these empires you speak of and certain landmarks can be protected by deity and not destroyed. However you have these other smaller towns which clans can attack and turn to ruins. However on the otherside of the world another clan or empire is building a town. Possibly at certain points enough worship from a god in one of these player built cities can result in protection from destruction.

It's an entirely new system from what we're used to, but it allows the community to actively shape their world.

I also love this idea that in this newly created world, people are much more in touch with the Gods. The idea that they're lesser gods, or more human of gods gives a physical presence to them and possible a greater connection.

just ideas!

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