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This contains all the information about creating monster files. Each line that can be added to the file will be below.


  • Name=The name of the NPC. Can be different then the actual file name.
  • HisHer=Used when 'his/her/its' is needed.
  • HeShe=Used when 'he/she/it' is needed.
  • BName=Goes in front of the NPC name. Typically it is either 'a' or 'an'. Actual names (I.E. a NPC called 'Charlie' does not need it.


  • Image=The image of the NPC, without the extension.
  • Divinity=The divinity of the monster.
fire Fire divinity.
night Night divinity.
ice Water divinity. (!!NOT ICE!!).
lightning Lightning divinity (!!NOT STORM!!).
earth Earth divinity.
holy Holy divinity.
evil Evil divinity.
neutral Neutral divinity.
  • Race=The race to use. This is mostly internal for things like banes Use the closest race type available from this list:
Humanoid Any race like humans, elves, etc.
Animal Any land animals.
Insect Any insects. Also includes spiders.
Aquatic Any water creatures.
Greenskin Any brute type class, Trolls, Kobolds, Orcs, Goblins, etc. 'greenskin' is just mainly a name for them.
Plant Any plant. Trees, etc.
Beast Any beast. werewolves for example. Druids might fit under this category is they morph too. Mystical Creatures, Dire creatures (Dire wolf), etc. Minotaurs too.
Demon Any demon.
Elemental Any elemental. Golems (Rock/etc for example) Fire elementals, creatures that have an affinity to a divinity, etc. Anything that is mythical magic being like fairies or witches...
Undead Any undead creature.
Reptile Any snake or lizard, etc.
Generic ANYTHING that doesn't fit the above, but isn't even remotely close. For example, a training dummy.
  • Type=The type of monster. This determines if the monster is attackable or not.
Hostile Normal type for hostile mobs.
Friendly Friendly type for non-hostile mobs.
Spawned Spawned monsters. This is normally automatically set but can be used.
  • Guild=The guild this NPC belongs too. Normally should be left blank.
  • Description=The description on look over.
  • Weapon=The weapon name the NPC uses to attack with.
  • GuildAttackBypass=If true, guild npcs can be attacked by same guild NPCs. Used for the control crystal areas generally. Default is false.


  • Level=The level of the NPC.
  • SpawnMinimum=The minimum spawn time in seconds.
  • SpawnMaximum=The maximum spawn time in seconds.
  • AttackDelayMinimum=The minimum attack delay in seconds. Can use decimals (I.E. 2.5).
  • AttackDelayMaximum=The maximum attack delay in seconds. Can use decimals.
  • AttackDelayPause=The pause delay after attacks have been used up. Can use decimals.
  • MoneyMinimum=The minimum money the NPC can have.
  • MoneyMaximum=The maximum money the NPC can have.
  • DamageMinimum=The minimum damage the NPC has. This value is multiplied by 3. (I.E. a value of 3 means the NPC does 9 damage).
  • DamageMaximum=The maximum damage the NPC has. This value is multipled by 3.
  • AttackAgilityMinimum=The minimum attack agility.
  • AttackAgilityMaximum=The maximum attack agility.
  • DefendAgilityMinimum=The maximum dodge agility.
  • DefendAgilityMaximum=The maximum dodge agility.
  • IntelligenceMinimum=The minimum intelligence.
  • IntelligenceMaximum=The maximum intelligence.
  • WisdomMinimum=The minimum wisdom.
  • WisdomMaximum=The maximum wisdom.
  • HealthMinimum=The minimum health.
  • HealthMaximum=The maximum health.
  • Attacks=The amount of attacks the NPC has..
  • ArmorMinimum=The minimum armor.
  • ArmorMaximum=The maximum armor.
  • DeflectMinimum=The minimum deflect. This should only be used if the NPC has a shield. Each value is the same as adding 2.5 armor points but will give a different message when it is deflected.
  • DeflectMaximum=The maximum deflect. This should only be used if the NPC has a shield.
  • TauntLevel=The taunt level for pets when in a player party. Defaults to 3. Stronger monsters should be 2, and tanky monsters should be 4. 5 should be used for special monsters (unique ranger pets that can be given to players.)
  • SpellNegation=Removes spell damage against NPC. If this is set to 0.1, then they will remove 10% of damage.
  • SpellResistance=Boost spell resistance of an NPC.


