Monster Mosh

Moderator: Event

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Monster Mosh

Postby Miach » Fri Apr 14, 2017 6:40 pm

Need a little chaos on the battlefield? Monster Mosh has what you're looking for!

This is a PVP Event.

This event will consist of parties at maximum of 3. You CAN enter with less, but it isn't recommended. You cannot have more than 3 in your party. Inviting of people or merging of parties is not allowed. If the party leader gets whacked, then the party can be reformed with the two remaining members or they can disperse solo (good luck if you decide to go it alone). Your party composition is completely up to you! Once you enter with your team, that is your party.

Pots/Mana are allowed.
There are no rules about how you can use your character. Use your imagination!
I understand that some guilds may submit more than one party and may heal or buff each other. Who am I to say how you can use your character? Only one team takes home the points though.

It goes without saying, but: If you lose unsoulbound gear, it will not be returned to you by a staff member. If someone happens to pick it up, dies, and wants to return it to you then that is their choice.

All itens are allowed.

I'll also run it as a a random team mosh or as a draft mosh, when I do it I'll announce it as a (Monster Mosh + Random Teams or Monster Mosh + Draft Teams).

As time progresses, certain rooms will gain monsters, traps, or other obstacles that will increase survival difficulty. This will occur much faster if there is not enough killing going on and will definitely occur if there is a significant amount of room camping.

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