DISCUSSION for KotH & Jr. KotH

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Re: King of the Hill & Jr. King of the Hill

Postby Reaper » Thu Jan 05, 2017 6:40 pm

hAHAHA you gotta be kidding me! I always get wrecked and last night I finally get lucky and half win something and you want to make me completely useless? Those fights I won with less than 100 health in almost all of them. It was complete luck. Leech is our damage spell it is what makes us unique from a hard hitting sorcerer. You allow us to hit twice with our only worthwhile damage? DMs are in no way close to OP. Whatever though if thats how this is going to be Ive got other games to play.

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Re: King of the Hill & Jr. King of the Hill

Postby Reaper » Thu Jan 05, 2017 6:45 pm

Also my heals are on average from 23 - 38 no way in hell I went from severe to healthy. Maybe if I had div they might have been 30-high 40's

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Re: King of the Hill & Jr. King of the Hill

Postby Cerebrus » Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:47 pm

Alright guys, I got some more input on this now that Chris is online and I want your opinions

First let me say I didnt know it only healed for that small amount (200hp per round max if all your leeches connect in a round) So everyone calm down and let's discuss this and figure out something in the middle.

My thoughts as well as a couple other staffers is what if we limit it per round rather than per fight? For instance 2 leeches per round? I would love some other ideas so we can pick what fits best.

I want to add Im actually on the fence on this. On one hand, it is your best spell and I believe, since people know when Koth is each week, they should bring an alt that well rounded and be prepared to fight any casters including DM's and their leech spell. (I did some testing myself today with my 20wis DE assassin vs a 23int Necro and I did damn good. He missed a lot on me. DE's high MR + 20wis is a nice counter to a necro ;) )

As for the JR. King of the Hill question about Assassins not hiding on their 3rd attack. The reason I said it's a rule is because it's a rule and will stay that way. If I started allowing it based on your argument that its part of their strategy then you could also ask why cant healers heal all they want or other classes buff as much as they want during the fight.

I would counter your question with a question of my own. Explain to me how hiding on the 3rd attack is a strategy in a straight up 1v1 dual? If you say to make them burn a stm pt by searching I would say wouldnt it be wiser to search during the first hide/backstab to maybe make the assassin trip up and fail the backstab?

What Im guessing is its because you want to continue to backstab nonstop rather then do a reg attack on that 3rd stm pt. In that case thats not what I want for under 25 KotH. I want it to be /hide/backstab/attack.

It's just how I designed this particular event. Everyone else has seemed okay with it and so far they've all said it's a fair event. I cant just go changing how it works everytime someone thinks it should be different then it would be in a constant state of change.

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DISCUSSION for KotH & Jr. KotH

Postby Cerebrus » Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:54 pm

Please post any questions or discussions in this thread. The other thread is meant for announcing winners each week. Thank you

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Re: DISCUSSION for KotH & Jr. KotH

Postby Reaper » Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:15 pm

Well with that philosophy in mind, to keep it fair.

Slayers 1 backstab per round
Ninjas 2 hits with staff then switch to hands per round
Sorcs 2 blast per round
Elder two hits with transformed then switch to regular

I mean if you want it to be fair by gimping abilities then gimp them all. I didn't realize this was going to be like RoK where Ninja, Slayers, and Elders are the only viable choices for events. That is the path we are headed down. OMG something other than one of the master classes did good in ONE event out of the many that has been held better make it pointless to use that class, don't wanna disrupt the holy trinity.

This crap is retarded.

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Re: DISCUSSION for KotH & Jr. KotH

Postby Lateralus » Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:59 pm

I agree here I really hate how we have to gimp classes for 1v1 events. Honestly necros might own low wis characters but they are not going to beat anything with 17+ wis most the time.

I don't really have a certain solution just kind of sucks we have to gimp classes.

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Re: DISCUSSION for KotH & Jr. KotH

Postby Folder » Thu Jan 05, 2017 11:36 pm

Y'all gotta realize Cere is just trying to balance things. He's not out to get you.

IMO DM's have to use leech, it's their only decent damage spell. I think as Lat said they are going to do very very well against low wis, but they can lose same as a sorc against targets with solid MR. It's the way the game goes. I'm pretty sure that if you make them use beam (or whatever their low lvl dmg spell is) that they would be unable to compete.

Leave it the way it was, see if DMs dominate. I don't think they will, and frankly I think that if they do it's not a 1v1 rule that needs to be changed but it'd be leech itself that needs changing (although a bandaid 1v1 change in the meantime would be fine).

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Re: DISCUSSION for KotH & Jr. KotH

Postby Mujahideen » Fri Jan 06, 2017 12:25 am

I have to agree here, don't handicap the classes... well I guess you have to handicap clerics from simply healing all the time but other than that...

A high int should beat a low wis the majority of the time. Don't like it? Then make a ling ninja or elf elder.

A lizard ninja I think will beat an elder and ling ninja so it all works out.

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Re: DISCUSSION for KotH & Jr. KotH

Postby Vindal » Fri Jan 06, 2017 7:50 am

Reaper wrote:Well with that philosophy in mind, to keep it fair.

Slayers 1 backstab per round
Ninjas 2 hits with staff then switch to hands per round
Sorcs 2 blast per round
Elder two hits with transformed then switch to regular

I mean if you want it to be fair by gimping abilities then gimp them all. I didn't realize this was going to be like RoK where Ninja, Slayers, and Elders are the only viable choices for events. That is the path we are headed down. OMG something other than one of the master classes did good in ONE event out of the many that has been held better make it pointless to use that class, don't wanna disrupt the holy trinity.

This crap is retarded.

I agree with you here. Leech is a DMs only viable attack spell, and you can now only use it twice before having to use the spell you start the game with. After weeks of events being dominated by ninjas and slayers there is one good round of a DM and the world changes the rules. If you performed like this several weeks in a row we should be having this conversation, but a DM had one good week and you snag a nerf.

When the world makes nothing but low wis characters a caster coming through and wrecking us shouldn't be nerf worthy.

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Re: DISCUSSION for KotH & Jr. KotH

Postby Cerebrus » Fri Jan 06, 2017 11:02 am

reaper really no reason to get upset, I was willing to discuss this as I do not know a lot about DM's lol

So after listening to everyone's argument, we will leave DM's as they were and people will have to start taking into account they may face one and take the proper steps to counter it :D

Great discussion for the most part, #gettingshitdone2017

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