  • Value=The rarity level.
0 Ambient monsters. Worthless to kill.
1 Normal monsters. Default if not specified.
2 Uncommon monsters. Typically 1-8 hour monsters.
3 Rare monsters. Typically 12-24 hour monsters monsters.
4 Epic monsters. Very hard to kill monsters, 24+ hour monsters.
5 Legendary monsters. Quest or 'world walkers'.


If this is used, you should not use SpawnMinimum/SpawnMaximum and can be removed. This should be used for any monster that is hourly or higher as it prevents exploiting of special monsters.

  • Mode=0 or 1. Default is 0. If Mode is 1, the MinTime/MaxTime is instead a Hour that the NPC will spawn on each day. (From 1-24, not 0-23) Otherwise it will be as described below. The server reboot time is currently at 7am, so 7 would be start time. I.E. 7-9 would be 7am to 9am.
  • MinTime=Minimum time in minutes to spawn. This value is multipled by 15. For example: '2' would be '30' minutes.
  • MaxTime=Maximum time in minutes to spawn. This value is multipled by 15.
  • ID=The ID if you use more then one monster of the same name in the same room. You will need to use one file per ID however. Can be ignored if not needed.
  • HP=true/false value. Saves the HP on a server reboot. Used for high HP monsters. Can be ignored if not needed.
  • RoomLoad=true/false value. If this value is true, the room will always be loaded, regardless if the NPC is spawned or not. Generally rooms with unique spawns are only loaded IF the monster NEEDS. This will override this so that it always is loaded or not loaded, even if the NPC is a unique monster. Good for scripts. Normally NPCs that have Mode=1 will have this enabled by default, as if the room isn't initialized by someone then the mob will never spawn (I.E. no one enters the room until 17:00 on a NPC that hs min/max time 14-16, NPC wouldn't spawn.). Not always the case though. The room simply needs to be preloaded before hand to solve this.
  • VanishTime=0 to 1440. Based on minutes. Default 0. If set to 0, will ignore. This will despawn the monster after X minutes. It will attempt to respawn again if Mode is 0. Otherwise it will stay dead. NOTE: YOU NEED TO USE THE VANISH MESSAGE! Otherwise the NPC will vanish with no message or a generic one and may be confusing!
  • SpecialMob=Default is true when using uniquespawn, and false otherwise. This can be forced false or true. SpecialMobs timers continue even if a player is not in the room, and the NPC is saved in the log files. Do not use unless you what you are doing!


See http://ember-online.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=281 for general values for experience.

  • Hit=The per point amount of experience.
  • Slay=The slay amount of experience.


  • Infravision=Gives extra searching ability on top of intelligence. 10 infra would be like having 10 extra int to search out with.
  • Follow=The follow amount in percentage.
  • Charm=The charm value in percentage. See http://ember-online.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=472#p2985 if you are on build.
  • Despawn=Does this monster move back to it's original location after a few minutes of inactivity? True or False. Defaults to true if not specified on regular monsters, false for unique timer monsters.
  • Quests=The quest ID or IDs seperated by a comma. The quests here will be assumed to be a progression, so If you have three quests, they will have to advance through each one from the first to the last. An NPC can only have one quest activate a time with a player. I.E. 'Quests=1,3,5,7' means quest 1 first, then quest 3, 5 and last 7 in the series. If you have a linker quest that is NOT required, add a minus character (-) infront of the quest. For example, 'Quests=-1,3,5,7' means that quest 1 is not required to be run, but is part of another quest such as a 'tell player to go from NPC A to NPC B.' quest. If they have ignored quest 1 and have not started it, they will start at quest 3.
  • HideHealth=This will hide the health in the description, but not the actual health under the image of a look over.
  • CanSpawn=Can this mob be spawned by staff players?
  • CanSearch=If set to false, NPC will no longer search before an attack.
  • PickupLockTime=Locks the item to the player who got the killshot on a NPC. The time here will be how long it takes for anyone else to pick up the item.


  • Look=The look over message.
  • Spawn=The spawn message. You can use / to create a '/me' command. For example: '/me drops from the ceiling.' would become 'NPCNAME drops from the ceiling.'. Has a default if not used.
  • Death=The death message. Has a default if not used. Is not used for regular monsters.
  • Vanish=The vanish message. Has a default if not used. Is not used for regular monsters.
  • SlainName=The slain message adjustment. Defaults to 'slain' if not used. I.E. 'A rock was slain by' can be changed to 'A rock was broken by'.