Premium Membership
Continually updated as questions arise! If your quetion isn't answered here, please contact nitehawk(AT) or reach me on Discord: -V-#0001 . Thank you.
How long does it take to get premium membership or an a pack I bought?
Typically it will be the next day or earlier, but in some cases it can take up to 48 hours. At the moment it is applied manually but might change to an in-game purchase in the future.
When does premium membership start and how long is it?
It will start soon as it is applied, not when you bought it! You will get 30 days of premium membership when applied.
What bonuses do I get and where is the wheel?
Check for more details! The wheel is located in Alderra City near the Alchemy, or Seamoor City just past the shops.
What are companions?
Companions are NPCs that can be summoned to grant experience and gold boosts. Some companions are more rare than others. You can check /boost to see the amount of boost you gain when it is out (Will be in the description shortly too). Companions hide from the player list when in unsafe areas, will not attack, and cannot be damaged by traditional means.
What are masks?
Masks change your character image while equipped. We are working on adding as many more, and even event/season ones!
What are the in game commands?
Please type /help Premium in game for more details! You won't regret it!
How do I create my house and where is it?
You can create your house at the landlords office. Currently not all cities have a landlords office. You can enter your house via the 'house' icon on your minimap where you have created it.
How do I expedite getting my goods?
Send an email to nitehawk(AT) with the details required. For example, on item renames, we will require the character, item name, and what you want the item name/image/description to be.
We will not approve items with vulgarity, racism, drug related, or just downright dodgey names that would otherwise be offensive to other players.
The server went down for awhile! What about my premium membership time that was lost!
If the server goes down for a extended amount of time, we will add the lost time to your premium account. Please give up to 48 hours to see the time extension on your account.
What if I upgrade premium membership while I have an existing plan? How does that work?
If you are on a monthly subscription, simply login to Paypal and remove the reoccuring fee and buy another subscription. We will upgrade your subscription once your current plan runs out.
If you wish to upgrade while you have a existing long-term plan, you will have to contact me directly via email or discord. The cost will be ('upgraded plan cost' minus 'your current plan') times remaining months. For example if you have 6 months left on a silver membership and want to upgrade to gold, it would cost you $36 USD ($6 USD more expansive per month times 6 months). This does NOT apply to memberships given from items and you will be required to pay the full amount (I.E. A premium item that gives you 30 days of premium for free).
I just recieved my upgraded premium membership, is there anything I need to do?
Everything but upgrading your house is done automatically. You will need to go to the landlords office and update the house from there before you can enter it. This also must be done if you downgrade.
How do I cancel a reoccuring monthly fee?
You will have to manage your reoccuring fee on Paypal.
Can I gift premium purchases?
You CAN gift premium purchases as long as they aren't being used for trading or sales. IN OTHER WORDS, IT MUST BE A GIFT ONLY. You can purchase a premium purcahse as a gift to one person every 3 months, and it must be a single premium purchase. (AKA it must NOT be a pack with several items, for example 'Character Pack #1'.) Any attempt to exploit this will lead to a permanent ban.
What if I cancel/stop premium membership?
Once your premium membership runs out, a few things will occur:
-Any items in your house vaults will be LOCKED. Make sure you remove any items you want from the house before your membership runs out. No items are ever wiped and are available once you get premium membership again. It is up to you to deal with your items!
-When your global vault shrinks back down to 50 spaces and you start removing items from your vault, items that are not visible due to the vault space reduction will fill up the empty slots until there are no more items. So simply put, keep removing items from your vault to get your missing items!
-With silver or gold premium membership, your character count WILL NOT go back down and you will still have access to all toons. However, you cannot receive characters, or make new ones, until you lower your character limit back to 50.
Do you offer refunds?
Generally no refunds will be given. All sales are final. The only exception to this is if your premium membership or one-time change (such as item renames), have not been applied yet. Paypal takes a processing fee to refund and costs around 5% of the total cost, which will be on the buyers behalf. I.E. If you pay $12, you will get $11.40 refunded. Note: If you purchase a 12 month package and, for example, are on your 1st month, we will not refund for the other months. Pick a package that suits you!
