Guilds Redux

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Guilds Redux

Postby NiteHawk » Fri Sep 14, 2018 5:52 pm

Now that both sides have seen the good and bads of being in the dominate guild and being in the not so dominate guild maybe everyone will be a little more understanding to guild changes. Back then alot of the times people we're about about guilds, but now guilds have fallen and risen and alot of players who we're part of these 'big guilds' don't seem to be so active anymore due to the exact opposite happening. I want the people in the dominate guild to remember how it was like as well when the other guild was being the dominators, and vise versa. It can EASILY swap back to another guild dominating and often, it's not very fun. Ignore guild halls, we will make sure everyone is compensated, and the guild halls will either be lowered in cost and/or we'll find some other way to use them. Depends on what we want to do.

There are a lot of options out there. I think regardless something will happen at this point despite how people feel. It's up to you if you want a good stepping stone and a good discussion on how guilds should be or simply being a rock and not accept any changes. Again, most people have been on both sides now though, which is a good thing. Whole guilds have died from being dominated. I know some guilds that have 20+ players and all of them stopped logging, 'ghost guilds'. It's pretty crazy though, and most of their complaints is they simply get overrun with no way to defend.

I've heard a few, and we originally have some ideas. Some far out which completely change dynamics, others that did less changes. All in all most were ideas that would help balance out the game a bit. I also want to say that A. I know it won't stop alliances and/or will still be 'groups of people' to start, but things will slowly disperse over time. Nothing is a quick fix but if you don't start somewhere you will never adjust the problems. We all know that from time to time guilds crumble and new guilds emerge, this will most likely be the points where bigger changes will occur, long as there are new guild mechanics in play. Without further ado, let's continue on to ideas.

1. Remove guilds all together. I'm not so much a fan of this as I think guilds do hold some value. Still, it's an option that I'm bringing up as some people have said they maybe would want this. There is not much to say about this other then no guilds = no guilds. We've have to divert and change things to keep PVP flowing though.

2. Limit guilds to 5-10 people. More have said smaller than larger. (5 members.) You'd lower the cost for guild halls maximum level, and most likely change them a little. You can probably remove or increase the control crystal limit per guild to promote PKing, and also make proper early warning systems. There is also something that Rodeo brought up and I figured I'd bring it up too. Set bonuses for these guilds. He discussed another game that had a similar system where you could pick one bonus or two for your guild, and all members would obtain it.

That lead me to think hey, what a good time to add global embers! Now, I probably won't go to the complex system that was discussed awhile back, at least not for awhile, but a simple way could be you craft or farm certain things, gain a global ember someway, toss it in your guild hall and done. Guild halls could maybe support 1-3 global embers and your whole guild would benefit from it. This might end up making guilds that are specific on what they do: For example, a guild of levelers who don't really PVP but farm alot might add a bunch of EXP or GOLD global ember boosters. A guild that focuses on magic might go for ones that increase penetration and/or damage. Things like that. With small guilds this would be very possible, and I wouldn't have to make silly restrictions. I would think global embers could also expire after X days too to allow farming to be more of a thing. Though it's not set in stone.

Remember, when I say 5-10 people, I am referring to accounts. Each person will only have one account and any one abusing past will be banned.

This one to me is the best choice. It still allows use of the guild halls and introduces global embers with little changes. You could add things like guild tournies and thngs like that too per month, and maybe the winners get neat global embers.

3. Set guilds, based on class or divinity (div is better in this way so lets talk about that) AKA you cannot join any guild and you are automatically put in a set guild. I really don't have any opinion on this though I have no clue how it would work. Guild halls will have to be re-purposed for something else though, and you couldn't really remove people you dislike from a guild. You'd have to tolerate them. I can see some benefits and negatives from this though, for example, group of night div chars are out, swap to fire div chars.

You'd obviously have to restrict things and guild would only be a chat more or less with death/etc messages. You'd remove any way of tracking etc though just in case.

I could see some sort of tourny here too, maybe the winning divinity would get some sort of XP/Gold bonuses per month.


Those are the three ideas that have come up more then once. There are other ideas, feel free to take one of the above and expand on them though. Let's get some chat going with this one. No flamin 8)

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Re: Guilds Redux

Postby NiteHawk » Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:05 pm

4. Would be having two set guilds with certain rules and that's it. Or maybe 3 guilds. There are benefits and issues with this but it would kind of be needing balance (Aka people can't all join one guild) and things like that.

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Re: Guilds Redux

Postby Miach » Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:06 pm

Not a fan of any of these ideas, though I am open to change just not these changes.

Im on my phone at work, so I cannot write a long speech.

I would rather you find a way to incentivize the use of smaller guilds.

Also, keep in mind that a guildless game will remain guilded through other means. In no way can you prevent that, Discord chats would become the guild hub and in game communicae would be even less tgan now. You'd see the same people teaming for things. Guilds just make it more convenient.

