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Postby NiteHawk » Mon Feb 08, 2021 10:03 am

-Crafting Released! viewtopic.php?f=35&t=2907
-Factions added. Control Crystals are no longer guild based and are faction based:

--There are three set factions. You cannot make a faction. You join one with other guilds.
--There are 5 control crystals, and a faction can hold up to 3.
--While holding a control crystal a faction will gain points. The faction will also gain stat bonuses and XP bonuses. Bonuses do not apply in arenas.
--Faction rewards are given out on Sunday and points are reset. Points can be redeemed for CM and PP, amongst other things.
--You cannot join the current 'largest' faction. Only the leader has access to join/leave a faction.
--Faction rewards are split depending on the amount of people in the faction and is based on the total amount of points earned from holding crystals and won events (The more people in a faction, the less rewards per person). There is also a boost to faction rewards (25% boost) to the smallest faction, AKA the underdogs. There is absolutely no reason to help another faction out unless you want less rewards ;)
--You can leave a faction whenever. You can join a faction once a day. However you will NOT gain rewards if you join on any day other then Sunday & Monday until the next faction point reset (Sunday). This is to prevent people swapping factions at the last minute for rewards. The same goes for anyone who joins a guild after Sunday/Monday individually.
--Factions give a faction chat. You can use /ignore if you don't like the person and it will function as it does elsewhere. Faction members cannot see the individuals that are online, and when they come online. There is no way for guilds to 'track' one another bar knowing a total count of how many in their faction is currently online.
--Faction chat is considered semi-public, so no swearing, and chat is throttled. Faction chat uses nickname instead of character. You CAN be muted!
--You cannot attack anyone in your faction except in FULL PVP areas! (Typically areas of interest like oad boss rooms. If we missed one contact us! Some bosses like Mort/Quartz will have their full PK rooms follow them as they move around.)
--REWARDS WILL BE ADJUSTED AND RELEASED AFTER TESTS! (Faction stores will be added in a month or less.)
--You can check your current individual faction points with /FP or in the account manager.

-Faction combat is currently basic but will be expanded. It is as follows:
--6 defenders vs 6 attackers maximum. In the future we may have 'lives' (AKA when someone dies another person can enter.). You do not need 6 attackers/defenders, but it is good to prepare with your faction using faction chat!
--You enter the room individually, parties are fine and recommended but they will not follow into the room. Your pet will follow fine.
--You cannot leave the control crystal area with a combat timer. No hit and running here! Proper PVP teams!
--If the crystal is under attack, entering and leaving the area will count as a lost life, so be prepared to fight! Also, if it is under attack and you enter, you will gain a combat timer by entering.
--You can leave the control crystal room if the crystal has not been attacked and is not under siege.
--If you successfully capture the control crystal, it will become immune for 5 hours. If you successfully defend the control crystal, it will become immune for 50 minutes TIMES amount of attackers, up to 5 hours.
--Each crystal gives one point per second. That means with three control crystals the faction will gain 3 points per second.
--The crystal will warn the faction when it is being attacked, almost immediately.
--Any abuse will result in the guild being kick & banned from factions for two weeks. ( Yes, this is coded and ready to rock! 8) )

-Public chat now uses your nickname instead of your character.
-/aignore and /aremember added which can ignore a nickname instead of a character. They do the same thing, just different ways to set the ignore. Both will ignore the full account still.
-/i now requires a full character name and will not autofill/populate.
-/i now shows the base class if it is not there due to a class name change.

-You can now target/attack/cast on players or npcs directly using # or % infront of the attack. For example /a #NiteHawk or /t %Troll. If a player has a name similar to an NPC, you can get around this without having to use the mouse now!
-Added four functions, /USEFOOD, /USEDRINK, /USEHEAL, /USEMANA. These will use food/drinks/HP potions/MP potions in reveerse order from your inventory. It will not discriminate on what it uses, so be warned and set your inventory accordingly! Short form of the above is /UF, /UD, /UM, /UA and also works as aliases.

