Early September Content Update

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Early September Content Update

Postby NiteHawk » Sun Sep 17, 2017 7:07 am

This weekend we will be adding some new content to the Dwarven Mines. This is just a minor content update that will include a small quest / boss area. This will be a late afternoon day boss to compete with the Seta boss. The idea here is that if we stack some of the oad times then different guilds will have a chance at different oads. Guilds will have to choose which boss they want to go after. Yes it will be possible to get both bosses or keys or whatever but it will be quite a bit harder and will require guilds to split forces if they decide to go after both bosses.

Anyways I don't want to give away too much about the area but this is a 3 person capped mini boss with a few tricks up its sleeve.

There are a few other changes as well. Gold Horder is now Gold Hoarder (spelling fix). Also some of the Seta mini bosses had their damage increased about 5% and green item drops slightly lowered. Astral Archer & Void Imp also had their green drops slightly lowered. (supply was greatly outnumbering demand).

The idea here is that instead of doing large content update every 1 or 2 months we will try to introduce small content updates twice a month. This is the first of many new mini boss oad types look for the next one in 2 weeks.

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