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Items come in different colours (the text of the item). The colour is a rough guide on its power/importance:

  • Gray - items are junk. These either exist just to be vendor trash, or are used for quests.
  • White - items are usable in some way, so food, water, potions, or store bought equipment.
  • Green - items are uncommon. Gear that drops off from a standard NPC, as well as some that have a one hour spawn timer, is green.
  • Blue - items are rare. Gear that drops off from a rare NPC (those with longer spawn timers) will generally be blue.
  • Purple - items are elite. Purple gear almost exclusively drops off from a one-a-day monster.
  • Orange - items are legendary. These items will only drop off from a super boss, or quest relevant NPC.

Shop boughts are listed first, followed by Quest Rewards and Monster Drops.

Lvl = Minimum level required to equip this item.

AD = Average damage of the weapon when it is raw (totally undecked, no blesses or enchants, Min + Max damage, divided by 2).

AC = Protection value of the piece of armour. The first value is the items base value (bare with no blesses/enchants) The second value is the fully decked value.

POW = Power of the musical instrument.

Buy = Price to buy (from the store that sells it - if it is a creature drop, or a quest item, there may be no value here).

Sell = The gold you will get for selling this item (usually around half the amount of gold needed to buy the item).

Location = The city that sells this item or the creature that has a chance of dropping this item.

  • Mob: Is the creature that has a chance to drops it when killed (if you are looking for where the monster is, check the Atlas Section for a rough idea).

Special = If an item has a special modifier it will show here.


Blessed: Each blessing (of which there are 5) will add 1 to the AD value of the weapon.

Enchanted: Each enchant level will add 1 to the AD value of the weapon (Dull +1, Soft +2, Bright +3, Brilliant +4).

Decked: So when a weapon is decked it will have 9 more AD than the value shown. See "Decking Equipment" in the "New Players Guide" section of this wiki.

Humming: Weapons that are dropped from creatures can sometimes "hum with energy".

  • Hums with a low tone = +1 min damage (adds 0.5AD to the weapon).
  • Hums with a high tone = +1 max damage (adds 0.5AD to the weapon).
  • Hums in perfect harmony = +1 min and max damage (adds 1AD to the weapon).


  • Recommended Classes: Druid and Paladin (but for a Paladin: only from level 20 and with level 20 Blunt Weapons).
Name LVL AD Buy Sell Location
Hammer 1 9 12 4 Seamoor, Starter Gear
Heavy Hammer 1 9.5 250 Quest: #5 from Seamoor
Oak Hammer 1 9.5 30 Mob: River Troll
Mace 8 10 800 Canopia
Steel Mace 8 10 950 Bityrn
Foremans Hammer 8 11 500 Mob: Head Foreman
Warhammer 15 12 1300 780 Turenyara
Starlight Spade** 15 14 Mob: Undertaker
Arcanite Mace 20 13.5 8000 4000 Arkanmaw
Mithril Mace 20 14 7800 Drevlar
Tungsten Hammer 20 13.5 4400 Fort Huldar
Bone Club 20 14 Mob: Mountain Goat
Defiled Warmace 20 14.5 Quest: #3005 from Kageti Grove
Mining Pick 20 14.5 Mob: Deformed Miner
Maul of Wrecking 20 15 Mob: Raider Chief
Beastslayer* 20 15.5 7000 Mob: Raider Chief
Dread Maul 25 16 Mob: Dread Rodent
War Scourge 25 16.5 Mob: Minotaur

*: The Beastslayer has a 15% Bonus to Beasts
**: The Starlight Spade has a 15% Bonus to Undead

Bow Weapons

Bows are off course two handed. You knew this already though I am sure.

  • Recommended Classes: Ranger and Thief.
Name LVL AD Buy Sell Location
Short Bow 1 13 15 5 Seamoor, Starter Gear
Long Bow 8 14 850 Canopia/Bityrn/Ranger Camp
Composite Bow 15 15.5 1800 Turenyara
Hickory Bow 15 16 2500 Ranger Camp
Arcanite Crossbow 20 17 8000 4000 Arkanmaw
Tungsten Bow 20 17 4200 Fort Huldar
Mithril Bow 20 17.5 7900 Drevlar
Improved Short Bow 1 13.5 250 Quest: #5 from Seamoor
Treant Branch Bow 8 15 Quest: #627 from Canopia Forest
Valkyrie Bow 20 18 Quest: #3005 from Kageti Grove
Infantry Bow 20 17.5 Mob: Ranged Infantry
Bone Bow 20 17.5 Mob: Bone Archer
Magma Bone Bow 25 19.5 Mob: Flame Salamander
Astral Bow 25 19.5 5000 Mob: Astral Archer


