OAD Concept: Thieves Den

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OAD Concept: Thieves Den

Postby Satsujin » Thu Apr 21, 2016 8:37 pm

This is a BARE BONES concept outline to show how OADs could integrate into the story line, with NPCs giving hints not only towards their existence, but a general idea of where they're located in the world and potentially hints towards how to solve the puzzles, to head off some of the potential for people keeping others from having a chance to even figure them out

Location: starting city (needs name) sewers
Intended Levels: 10-12
Min Level Allowed: 9
Max Level Allowed: 14

Item A: Crude Shiv
Type: weapon/dagger
Description: A crude, but very sharp, dagger, hand crafted from a broken spoon with scraps of leather wrapped around the handle.
Class Lock: n/a

Item B: Burnt Leather Shirt
Type: armor/medium
Description: A crudely made leather shirt with a logo branded on the breast. Several other spots are burnt as well, as if the maker couldn't quite decide where to put the branding iron.

NPC: Old Woman
Location: Tavern (or possibly outside the tavern? reason: say spam may get annoying, implied she was thrown out of the tavern)
Description: This elderly woman seems to be distraught. Maybe there's something you can do to help?
Say On Look: "Those thieves took my daughter, and the city guard does nothing!"

NPC: Weary Guard
Location: outside sewer entrance
Description: This member of the city guard has been left outside the sewers, preventing the thieves inside from coming up into the town, and stopping people from getting themselves killed claiming the bounty on the ringleaders.
Say On Look: "I don't see why we can't just let the stupid ones get themselves killed..."

Other: Missing Poster
Location: nailed to a notice board on the tavern wall
Description: "MISSING: (naming people is hard too) Believed to have been captured by the band of thieves living in the sewers. If seen, please contact (different name, give the old lady a name I guess) outside the (city name) tavern." Most of the parchment is covered by a detailed sketch of the missing girl.

Entrance: open hole in a dead end alley
Entry note: You hurry down the ladder into the (city name) sewers.
Deny Entry (Level < 9): The city guard stops you with a shout, "are you trying to get me fired?"
Deny Entry (Level > 14): You a whisper in your mind, "greater challenges await you elsewhere, hero."

FINAL BOSS: Ringleader (names are hard shut up)
Description: The ringleader of the thief band stands before you, looking rather bored as she wields her dagger with practiced skill. You could swear she looks familiar somehow...
Say On Look: "I see my mother sent me more victims!"
Drops: EITHER Crude Shiv OR Burnt Leather Shirt

Description: A weaselly little man hidden in what he thought was a safe place, the treasurer may know how you can get into the treasury.
Say On Look: "P-please don't hurt me! You can have the key!"
Say To: give me the key
Respond: "Take it! Just l-leave me alone!"
Drops On Solve: Treasury Key (Description: A small bronze key that seems to fit the lock to the door on the far side of the room.)
On Puzzle Solve: despawns, message "The treasurer runs from the room, thanking you for sparing his life."
Drops On Kill: Thief Brand (Description: You may be able to turn this in for the bounty on the gang...)

Room: Treasury
Contains: hidden chest containing 100-1000 gold

The bounty thing would likely be part of an auto-quest type thing, where you give the brand to someone (possibly the guard captain) for a 500 gold and some experience reward. Anyways, this is just the general concept, I'm not all that great with making maps (seriously, the first draft of Nightmare Grove on ROK was a big ass block of foresty stuff). The idea with the treasurer is that you can't do both: ask for the key and he despawns, and if you kill him, he doesn't drop the key. If that sort of thing can't be done, that's cool, it was just a thought. xD
Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die...
Mahariel | 25 Brigand
Starlyte | 20 Cleric
Starstryke | 25 Stalker

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Re: OAD Concept: Thieves Den

Postby Rodeo » Fri Apr 22, 2016 2:38 am

This sounds awesome!

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Re: OAD Concept: Thieves Den

Postby NiteHawk » Fri Apr 22, 2016 2:56 am

Looks nice.

In terms of the map you could make a crude area to start and we can modify. I don't mind trying to do that for people. Otherwise is nice 8)

The AQ stuff is a good idea. Will implement it in the future though. It can at least be sold like a regular item for now I'd say

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Re: OAD Concept: Thieves Den

Postby Satsujin » Fri Apr 22, 2016 5:24 pm


My attempt at a map. Fairly straight forward since it would most likely be the first OAD new players encounter, fight your way through some low level thieves, kill boss (red dot), kill/solve puzzle from treasurer (green dot), feel accomplished.
Heave ho, thieves and beggars, never shall we die...
Mahariel | 25 Brigand
Starlyte | 20 Cleric
Starstryke | 25 Stalker

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Re: OAD Concept: Thieves Den

Postby NiteHawk » Fri Apr 22, 2016 8:11 pm

Looks pretty good. Shouldn't be over complicated for a lower tier OAD so this is pretty perfect for it. Map is pretty easy to understand and it's clean, good stuff.

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