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This contains all the information about creating item files. Each line that can be added to the file will be below.


  • Name=The name of the item itself. If the name is different here, it can be used to spawn 'another item' with different attributes (SB, etc)
  • Description=Description of the item on look over.
  • Image=The image to use, without the ext
  • DescriptionBonus=This is used to indicate if the item has any special bonuses that cannot be detected through standard item files. For examples, scripts that give the weapon 15% undead damage. You would want to indicate 'XXX has a 15% undead damage bonus.
  • OriginalName=If this is a renamed item, you can use this to display the original name in certain places.
  • CraftItem=Is this item an crafting item? True/False."
  • EventItem=Is this item an event item? 0 or blank for not an event item, 1 for remove on login or via script call, 2 for remove on death, 3 will prevent give/trade/forced drop (drop command). Higher numbers will also contain the numbers before function. I.E. Setting this to 3 will remove on script call, death, login, and give/trade/forced drop. NOTE: This is fired AFTER drop rate calculation on death, so if you have a drop rate of 50% on the item, half will drop, any remaining in inventory will be removed!
  • IsKey=Is this a key item? If true, this will allow city guild vaults to store them.
  • Instanced=Is this an instance item? This means the item will only work with the instance the players are currently in. Works with instanced keys. (KeyLockMode 20 or 21 in rooms!)
  • Type=The item type. This is used to define what the item does initially, such as armor, weapons, healing, etc. The types are as follows (Keep lowercase for these):
grip Weapon type. Includes any type of weapon or shield, which will be specified below. Allows equipping and enchantments.
armor Armor type. This includes helmets and body armor. Allows equipping and enchantment.
usable Usable items, like potions. Uses the 'potion' timer.
food Food items, uses the food timer, which is typically longer. Food items regeneration can be halted by actions or being attacked.
generic Generic items. Have no special function.
ammo Ammo for weapons..
ember Embers. currently nothing special can be done with these yet.
special Random or special type items for equip.
usablepremium Usable items for premium, like potions. Uses the 'potion' timer.
specialpremium Random or special type items for equip for premium.
  • Slot=The slot type. Used for both weapons and armor. Can be as follows:
weapon Weapon.
heavy Heavy armor.
medium Medium armor.
light Light armor.
cloth Cloth armor.
shield Shields. Item type must be GRIP for this to work, not armor.
heavyhelmet Heavy helmets
lighthelmet Light helmets, such as hats.
ammo Ammo for weapons.. (Should be defined here too as ammo.)
special Special equipment slot, should not be used generally.. Only used when type is 'special'.
random Random equipment. Does not grant any bonuses but can have several equipped. (I.E: rope). Only used when type is 'special'.
  • Validate=For usable /food items. If this potion checks for health maximum, mana maximum, or both. This will not use a potion if the conditions are met. (I.E. Validate=1 will not use a potion if health is at maximum.
0 No checks.
1 Check if health is at maximum.
2 Check is mana is at maximum.
3 Check to see if health and mana are at maximum.


  • Amount=The amount that this item can be stacked into one inventory slot. This is only used for 'usable', 'food', and 'sellable' items. Minimum 1, maximum 99. This can be removed or left blank otherwise.
  • BuyAmount=The amount that is bought when clicking the buy button. This is typically used for when you have items cheaper then one gold. I.E: 10 arrows for 1 gold. Typically you'll want a second file that is named '10 arrows', but has the same contents for store display.
  • DropAmount=The amount to drop when a NPC dies. This can be in a different file as above, but is not required unless you want different amounts of drops.
  • UnsafeGet=When in an unsafe room, the amount you can get with a maximum get command.


OnUse is used for 'usable' and 'food' items. This section can be removed otherwise in the file.