  • Recommended Classes: Assassin and Thief.
Name LVL AD Buy Sell Location
Dagger 1 10 8 3 Seamoor, Starter Gear
Sharp Dagger 1 10.5 Quest: #5 from Seamoor
Rusty Dagger 1 10.5 Mob: Forest Bandits
Pointy Stinger 1 10.5 Mob: Mosquito
Steel Dagger 8 11 800 Canopia
Steel Stiletto 8 11 650 Bityrn
Dirk 15 13.5 1200 720 Turenyara
Bandit Blade 15 14.5 1250 700 Shadow Trader's Shop - Linwood Sewers, Mob: Roadside Bandits, Bandit Scouts
Arcanite Sticker 20 15 8000 4000 Arkanmaw
Tungsten Dagger 20 15 4000 Fort Huldar
Mithril Dagger 20 15 6500 Drevlar, Mob: Dwarven Brigand.
King Stinger 20 15.5 Mob: King Scorpion
Bone Dagger 20 15.5 3500 Mob: Rotten Dead
Raiders Edge 20 16 2000 Mob: Raiders, Ringleader
Emerald Knife 20 16.5 Mob: Ringleader
Glowing Emerald Knife 20 17 Mob: Ringleader
Dread Fang 25 17.5 Mob: Dreadfang Beast
Incinerating Knife 25 17.5 Mob: Crazed Furnace Worker

Fist Weapons

  • Recommended Classes: Druid
Name LVL AD Buy Sell Location
Vulkrow Claws 1 9.5 200 Mob: Dark Druid
Bone Claws 20 14 Mob: Skeletal Beasts
Eagle Talons 20 14 Mob: Eagles
Tainted Claws 20 14 Mob: Tainted Hawks
Razor Fist 20 14.5 1200 Quest: #3005 from Kageti Grove.

Staff Weapons

Staff Weapons provide a minor boost to Spell Penetration for all spell casters.

  • Recommended Classes: Cleric, Monk, Necromancer and Sorcerer.
Name LVL AD Buy Sell Location
Staff 1 7 5 2 Seamoor, Starter Gear
Long Staff 8 8 800 400 Canopia, Mob: Beggar
Steel Rod 8 8 800 Bityrn
Bronze Staff 15 10 1500 900 Turenyara
Arcanite Staff 20 12 8000 4000 Arkanmaw
Tungsten Staff 20 11.5 4500 Fort Huldar
Pick Axe* 20 6 7700 Drevlar
Mithril Staff 20 12 7700 Drevlar, Mob: Dwarven Ninja
Thick Staff 1 7.5 250 Quest: #5 from Seamoor
Wicked Staff 8 8.5 50 Mob: Nezkar Varkas
Elder Staff 8 9 Mob: Treant Elder
Bladed Staff 20 11.5 3500 Mob: Aether Knight, Deranged Remnants, Death Knights
Bone Staff 20 12.5 4000 Mob: Risen
Void Staff 25 13.5 7000 Mob: Charmtress
Mana Crozier 25 14.5 Mob: Arcane Director

*: The Pick Axe is the only thing that can damage Orshinium Deposits found in the Drevlar Mines.

Monk Weapons

Only Monks and Ninjas can wield these, funnily enough.

Name LVL AD Buy Sell Location
Arcanite Katana 20 12.5 8000 4000 Arkanmaw
Ivory Nunchakus 15 11.5 1000 Mob: Luna

Sword Weapons

  • Recommended Classes: Barbarian, Bard, Knight, Paladin (until 19th level, see Blunt Weapons) and Ranger.
Name LVL AD Buy Sell Location
Short Sword 1 12 20 Seamoor, Starter Gear
Longsword 8 13 900 Canopia
Steel Blade 8 13 700 Bityrn
Edged Broadsword 15 14.5 1500 Turenyara
Mammen Axe 15 14.5 1250 700 Turenyara
Arcanite Slicer 20 16 8000 4000 Arkanmaw
Tungsten Sword 20 16 5000 Fort Huldar
Mithril Axe 20 16.5 9000 Drevlar
Improved Short Sword 1 12 20 Quest: #5 from Seamoor
Oak Sword 1 12.5 50 Mob: Troll
Forestry Axe 8 13.5 400 Mob: Canopia Operatives/Lumberjack/Deforesters
Commanders Blade 8 14 800 Mob: Undead Commander
Feral War Blade 15 15.5 Mob: Muck Boars
Mithril Double Axe 20 16.5 5000 Mob: Dwarven Berserkers
Blood Saber 20 17 Quest: #3005 from Kageti Grove
Stone Saber 20 17 2500 Mob: Essence of the Deep
Shadow Sword 20 17 2500 Mob: Shadow Assassins
Raider's Plight 20 17 5000 Mob: Raider Pioneer, Raider Chief
Arcane Sword 25 18.5 Mob: Arcane Slave
Emerald Axe 25 19 Mob: Refinery Controller
Ruby Axe 25 19 10,000 Mob: Refinery Overseer
Void Sword 25 19.5 Mob: Archfiend

2-handed Weapons

  • Recommended Classes: Barbarian and Knight (although with a Knight you might be better of with a sword and shield for the protection and shield bash).
Name LVL AD Buy Sell Location
Claymore 15 16 2000 1200 Turenyara
Ethereal Flamberge 20 18 4000 Mob: Walker Guardians
Spectral Scythe 25 20 Mob: Mort Wraith

Body Armour

Blessed: Each blessing (of which there are 5) will add 1 to the AC value of the body armour.