-Fixes to some issues with using items with long names, names that overwrite others (i.e. emerald and emerald potoin for example) or names with numbers in them.
-Clarified soulbound and account bound + player bound items in description.
-Inscribed items with a prefix/suffix are viewable via looking over the item.
-Added a function where certain items dropped by monsters can be locked to the killer and can only be picked up by them for X amount of seconds. This is currently based on item and must be added in the item file for it to work. No items do not have this implemented yet.
-Few new functions added for scripting.
-If you have a quest that should be timelocked (AKA unlocked after X days) but isn't due to the quest changing to a timelocked quest after it was released, you can go to the NPC and it will reset the timelock quest on it once you talk to it once.
-Fixed a party bug with npcs that caused issues when you disband.
-Added a warning when your gear is equipped but it is unsoulbound on login and equip.
-Fixed a ticktimer bug in rooms that prevented the room ticktimer from being stopped via script.
-If a room is no effect (such as a no physical damage room) the damage is set to 0, otherwise you can absorb/deflect the damage and scripts still see the original damage.
-You can check your current instances activated with the /instances command.
-All houses now have +1 room! To see the room you must UPDATE your house at your landlords office. This grants you a crafting storage room, which gives you 100 vault space for crafting items.
-Houses can now store account bound items. Only the house owner can deposit/withdraw these types of items!
-Fixed a bug where the welcome message on new characters logging in for the first time would not be displayed.
-Fixed a bug with NPCs and stat effecting debuffs/buffs to work properly on them.
-You can now see ALL IDs if you have it enabled in the options, not just monster IDs.
-Search chance minimum on all NPCs has been decreased from 1% to 0.25%. This is to compenstate, similar to npcs having 4x less chance to find someone vs a player due to the way they search before every attack. This will only effect hiders with high int vs searchers with low int or level (especially thieves with their hide bonus).
-You no longer search out players or npcs in your own party. (Not guild or faction, only party.) NPCs in your party will also not search out members in their own party.

