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Postby NiteHawk » Thu Feb 25, 2021 6:56 am

-Factions now have individual immunities. Typically the non-attacking faction has a halved amount of immunity (and may be changed) For example, if Faction A attacks Faction B and captures the control crystal, Faction B cannot attack for 5 hours, but Faction C could attack in 2.5 hours.
-/fzones only displays zones now and immunities per faction.
-/fbonus added which displays your current faction bonuses.
-Control crystals are currently limited to 4 people instead of 6 now. This will be increased in the future but the average amount of people in PVP is currently 4 at control crystals.
-Attacking the control crystal then running away lets the attackers know they don't need to defend the crystal anymore with an all clear message. The control crystal will gain a 10 minute immunity from said faction to prevent spam. (This means if you are attacking two crystals you either go for both at the same time and engage on both.)

-The faction reward system has been altered. You now need faction activity to earn max faction rewards. Logging in is 25%, and participating in three fights (attack/defense) will total your 100% faction points. For example:

If BOB login in that week, and participated in 2 fights, he gains 75% of the total faction points they will earn themselves at the end of the week. If your faction earned 100 points per person, he would earn 75 points.
If Mike only logins in, he earns himself 25% of the total faction points. If your faction earned 100 points per person, he would earn 25 points.

THIS WEEK IS ALTERED HOWEVER AND YOU ONLY NEED TO PARTICIPATE IN ONE FIGHT TO EARN 100%! NEXT WEEK WILL BE THREE! (This is because we are in the middle of the week.) - This should be achievable by everyone, specially with the immunity changes. Points are not redistributed to others when this occurs!

-/fp added and now display your current activity % and faction points. You will also get messages when you earn yourself faction activity automatically or on login.

-Slight change to you /i sir NiteHawk, your god. Might be a little 'funky'.

-Few new script functions added.

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Re: Changes

Postby NiteHawk » Thu Feb 25, 2021 7:50 am

Just a note, it might become 4 fights and login, (So 20% each fight and login is 20%.). Thanks 8)

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Re: Changes

Postby NiteHawk » Thu Feb 25, 2021 9:41 am

-Newbies are no longer are included in the awarding of points as they cannot contribute anyways (AKA their points will be distributed to the other active members). They are still included in your total player count for when a guild is trying to join a faction still however.
-Fix to messages that displayed your faction activity.

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Re: Changes

Postby NiteHawk » Thu Feb 25, 2021 12:10 pm

-You don't have to do the single battle this week. I removed the requirement until Sunday occurs.
-Added a way to change the points given for wins/losses. There is a chance that winning might net you more points once I think about it more.
-Added a way to change the amount of points given for a login.

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Re: Changes

Postby NiteHawk » Thu Feb 25, 2021 12:15 pm

Tomorrow /fp will display the correct information. Thanks.

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