Enchanted: Each enchant level will add 2 to the AC value of the Body Armour (Dull +2, Soft +4, Bright +6, Brilliant +8).

Decked: So when the Body Armour is decked it will have 13 more AC than the value shown. See "Decking Equipment" in the "New Players Guide" section of this wiki.

Humming: Body armour that is dropped from creatures can sometimes "hum with energy".

  • Hums barely = +1 AC.
  • Hums soflty = +2 AC.
  • Hums loudly = +3 AC.

Cloth Body Armour

  • Recommended Classes: Necromancer and Sorcerer.
Name LVL AC Buy Sell Location
Cloak 1 5 20 Seamoor, Starter Gear
Forest Cloak 8 6 400 250 Canopia
Elven Cloak 8 6 750 Bityrn
Starlit Cloak 8 7 Mob: Undertaker
Fur Cloak 15 7 1250 725 Turenyara
Arcanite Cloak 20 8 4500 Arkanmaw
Silver Weave Cloak 20 8 5500 Wiken
Blue Mithril Robe 20 8 5500 Drevlar
Bear Skin Cloak 8 7 400 Mob: Marauding Bear
Tainted Cloak 15 8 1000 Mob: Adept Cultist, Tranced Dweller
Demon Skin Cloak 20 10 Quest: #661 from Linwood
Void Cloak 25 12 Mob: Void Imp
Wraiths Shawl 25 12 Mob: Mana Wraith
Fiery Tunic 25 14 Mob: Flame Salamander

Light Body Armour

  • Recommended Classes: Cleric and Monk.
Name LVL AC Buy Sell Location
Padded 1 8 25 Seamoor, Starter Gear
Leather Vest 8 9 400 Canopia
Dogi 8 9 750 Bityrn
Katabira 15 11 1250 725 Turenyara
Arcanite Robes 20 13 5000 Arkanmaw
Beast Skin 20 13 6000 Wiken
Mithril Infused Leather Shirt 20 13 5500 Drevlar
Wolf Pelt Vest 15 12 1000 Mob: Pack Leader
Shinobi Shozoku 20 15 1200 Mob: Mendel
Skorpius Mantle 20 15 Mob: Queen Scorpion
Mantle of the Deep 20 16 Mob: Essence of the Deep
Fur Lined Bikini 20 16
Protection of the Vale 20 16 Mob: Vale Protector
Sanctuary of the Vale 20 17 Mob: Vale Protector
Blue Spectral Robe* 25 18 Mob: Spectral Lion
Shark Fin Skin 25 18 Mob: River Shark

*: The Blue Spectral Robe is Priest Only

Medium Body Armour

  • Recommended Classes: Assassin, Barbarian, Bard, Druid, Ranger and Thief.
Name LVL AC Buy Sell Location
Ring Mail 1 13 40 Seamoor, Starter Gear
Chain Mail 8 14 450 Canopia
Crimson Ring 8 15 800 Bityrn
Emberstone Ring 15 17 1400 Turenyara
Arcanite Chainmail 20 20 5500 Arkanmaw
Silver Chain 20 20 7500 Wiken
Mithril Chain 20 20 6000 Drevlar
Crocodile Skin Vest 1 15 Mob: Black Caiman
Raiders Chain 15 19 1000 Mob: Raiders
Breastplate of Bloodlust 20 22 1200 Quest: #3005 from Kageti Grove
Emerald Mail 20 23 5000 Mob: Ringleader
Dracokin Skins 25 24 3000 Mob: Dracokins
Arcane Chains 25 26 Mob: Arcane Director

Heavy Body Armour

  • Recommended Classes: Knight and Paladin.
Name LVL AC Buy Sell Location
Half Plate 1 29 60 Seamoor, Starter Gear
Iron Plate 8 31 500 Canopia
Plate Mail 8 31 900 Bityrn
Steel Cuirass 15 37 1550 865 Turenyara
Arcanite Battleplate 20 43 6000 Arkanmaw
Silver Plate 20 43 9000 Wiken
Mithril Plate Mail 20 43 9000 Drevlar
Sturdy Plate 1 33 25 Mob: Wild Hunter
Guard Plate 15 41 1100 Mob: Corrupted Guards
Titanium Battleplate 20 47 Quest: #3005 from Kageti Grove
Golden Plate 20 49 1200 Mob: Gold Hoarder
Gilded Plate 25 52 Mob: Fallen Colonel
Onyx Plate 25 53 7000 Mob: Void Elemental (including the key holders and Archfiend).
Mana Devil's Plate 25 56 Mob: Mana Devil


Enchanted: Each enchant level will add 1 to the AC value to the Helm (Dull +1, Soft +2, Bright +3, Brilliant +4).