-Party limit is increased to 6!
-Fixed an issue where you could see npcs entering the room or spawning if you are blind/darkness is in the room without a way to see.
-/togglegive is now persistent and account wide. Logging off will not reset it.
-People who are invisible with fade can still be /tracked. Only autosneak prevents it.
-Potions and healing can now still be used even if their MP/HP is full. Don't spam! 8)
-Added a way for rooms to disintegrate items that are dropped, similar to a trash room, but also occurs on death. 8)
-NPCID toggle is now ENTITYID toggle. You can view all IDs of both players and npcs (not just npcs) if it is enabled if you prefer to attack with the ID. This option is in the client menu under Server Options.
-New ember types can be added (Racial, Class, Type). Nothing is out yet but the system works.
-Fixed a bug where NPCs do not get a divinity damage bonus, expect this for all monsters now to deal more damage if they have divinity against you. (AGI/MR/Resists worked fine.)
-Spell Damage Negation is now a % based system instead of a static value. NPCs, Pets, Pet Gear, Amulets, etc, have been adjusted to support/show this. Please let me know if you find any NPCs that have 100% MR 8)
-Changes to prevent a server lockup have been added. Including some deadlock handling functions.
-Fixed NPC effects wearing/casting not appearing in the messages when you only have status effects enabled in your chat/additional chat.
-Negatives stats effects when you have lower experience at level 25 (AKA experience loss after PKing) now work properly until you regain your experience.
-You now have a 120 second logoff timer in certain areas such as event areas, full pvp areas, kickout rooms, and instances. This means you will also have 120 seconds to relogin in case you accidently disconnect giving you more time to continue the event/instance/etc. Does not effect normal PVP areas.
-Party experience has been rebalanced and should be great in small 2-3 man parties! Check here for details: viewtopic.php?f=38&t=2903
-Fixed a bug where when your max attacks changed your exhaust bar wouldn't reset.
-Exhaust timer always shows when your exhausted, not just when it's changed. (Default is still 6s obviously!)
-Client will always display exhaust timer amount when exhausted.
-Most popup messages now display in a custom text box instead of a windows based box.
-Fixed some issues when the messages displayed can disconnect you.
-Fixed an error that occurs when sometimes swapping between account manager and creating a character.
-Fixed a few bugs where the window would hide in the background after displaying a message or a new window.
-You can now use equip or use items by clicking CTRL+Item! This only works on usable items and equipment and will not work on anything else. You can disable this setting in the client options.
-Party window added! Right now it's simplistic but should function. You can click the images/names to perform actions as well with your mouse. Auto popup whenever the party is updated/created can be disabled in the client options. (And can manually be opened in the Windows section of the menubar.
-Party window text for exact HP can be toggled in the client options.
-Allowed rooms to have unique buttons that are server side and send the information when you enter the room. I.E. If you can /winch in a room, it can be a custom button called 'Winch' that runs the command.
-Added a image changing option in the account manager. You require image change tokens to use it and they will be available in game in the near future + premium. (Everyone will get two for free to start.)
-Client now uses PHP files to display information rather then HTML files (allowing me to only have to update one page now for both the client/website).
-Facebook should now not open a internet explorer window sometimes when you login saying the client logged in successfully. Facebook login should perform better.
-Client minimum size is now 70% instead of 85%. This should allow very small screens to use the client no problem.
-Fixed a bug where the trade window wouldn't update properly when opening up with a custom client skin.
-Soulbounding gloves/boots/etc should use emberstone shards if their level is 16 or under.
-Prestige Points have been rebalanced. The scaling is a little more harsher so that you can't just enter the event and not do anything now.
-Fixed a display bug when you equip two of the same 'random' slot items. For example, two rings that had the same name wouldn't display both, but now do.
-KoTH has been adjusted. The points per win is adjusted and the KOTH winner token is slightly increased. You are only banned now for 8 weeks instead of infinite. Any banned have been removed in order for the new system to work (So enjoy!). Current winners should still be as it is now.
-Pet upgrade items have been moved over to a dynamic system that allows editing on-the-fly without having to change peoples pets manually. Please let me know if there are any issues!
-Opening any item that uses the 'presents' system now unfades/unhides you.
-Fading and hiding should work properly now.
-Spell Negation is now a % based system that is easier to understand.
-Fixed a bug where spawned companions were hit in some cases like hailshot. Hopefully should not be anymore!
-Slam/Smash/etc effects won't trigger when the player is about to die.
-Magic Negation has been adjusted on certain areas like bard song and shell giving you a slightly better boost (and easier to know how much in your /pinfo). This may be adjusted again when we release MR updates.
-Modified HP. Base HP is 60 instead of 50. HP per END is now 55 instead of 50 at level 25.
-Fixed an issue with items like masks that when examined, didn't show the item image.
-Fixed traps so thieves can place the proper amount of passive/active traps.
-Tangling Roots/Thorn Roots can now be killed in mirror rooms with regular attacking.
-Pets should no longer blitz in PVE safe areas, and AOE attacks like hailshot shouldn't work their either.
-Steal amount is rounded properly now.
-30 New Premium Masks
-15 New Premium Companions! (Some Rare)

-Added another premium level, mostly for people who want to donate/contribute. Check https://ember-online.com/premium for more details in a day or two when it is there.
-Premium spins adjusted for scrolls. Added some more 'rare' scrolls and also reduced the chance of getting a gold boosting scroll by half. (I.E. When you rolled into picking a leveling scroll, it would be 50/50 chance to get a gold or xp scroll. Now it is 25% chance to get a gold scroll and 75% chance to get a XP scroll.)
-World premap has been updated (Mostly for new players who will see an updated map of the starting areas aronud Seamoor + Alderra automatically.
-Some rebalancing of pets.
-Many bug fixes.

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