A new quest is out starting August 1st (at reset)!
Prosperous Hoarder and his not-so-bright goblin, Grut, have arrived in Alderra City, near the gates. They are requesting certain items. In return, they will reward you with something special - A legendary weapon that no one has seen before!
To complete the quest you will have to give him weapons, armors, shields, helmets, boots, gloves, and even instruments! He will only take level 20+ uncommon or higher of these types of items. You can give him the items once you have started the quest via the /give command, or by right clicking the weapon in your inventory, and selecting Give. If you are unsure of how many points you will get for the item, Grut is there to help you! He can appraise your items first before you give them to the Prosperous Hoarder.
In general, this is what items are worth:
Level 20 Uncommon (Green): 1 point
Level 20 Rare (Blue): 3 points
Level 20 Epic (Purple): 10 points
Level 20 Legendary (Gold/Orange): 60 points
Level 20 Artifact (Red): 100 points
Level 25 Uncommon (Green): 5 point
Level 25 Rare (Blue): 15 points
Level 25 Epic (Purple): 40 points
Level 25 Legendary (Gold/Orange): 80 points
Level 25 Artifact (Red): 120 points
Legendary and Artifact are clearly not worth it, but are there in case you actually have some you have no use for. A humming item is CONSIDERED one color higher, as it shows in game as well! Awesome!
You will require 1000 points for him to finally give you the legendary artifact. Yes this is going to be work, but here is the benefit. You have a full year to complete the quest (though I'm sure many will not require this!), as long as you begin before February 1st, 2020. After this date, you can still complete it, but cannot start it.
This is ONE PER ACCOUNT, and cannot be traded. It is both account bound and character bound.
The legendary items itself:
-Either a dagger, staff, sword, two-handed sword, bow, or blunt.
-The item is +1/+1 over a purple OAD (+0.5/+0.5 over a radiant purple OAD). The item is enchanted with a mysterious enchant.
-PVE: 10% Divinity bonus damage, depending on the character you equip.
-PVP: 5% Divinity bonus damage, depending on the character you equip. 5% damage bonus if the character is attacking a same race as the equipped character. 5% damage bonus if the character is attacking a same class as the equipped character. This means you can deal an extra 15% damage if the conditions are met! This ALSO applies for both physical and magical damage attacks!
-Here is an additional bonus, because it is a quest item, it have a chance for humming effects which will bump it to artifact quality! Oh my! How fancy!
-Note: Because the item has a higher min/max; Damage, heals, buffs, and debuffs, etc, will also be a little stronger since the changes to spells being affected by your min/max.
-Note2: Neutral divinity characters cannot equip this item.
-Note3: Putting the item on another character after unsbing it will also change the divinity/race/class bonus, it is modular and is always based on the current character it is on.
So get to farming, trading, run oads, or simply use your saved up items to get this great item! The item is available for a limited time!
NOTE: Items that are soulbound with a character must be given by the character it belongs to! He will not accept items that don't belong to you at all! Account bound items are fine to give!
NOTE2: The quest is ACCOUNT WIDE and your points are tallied with ALL YOUR CHARACTERS!
Quest: Legendary Weapon From a Hoarder (Limited time!) Starting August 1st at reset!
Re: Quest: Legendary Weapon From a Hoarder (Limited time!) Starting August 1st at reset!
The quest is ACCOUNT WIDE and your points are tallied with ALL YOUR CHARACTERS!
And yes, if you put the item on another character, the bonuses will change to that character. Div, Race, Class bonuses.
Neutral does not have a divinity bonus, and does not apply to them. The other two bonuses will still apply.
I also know that some people will complete this quest right off the bat. Some people save for years. Can't base this off the vets, gotta base it on the overall average of current players.
And yes, if you put the item on another character, the bonuses will change to that character. Div, Race, Class bonuses.
Neutral does not have a divinity bonus, and does not apply to them. The other two bonuses will still apply.
I also know that some people will complete this quest right off the bat. Some people save for years. Can't base this off the vets, gotta base it on the overall average of current players.
Re: Quest: Legendary Weapon From a Hoarder (Limited time!) Starting August 1st at reset!
This quest is meant to be one per account. If somehow you manage to get two on one account, this is against the rules! I don't want to restrict a certain system which will hurt other items in the long run just for this.
Simply put, if you are caught with more than one legendary item from this quest on one account, both will be deleted and/or you will be banned.
Simply put, if you are caught with more than one legendary item from this quest on one account, both will be deleted and/or you will be banned.
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