  • bonustime=The amount of bonus time this item will get. This will work with the [BONUS] section. 1 bonustime = 5 seconds (1 tick). I.E. bonustime=12 is about 60 seconds. Food default should be set to 4.
  • delay=The delay until you can use another potion or food item, in seconds
  • hp=The amount of HP gain on use. Instant HP-
  • mp=The amount of MP gain on use. Instant MP.
  • localsay=The message to send to the user. Can be modified with variables as defined shortly.
  • areasay=The message to send to the room. This does not send to the user however. Also uses variables.
  • bonuscompletemessage=The message to send the user when the potion/food has run out by normal means.
  • bonusroomcompletemessage=The message to send the room when the potion/food has run out by normal means.

The following variables are allowed for messages:

 %hp% Replaces with the HP gain of an item.
 %mp% Replaces with the MP gain of an item
 %name% Replaces to the users name.
 %himher% Replaces to either him/her/it depending on who is using it.
 %hisher% Replaces to either his/her/its depending on who is using it.
 %heshe% Replaces to either he/she/it depending on who is using it.


These work with the bonustime for usable items, and is a direct bonus when equipped.

  • Strength=The strength bonus on use.
  • Agility=The agility bonus on use.
  • Endurance=The endurance bonus on use.
  • Intelligence=The intelligence bonus on use.
  • Wisdom=The wisdom bonus on use.
  • Charisma=The charisma bonus on use.
  • Armor=The armor bonus on use.
  • Deflect=The deflect (shield) bonus on use.
  • SpellNegation="The spell damage reduction gain on use."
  • MaxAttacks='The max attacks bonus on use.
  • ExhaustValue=The exhaust timer (in milliseconds) bonus on use.
  • HP=The HP gain per tick. Cannot be used with PercentHP.
  • PercentHP=The percent of HP gain per tick. Cannot be used with HP.
  • MP=The MP gain per tick. Cannot be used with PercentMP.
  • PercentMP=The percent of MP gain per tick. Cannot be used with MP
  • RAGEMP=The RAGE gain per tick. Cannot be used with PercentRageMP
  • PercentRAGEMP=The percent of RAGE gain per tick. Cannot be used with RageMP
  • PotionTimer=The potion timer modifier per use (reduces or increases the default timer for potions in seconds.
  • FoodTimer=The food timer modifier per use (reduces or increases the default timer for foods in seconds.
  • Light=The light bonus on use. 1 for a small light boost (can see room but not players.) 2 for a general torch.


  • Level=Restrict this item by level.
  • Class=Restrict this item by class.
  • PreventSoulbound=Restrict soulbinding this item.
  • PreventUnSoulbound=Restrict unsoulbinding this item.
  • Virtue=The amount of virtue points needed in order to use this item. Can be both positive or negative.
  • PickupLockTime=Locks the item to the player who got the killshot on a NPC. The time here will be how long it takes for anyone else to pick up the item.


  • Percent=The modified drop rate as an integer value. Default is 33% for all items. No decimal points. This will show in the item look over if modified.


WeaponMain is needed if grip is defined.

  • Type=The weapon type. Can be as follows:
sword Sword type.
dagger Dagger type.
blunt Blunt type.
staff Staff type.
bow Bow type.
axe Axe type.
special Special type. SHOULD ALWAYS BE CLASS LOCKED!
instrument Instrument type.
sling Sling type.
fist Fist type.
wand Wand type.
rod Rodtype.
  • DamageMinimum=The minimum damage modifier.
  • DamageMaximum=The maximum damage modifier.
  • TwoHanded=Is this weapon two handed? True or False


Weapon ammo is used to declare what weapons can use ammo. Ammo based items can still fire without ammo, but will have a weaker attack generally..

  • AmmoBased=Is this weapon ammo based? Default is false.
  • AmmoNames=What ammo names can be used? Separate with commas.


Can be used if grip type is defined.

  • DamageName=The divinity bonuses, sepereated by commas per bonus.
  • DamageAmount=The actual bonus linked with the name, separated by commas per bonus. Can be negative values.


Needed if armor type is defined.

