Prefix/Suffix. How to do it (MK II)

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Re: Prefix/Suffix. How to do it (MK II)

Postby Terron » Sat Aug 04, 2018 1:01 am

the oad system just sucks. atm

it creates gaps of noone playing. u log on for 10 minutes and log off "yay we won".

problem is, its not actively keeping people logged in at non oad times, because its predictable. log on see numbers omg 3v12 nvm good bye.

1) this will correct itself with several oads every hour - but thats a long long ways out.
2) this would be fixed if every oad was random throughout the day like a dragon - easy temporary fix, but like hawk said it can be just as crappy if the server randomly gives you nothing to do when u log on
3) this will be affected greatly by crafting and "farming" if thats ever a thing. farming in general is probably not all its cracked up to be, mini bosses spawns are infrequent as hell.

face it games new, and u got a shell. their pumping out oads to hit every range of item green/blue/purple and that isnt completed yet. all you can do is wait for more oads or randomize some. could keep the oads the same times and let rng pick which one spawns 1st through 7th, so its atleast different each day
"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go into the same box"

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Re: Prefix/Suffix. How to do it (MK II)

Postby Styx » Sat Aug 04, 2018 3:00 am

Or we could just be a copy of Diablo. Log a zerker, make a mad dash for the same exact boss, kill him , warp to next boss repeat, kill same exact boos till your sick of it and no true randomeaning then after a while quit answer complain cause there is nothing to do cause your killing the same exact boss over and over.

Personally I think imo we need to stop the constant bickering of rng , and work toward other goals

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Re: Prefix/Suffix. How to do it (MK II)

Postby anthriel » Sat Aug 04, 2018 6:59 am

Terron wrote:the oad system just sucks. atm

it creates gaps of noone playing. u log on for 10 minutes and log off "yay we won".

problem is, its not actively keeping people logged in at non oad times, because its predictable. log on see numbers omg 3v12 nvm good bye.

1) this will correct itself with several oads every hour - but thats a long long ways out.
2) this would be fixed if every oad was random throughout the day like a dragon - easy temporary fix, but like hawk said it can be just as crappy if the server randomly gives you nothing to do when u log on
3) this will be affected greatly by crafting and "farming" if thats ever a thing. farming in general is probably not all its cracked up to be, mini bosses spawns are infrequent as hell.

face it games new, and u got a shell. their pumping out oads to hit every range of item green/blue/purple and that isnt completed yet. all you can do is wait for more oads or randomize some. could keep the oads the same times and let rng pick which one spawns 1st through 7th, so its atleast different each day

+1. This shows sense & vision in illustrating how shorter term fixes (eg more random timers, or randomizng which OADs spawn at which times etc) can function to help stem the tide of players leaving while waiting for longer term fixes to be developed. Something does need to be done, and we dont really need to wait till there are that many OADs created to do it (otherwise there are likely not going to be enough active players left to warrant a world which has enough areas to generate multiple OADs every hour)

Styx wrote:Or we could just be a copy of Diablo. Log a zerker, make a mad dash for the same exact boss, kill him , warp to next boss repeat, kill same exact boos till your sick of it and no true randomeaning then after a while quit answer complain cause there is nothing to do cause your killing the same exact boss over and over.

Personally I think imo we need to stop the constant bickering of rng , and work toward other goals

IMHO what you describe of Diablo is basically what EO currently is (but EO has even less depth). EO players are logging on to kill the exact same boss and repeating that day in and day out until they get bored as heck and quit (and unlike diablo you dont even get random gear drops... just 1 item to split between 6 or whatever for 1hr of work each day per OAD). And usually they only stay online for the duration of that boss/key and then log off. Terron is right that EO is new and there should be grace while it evolves. But i find your post(s) to be unimaginative and smacks a lot of the "remain calm, all is well" mentality that basically keeps an improvable status quo unchallenged.

You say we need to "stop bickering and work towards other goals" - well please do share somewhere what these lofty "other goals" are. People like Terron, Rodeo, myself etc appear to be suggesting that the most important game-design goals for player retention in EO atm are things like fixing the loot (OAD/boss) system and also the guild/faction/numbers dynamic (which leads to toxicity and causes issues with loot system also)... In my mind (at least) these are the key goals that need to be addressed before any other additions (such as new areas, guild houses, character renaming, class rebalancing, new classes etc etc) are really going to matter a great deal in retaining players longer term. But if you think there are more lofty goals we should be discussing in order to secure longer-term player retention/interest then please do raise these issues on a new thread. I'm all ears. But its probably best not to try and condescend people who are actually attempting to discuss what they think are the important issues in a thread that is related to those topics. Peace.

PS - btw if you your lofty "other goals" are something like "we need to advertise more" or something to that 'cart-before-horse' effect then feel free not to post and save me facepalming myself.

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Re: Prefix/Suffix. How to do it (MK II)

Postby Styx » Sat Aug 04, 2018 8:16 am

Diablo was well past beta stage and finished, with a nice budget for advertising?

Major game manufacturers have the whole game done, anyone remember guild wars , back when it was beta testing? I was beta testing and It was pretty well much a finished game with a slew of programmers etc.

Your 3 vs 12 odds would be different if we had more people whom joined the community. Yes people come and go, it's hard for people to stay when there are mmos with intense graphics etc. But then there would be other competition?

Unless you don't want other competition and want just a small group of x amount just to play?

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Re: Prefix/Suffix. How to do it (MK II)

Postby Styx » Sat Aug 04, 2018 8:42 am

And "boss" monsters spawn at given times depending on when the people are online, we could have all boss monsters spawn right at reset , but then people wouldn't be happy cause then it's not divided amongst everyone.