Decked: So when the Helm is decked it will have 4 more AC than the value shown. See "Decking Equipment" in the "New Players Guide" section of this wiki.

Humming: Helms and Shields that drop from creatures can also "Hum with energy". There are only two steps of humming for Helms and Shields.

  • Hums Barely = +1 AC
  • Hums Softly = +2 AC

Light Helm

  • Recommended Classes: Bard, Necromancer and Sorcerer.
Name LVL AC Buy Sell Location
Pointed Hat 1 1 4 Seamoor, Starter Gear
Forest Hat 8 1 200 Canopia, Bityrn
Cloth Cap 15 1 400 220 Turenyara
Arcanite Hat 20 2 3000 Arkanmaw
Arcanite Face Mask 20 3 3500 Arkanmaw
Blue Mithril Hat 20 2 2200 Drevlar
Bunny Ears 20 2 2200 Drevlar
Academy Pointed Hat 1 ? Quest: #10 in The Academy
Princes Cap 1 1 100 Quest: #21 from Seamoor
Snake Skin Cap 8 2 Mob: Copperhead Snake
Badgers Hood 15 2 750 Mob: Black Badgers
Skull Cap 20 3 3000 Quest: #672 from Wiken

Heavy Helm

  • Recommended Classes: Assassin, Barbarian, Cleric, Knight, Paladin, Ranger and Thief.
Name LVL AC Buy Sell Location
Helmet 1 2 8 Seamoor, Starter Gear
Steel Helmet 8 3 150 Canopia
Sallet 8 2 150 Bityrn
Barbuta 15 4 500 300 Turenyara
Arcanite Great Helm 20 5 4000 Arkanmaw
Mithril Helm 20 5 2600 Drevlar
Academy Helm 1 3 Quest: #10 in the Academy
Prince's Helm 1 3 100 Quest: #21 Seamoor
Lumberjack Helm 8 4 500 Quest: #624 Canopia Logging Camp
Guards Helm 15 5 700 Mob: Corrupted Guards
Skull Helm 20 6 3000 Quest: #672 from Wiken
Emerald Helm 20 7 5000 Mob: Ringleader
Onyx Helm 25 8 Mob: Archfiend Elemental
Contaminated Specialist Helmet 25 9 Mob: Arcane Foreman


  • Recommended Classes: Assassin, Barbarian, Cleric, Knight, Paladin, Ranger and Thief.

Enchanted: Each enchant level will add 1 to the AC value to the Shield (Dull +1, Soft +2, Bright +3, Brilliant +4).

Decked: So when the Shield is decked it will have 4 more AC than the value shown. See "Decking Equipment" in the "New Players Guide" section of this wiki.

Humming: Helms and Shields that drop from creatures can also "Hum with energy". There are only two steps of humming for Helms and Shields.

  • Hums Barely = +1 AC
  • Hums Softly = +2 AC
Name LVL AC Buy Sell Location
Small Shield 1 5 20 Seamoor, Starter Gear
Wooden Deflector 8 6 600 Canopia, Lumber Mill Shop
Targe 8 6 500 Bityrn
Kite Shield 15 7 800 440 Turenyara
Arcanite Barrier 20 8 2500 Arkanmaw
Mithril Shield 20 8 1800 Drevlar
Academy Shield 1 ? Quest: #10 in the Academy
Defenders Shield 15 8 600 Quest: #643 from Linwood
Mithril Light Shield 15 8 Quest: #3005 from Kageti Grove
Bone Shield 20 9 2000 Mob: Mort Wraith, Risen.
Emerald Blocker 20 10 Mob: Ringleader
Turtle Shell Shield 25 10 2400 Mob: River Turtle


Instruments cannot be enchanted or blessed (blesses and enchants have no effect on instrument POW), they can only be soulbound.

The POW rating of the instrument and CHR of the Bard influences the benefits from any song sung (the level of the Bard has no effect).

Instruments can only be equipped by Bards and Minstrels.

Name LVL POW Buy Sell Location
Lute 8 10 600* Canopia, Bityrn, Bardic Hall
Tapanic Drum 15 13 1500* Turenyara, Bardic Hall
Lyre 20 17 2600* Bardic Hall
Magma Conch 20 19 Mob: Magma Crab
Waldorf Drum 25 23 Mob: Flame Salamander

*: The instruments in the Bardic Hall are less expensive than the shops.