Ill say more later.

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Re: Guilds Redux

Postby Rodeo » Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:07 pm

To give people further info on the guild system I had in mind please take a few to read this.

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Re: Guilds Redux

Postby NiteHawk » Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:14 pm

Miach wrote:Not a fan of any of these ideas, though I am open to change just not these changes.

Im on my phone at work, so I cannot write a long speech.

I would rather you find a way to incentivize the use of smaller guilds.

Also, keep in mind that a guildless game will remain guilded through other means. In no way can you prevent that, Discord chats would become the guild hub and in game communicae would be even less tgan now. You'd see the same people teaming for things. Guilds just make it more convenient.

Ill say more later.

If people aren't forced in some way to be smaller guilds, then no one's going to do it. I don't really see why people are still fighting this. There's been one guild really only in the game remaining, probably for 4-6 months now, everyone else quit. Yeah, alliances will still exist as I said, but eventually these would change just like guilds do. You'd probably end up with smaller alliances of 1-3 groups maximum.

I am for other ideas but I highly doubt people will change into a smaller guild for benefits when no matter what, most likely numbers will win because there is 0 way to balance a game when its 15v3, etc.

Again, no change we do here is going to stop people teaming in large amounts to start, but again, just like guilds break, so will alliances. But it won't be a 'everyone jumps ship to another guild', it would be more of a split to several different branches.

And also, nothing is set in stone, maybe other ways to deal with it is an option, but at the moment it just isn't working.

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Re: Guilds Redux

Postby Rafael » Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:32 pm

I don't like that ideas, no reason to play without my guild.

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Re: Guilds Redux

Postby ajcapone » Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:50 pm

I am behind whatever you need to do NiteHawk.... Long live THE FOOT CLAN

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Re: Guilds Redux

Postby NiteHawk » Fri Sep 14, 2018 7:00 pm

I am all for other ideas if you guys think it works, but it doesn't work right now.

If 95% of members are in one guild, what is the point of the guild system to begin with? I get everyone wants to play with their friends, but there is no point for the guild system and we might as well remove it as you guys can global chat and/or use discord anyways. Removing guilds won't effect this because it does nothing. All that it ends up being (in the end) is a system that's unused. And if you want someone to stop playing, you remove them from the big guild and PK them. Very easy to seclude and remove people easily when there is only really one guild to be in at the moment.


There either has to be a reason to NOT want to be in a big guild or become big, it doesn't have to be forced I suppose but this needs to really be some reasons without gimping the actual game play. You could make things like only allowing X amount of people from a group be able to enter a OAD, and things like that, but I don't know how that would even work and/or if it would help make larger guilds smaller. Could also introduce global shards that diminish the more active accounts you have on a rolling average on that month. I'm all for ideas, but you guys got to really think about how to deal with this, games dying, will continue to die if it's just one side who runs the show. No competition might be nice for the bigger guild, but it's only going to go so far before you guys lose motivation yourselves and also quit.


Regardless, the means of any of these need to have a impact to not want to create a large guild, either forced or unforced. So feel free to shoot ideas.

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Re: Guilds Redux

Postby Rodeo » Fri Sep 14, 2018 7:07 pm

Do away with Guild and have a 4 bobus type system like revelation had and make bosses hard enough that it requires the entire playerbase to run them problem solved.

Thnx guys I saved the game you are welcome.

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Re: Guilds Redux

Postby Boon » Fri Sep 14, 2018 7:07 pm

Maybe we should only allow one staff player or an equal amount of staff in each guild for example say guild X has 2 builders then guild Y would have 2 builders as well, please don't think I am accusing anyone of anything but if each guild had the exact same amount of staff then there would be nothing to complain about. I also think that 5 or 10 accounts is extremely to small and it would cause all the people that can be on at anytime to join one guild and they would dominate against the guild that wanted to accept the more casual players. It would also leave no room for the casual players or the players that can't be on all the time, don't forget that in Ember you have to farm keys as well as do the OAD. You could also make guilds less consequential by causing OADS to become separate instances that each guild could gain entry to once per day. I don't know what your vision for the future of Ember is so I can't say the best option, I can say that being forced out of a guild with my online friends and fam is not going to make me enjoy the game anymore than I do now.

I guess of the currently available options I do not like any.

I would also like to say that when I started I could of joined any guild I wanted, but Sihlo was to busy trying to kill me when I was lvl 17, and I just never clicked with Diesel so I joined Empire, they were not the biggest but they were the kindest. They actually went out of their way to help me, and I have done the same thing to every new player I meet in game, and now we are going to force these new players to join up with people that they do not like or get along with. I don't see how that is going to help the game in any way. People are not joining Empire because it is the biggest, Empire is the biggest because we help each other out, and any guild that was willing to invest the time in each new player could very well do the same.

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