  • Armor=The amount of armor to gain on equip.


Can be used if armor type is defined.

  • AbsorbName=The divinity bonuses, sepereated by commas per bonus.
  • AbsorbAmount=The actual bonus linked with the name, separated by commas per bonus. Can be negative values.


  • DamageMinimum=The minimum damage modifier.
  • DamageMaximum=The maximum damage modifier.


  • Damage=The amount of extra damage for spells. 1 is default. 1.05 would be 5% more damage, etc.
  • Pierce=The amount of extra pierce for spells. 1 is default. 1.05 would be 5% more pierce chance through MR, etc.



  • Value=The global sell value.


Does not need to be defined, but can be on any armor or grip item. Take care when adding to shields/helmets as you can add special effects that can't otherwise be added by regular means.

  • Enchantment=The enchantment level. Can be as follows:
0 None.
1 Dully.
2 Softly.
3 Brightly.
4 Brilliantly.
5 Radiantly.
6 Mysteriously.
  • Soulbound=Is this item soulbound? False for no, True for yes.
  • SoulboundName=Use -3 for account binding WITH bind on equip, -2 for account binding, -1 to bind on buy or pickup. Otherwise leave blank unless you want a specific name this be bounded to.
  • Fire=Amount of fire bless added (Typically 0 or 1).
  • Night=Amount of night bless added (Typically 0 or 1).
  • Ice=Amount of ice bless added (Typically 0 or 1).
  • Lightning=Amount of lightning bless added (Typically 0 or 1).
  • Earth=Amount of earth bless added (Typically 0 or 1).
  • DivinityBonusName=The ember type bonus (A divinity)
  • DivinityBonusAmount=The amount of bonus, in percentage.
  • BonusChance=The chance that min/max will be added on room drop, (killing a monster/etc), in percentage. Typically you should not use this unless there is a reason too. All items have a default value of 5 (5%).
  • Expire=Does this item expire?
  • ExpireTime=Expire time in days. This can take decimals either. For example 0.1 would be 2.4 hours. If set to -1, it will expire at RESET.
  • Charged=Does this item charge?
  • ChargedTime=Charge time in days. This can take decimals either. For example 0.1 would be 2.4 hours.
  • StringVar=A string variable that scripts can read.
  • NumberVar=A number variable that scripts can read.
  • Lookover=This is often only added via scripts but can be added if you have different items that require a different lookover using just item files.
  • QuestLocked=A quest locked item cannot be given away if the item is soulbound in any case.
  • DropBonusMin=Set to 1 to ensure a minimum low hum bonus on weapons. Armors do not use this value. This should not be set unless for development/test reasons.
  • DropBonusMax=Set to 1 to ensure a maximum high hum bonus on weapons. Armors should use 2, 4, or 6. Shields and Helmets should use 2, 3, and 4. This should not be set unless for development/test reasons.
  • Suffix=Suffix Name. This will add a suffix to the item.
  • SuffixAmount=Suffix Value Amount. The power of the suffix. Typically 1 to 5.
  • Prefix=Prefix Name. This will add a prefix to the item. Remember 'the' may be needed for a prefix. i.e. 'The Killer'
  • PrefixAmount=Prefix Value Amount. The power of the prefix. Typically 1 to 5.


  • Value=The amount of gold per day needed to charge this item.


  • Value=The rarity level.
0 Junk items. Used for basic monster drops that are used to sell.
1 Normal items Default if not specified.
2 Uncommon items.
3 Rare items.
4 Epic items. Typically given out or by super rare spawns or on monsters with a very very low drop rate.
5 Legendary items. Quest or 'world walkers' drops.
6 RARE Legendary items. SHOULD NOT BE USED TYPICALLY. (This is only used when the rare flag is set on the item on it's own)


  • Value=Is this item allowed to be /research\d or not in the academia?


DivinityBonus names can be the following in any section defined with a bonus:
