We have won Mud of the Month at Reddit's r/Mud! In celebration, we will be raising the experience and gold for a week starting at reset today (Friday)! This mean you will be able to gain 15% more experience and 7.5% more gold for each monster you kill on any class!
On top of this, we are extending the Druid experience and gold for an extra week. This boost stacks with above bonus which means you can earn yourself some serious experience and gold (Little over 30% XP/15% Gold)! The druid events will still be held at the same time however!
As an added bonus, we have released a 'wheel of chance' located in Seamoor City (near the gates) that everyone can spin once a day! You can win yourself prestige points, boost scrolls and if your lucky, you'll find a dragon scale or a scroll of enchantment with a radiant effect! Nice! This will be gone in a week as well, so make sure you get your spins in!
Also, the third 'set' item event will start soon and will begin next week! You will be able to earn yourself the final set item piece and unlock your bonuses! Expect more details soon on the forums/discord/facebook.
(P.S. If you have not gotten the previous set items, don't fret! We will have chances to get them in the future too!)
Enjoy guys! If you haven't yet, upvote the post here at Reddit and leave a comment about the game: https://www.reddit.com/r/MUD/comments/f ... er_online/ .. It helps us out!
(Also as a warning, it is limited to one per account (and is set so). I will be watching 8))
Mud of the Month & A Gift For Everyone!
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