Premium FAQ
How long does it take to get premium membership or an a pack I bought?
Typically it will be the next day or earlier, but in some cases it can take up to 48 hours. At the moment it is applied manually but might change to an in-game purchase in the future.
When does premium membership start and how long is it?
It will start soon as it is applied, not when you bought it! You will get 30 days of premium membership when applied.
What bonuses do I get and where is the wheel?
Check for more details! The wheel is located in Alderra City near the Alchemy, or Seamoor City just past the shops.
What are companions?
Companions are NPCs that can be summoned to grant experience and gold boosts. Some companions are more rare than others. You can check /boost to see the amount of boost you gain when it is out (Will be in the description shortly too). Companions hide from the player list when in unsafe areas, will not attack, and cannot be damaged by traditional means.
What are masks?
Masks change your character image while equipped. We are working on adding as many more, and even event/season ones!
What are the in game commands?
Please type /help Premium in game for more details! You won't regret it!
How do I create my house and where is it?
You can create your house at the landlords office. Currently not all cities have a landlords office. You can enter your house via the 'house' icon on your minimap where you have created it.
How do I expedite getting my goods?
Send an email to nitehawk(AT) with the details required. For example, on item renames, we will require the character, item name, and what you want the item name/image/description to be.
We will not approve items with vulgarity, racism, drug related, or just downright dodgey names that would otherwise be offensive to other players.
The server went down for awhile! What about my premium membership time that was lost!
If the server goes down for a extended amount of time, we will add the lost time to your premium account. Please give up to 48 hours to see the time extension on your account.
What if I upgrade premium membership while I have an existing plan? How does that work?
If you are on a monthly subscription, simply login to Paypal and remove the reoccuring fee and buy another subscription. We will upgrade your subscription once your current plan runs out.
If you wish to upgrade while you have a existing long-term plan, you will have to contact me directly via email or discord. The cost will be ('upgraded plan cost' minus 'your current plan') times remaining months. For example if you have 6 months left on a silver membership and want to upgrade to gold, it would cost you $36 USD ($6 USD more expansive per month times 6 months). This does NOT apply to memberships given from items and you will be required to pay the full amount (I.E. A premium item that gives you 30 days of premium for free).
I just recieved my upgraded premium membership, is there anything I need to do?
Everything but upgrading your house is done automatically. You will need to go to the landlords office and update the house from there before you can enter it. This also must be done if you downgrade.
How do I cancel a reoccuring monthly fee?
You will have to manage your reoccuring fee on Paypal.
Can I gift premium purchases?
You CAN gift premium purchases as long as they aren't being used for trading or sales. IN OTHER WORDS, IT MUST BE A GIFT ONLY. You can purchase a premium purcahse as a gift to one person every 3 months, and it must be a single premium purchase. (AKA it must NOT be a pack with several items, for example 'Character Pack #1'.) Any attempt to exploit this will lead to a permanent ban.
What if I cancel/stop premium membership?
Once your premium membership runs out, a few things will occur:
-Any items in your house vaults will be LOCKED. Make sure you remove any items you want from the house before your membership runs out. No items are ever wiped and are available once you get premium membership again. It is up to you to deal with your items!
-When your global vault shrinks back down to 50 spaces and you start removing items from your vault, items that are not visible due to the vault space reduction will fill up the empty slots until there are no more items. So simply put, keep removing items from your vault to get your missing items!
-With silver or gold premium membership, your character count WILL NOT go back down and you will still have access to all toons. However, you cannot receive characters, or make new ones, until you lower your character limit back to 50.
Do you offer refunds?
Generally no refunds will be given. All sales are final. The only exception to this is if your premium membership or one-time change (such as item renames), have not been applied yet. Paypal takes a processing fee to refund and costs around 5% of the total cost, which will be on the buyers behalf. I.E. If you pay $12, you will get $11.40 refunded. Note: If you purchase a 12 month package and, for example, are on your 1st month, we will not refund for the other months. Pick a package that suits you!
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Ember Online is a graphical mud based game. Come join in on the fun!
© 2017 Chris Valleriani