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Postby NiteHawk » Mon Mar 22, 2021 5:32 am

-Leaders can now leave factions.
-Fixed some clarity on how faction points are rewarded.
-You no longer gain faction activity by logging in for the first time each week. This has also been reflected in your current activity.
-Faction activity was adjusted to be more simple:
Max Faction Activity: 100
Control Crystal Win: 20
Control Crystal Loss: 5

This makes it easy to understand as 100 faction activity can be seen as 100%, win for 20 is the same as 20% gain, etc. The values are the same as before, just easier to understand. This has been reflected on your current faction point scores so no one has lost activity (bar login activity).


Why did we remove it from login? Well we want to promote being active in the faction fights, even if it means you lose. (At least you are participating then!) I was hoping it would bring in more participation to have a login bonus, but I think what ended up happening is people freeloaded off the system without doing anything. Now to get points, you must participate, that is the only way to earn.

This should help out the factions as a whole where now if you wanted to be in the smaller faction you don't have to worry about people taking a cut if they don't help or participate with you. (Aka making it more appealing to join the underdogs.)


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