Ultimately our lives have changed, people have obligations to home, family etc, and our personal life must always take precident over a game.

So some do log to play for a while and relax, then they can log off, catch up on real life, which is more important, then log back in and play a little.

Even if they log just to kill something. That's an individuals personal choice on how they want to play.

Ps, when your playing at night and your child wakes up, I hope your child is more important then to keep playing a game.

This is so completely off topic.... shesh

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Re: Prefix/Suffix. How to do it (MK II)

Postby Terron » Sat Aug 04, 2018 10:46 am

diablo didnt even have advertising. and diablo 2 didnt need much advertising after diablo won game of the year. killing monsters and farming loot, random mods, its interesting. diablo 2 added long term crafts and socketry to the genre for a reason right?

ember has nothing to do during non oad times. how do you expect to keep players even if you had a huge advertisement budget? we gotta have stuff to do all day, thats a no brainer lol.

random mods on drop wont keep people interested in the long term currently, because most people dont oad or dont get to. and combod with all non 25er gear is junk and low drop rates on good equipment, i just dont see it making people awestruck. farming drops from dozens of monsters and slowly building up craftable mods, imo, brushes more of this games content. favors non oad hours, and atleast attempts to make the game interesting all day.

the reason these threads go off topic is people think they are connected issues. you want cool random loot on oads, awesome. that brings the oad system into question, which brings the guild system into question. in this case its all relative.

what we have is huge recruitment races, no guild diversity, and a bunch of people who oad for several minutes a few times a day. and the only other reason they log on is to harass and grief the players who play outside of just oads. horrible and toxic. nothing else to do.
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Re: Prefix/Suffix. How to do it (MK II)

Postby Rodeo » Sat Aug 04, 2018 10:54 am

I feel like alot of us want the game to progress but it's apparent that the progression is missing steps/wrong order. I have heard time and time again from various people and staff included that this is his game he can do what he wants with it. I am gonna totally disagree with that statement altogether. With no players we have no game and without input from us players we also have no learning. I have never been the type of person to just accept things are gonna be this way forever and that's that. Everything needs work. Before this update actually hits it would be wise to go back to the start and zone everything off and balance it all out before we move forward any further cause with new additions = new problems and If we don't have the man power to properly test anything then it should be put on the back burner until it can be looked at.

Preach on piddy!

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Re: Prefix/Suffix. How to do it (MK II)

Postby NiteHawk » Sun Aug 05, 2018 10:37 am

The problem is we need more comments too by others. I'm not saying I disagree with all of it, but I don't agree with some of it either such as advertising at this time. Also comparing this game to Diablo in any sense, including advertising, is really silly too. Different times too.

the reason these threads go off topic is people think they are connected issues. you want cool random loot on oads, awesome. that brings the oad system into question, which brings the guild system into question. in this case its all relative.

No, guilds, etc have absolutely nothing to do with this topic. Make another topic for this or post on one relevant to bring it out of the grave. This is part of the reason why I hear time and time again that people stop posting and it sucks. You might disagree with it, but I've heard it from many people now. It's not that I want the lot to stop posting either, but I know people would really love less fighting amongst each other and more constructive posts on the specific topic at hand. If there's a problem with OADs, make a post with that and ways to fix it there, not in 50 other posts. OADs have a small connection with these, but no, adding prefix/suffix does not change the way OADs drop atm, so i'd have to say it's probably better for another topic, specially since it's such a HUGE one. Guilds too, it's obvious an issue there, which I know, but this area isn't the place for that either. Makes it easier to deal with too and to discuss topics. I mean why is there even a post about advertising and irl situations. Then seems like everyones doing light attacks on each other. Ugh guys.

Rodeo wrote:Everything needs work. Before this update actually hits it would be wise to go back to the start and zone everything off and balance it all out before we move forward any further cause with new additions = new problems and If we don't have the man power to properly test anything then it should be put on the back burner until it can be looked at.

I mean a overhaul of the OAD system would be a even heavier need to 'test' though. I'd rather have the update soon since many are waiting and then go from there, it's not a easy/light task. And again, I'd prefer a mix of them, rather then just one way. You three might not like the OADs, but there are also people who do. That's why being able to supply more then one option is better instead of nixing everything. I'm totally all for adding new ways bosses work in the game, but yeah, prefer another topic on this.

Also, the crafting system coming will involve stuff such as farming mobs etc though, that part you don't really have to be concerned about, I get grinding is apart of the game and it gives players stuff to do (though some players whine about grinding, it honestly is apart of why people will actually stay, etc). So expect that after the update too with the other stuff.

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Re: Prefix/Suffix. How to do it (MK II)

Postby Terron » Sun Aug 05, 2018 11:55 am

I agree they should be on a separate thread. But it doesn't negate that all 3 issues are directly connected to the boredom factors
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Re: Prefix/Suffix. How to do it (MK II)

Postby NiteHawk » Sun Aug 05, 2018 2:26 pm

Terron wrote:I agree they should be on a separate thread. But it doesn't negate that all 3 issues are directly connected to the boredom factors

Hey we agree about the threads, but this ain't the boredom factors thread. Let's get back to prefix/suffix here. 8) I think you should bring up OADs and ideas to improve it, I'll even chime in on it as there could be ideas to it (For example, instances so that anyone can run it whenever, crafting can be brought up for crafting certain things, making 'farming' a common thing, etc.), things like that. Obviously we have one about guilds already but if we got more ideas or more discussion it should go there. I'm not 100% set on what we should do just yet on that front.

I'm still trying to see what prefix/suffix should actually be a thing, if they should be multiple bonuses for one prefix or suffix, or simply one bonus, etc. Makes a big difference code wise if we're just sticking to one bonus per prefix or suffix, etc.

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