New Discoveries

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New Discoveries

Postby Styx » Sun Nov 18, 2018 8:51 pm

After many years of fighting between the loggers and the treants, they came to an understanding that the log jam was becoming problematic. They worked together freeing the log jam in the water ways and pond. Soon after the path was cleared, the loggers discovered a path leading to the west, but alas none were able to enter. Tales of wild chaotic sounds coming from within the wooded area were relayed back to the officers in charge. The head foreman posted a help wanted sign in the town of seamoor looking for scouts to explore the unknown area.

The scouts whom returned told of tall tales of a huge maze where the path changed as if being taken in the opposite direction. The map maker gave up on the first day after realizing his compass didnt work. The leader of the scouting party reported the smell of salty air in the mist, but after days of being lost the disgruntled scouting party returned empty handed.

OOC: This is a 2 part release, due to sheer size and balancing, part 2 will be coming later, enjoy. :mrgreen:

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Re: New Discoveries

Postby Styx » Thu Nov 22, 2018 6:30 pm

Barolth, one of the left for dead scouts, approached the head forman. Barolth told of the stories of a huge sailing vessel in the ocean, and found a scrap piece of paper with a handwritten note stating the location was being moved cause the guards were getting on to them. As Barolth was venturing back some of the natives saw him, but lived through the fight. The head forman shrugged his shoulders and said, "We will block the entry for the time being until we know its safe to log there later on."

The fellow loggers curious about the paper bought it off Barolth and as it stated...

"Them theres gonna be troubles with those land lovers again. Pack up the loot and we is movings to a better place somewhere in a forest so we arents so easily found"

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Re: New Discoveries

Postby Styx » Sat Nov 24, 2018 12:31 am

As the news quickly spread of the occurance, the guards were ordered to duty to catch the criminals. Suspecting Linwood had more criminal activity then they knew about, they questioned everyone from Seamoor to Fort Haulder, but alas no evidence came up. Tormaoth, a retired servicemember, was passing through one of the pass's to the north, watched a trader sell off a strange item. After the trader left he walked up and jokingly asked about the item. The shopkeeper said, "I have an idea about it, but haven't seen such a thing in a long time."

The shopkeeper explained, "My great grandfather once came upon one, when he was the owner. Its called a gold doubloon, and so very rare to find cause its usually only traded amongst more disreputable types." Tormaoth shaked his head a couple a times and left the store thinking to himself, where would such a thing as a gold doubloon be even found.

Late that night, Tormaoth gathered his thoughts for the day, the only known place of such a thing would be near the ocean, and if the hand written note proved true, then the secret port of call was moved to somewhere around Bitryn, but could be as far as Turenyara. He finished his pint of ale, slammed the cup on the table, surely it could be even Alderra cause they already have a port, with good ocean approach, and many other factors. He shrugged his shoulders, laid down in bed and said to himself, "Tomorrow i'll have to go check out the whole place to find where the new thieves port of call has moved.

OOC: Have fun and explore, surely its there by reset ye mateys. Dont ye be fooled by them land lovers, them scallywags wont catch the true pirate kings which are located at...... enjoy :)

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