Current Class Modifiers & Skills/Spells

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Re: Current Class Modifiers & Skills/Spells

Postby NiteHawk » Wed Jun 29, 2016 3:51 am


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Re: Current Class Modifiers & Skills/Spells

Postby NiteHawk » Sat Sep 03, 2016 6:05 am


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Re: Current Class Modifiers & Skills/Spells

Postby daedroth » Sat Sep 03, 2016 2:07 pm

Some Questions

Rangers are still down for dual wielding according to description. FIXED! (i see)

Also it says monks/barbs have a +/- 7.5% dodge, but in the dodge form posting it says they have a +/- 2 AGL and each AGL point difference is a +/- 1.75% (So what does this mean for the druids as well, what -to agl do they have 1? because... 5% for 1, 7.5% for 2 = confusion for me)

Also magic resistance, I cant open up the link that shows how it works (old one works fine, but gave me a headache). How does it work in lay mans terms?
Race Modifier * Class Modifier * Actual Wisdom Calculation
so for a human monk its 1.10 * 1.15 * wis calc (what is the wisdaom calc?)

Lastly the Barb/knight hp:
is it HP per LVL + chr * 10% (for barbs) = gain for the level
or HP per lvl * 10% + chr

The damage reduction of taunt, is it applied to all enemies or just the taunted enemy? How much is the DR?

Necromanacer <-- is a typo I believe (see page one of this posting).

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Re: Current Class Modifiers & Skills/Spells

Postby daedroth » Tue Sep 06, 2016 4:12 am

I am still curious about my above posting.
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Re: Current Class Modifiers & Skills/Spells

Postby NiteHawk » Tue Sep 06, 2016 4:33 am

Also it says monks/barbs have a +/- 7.5% dodge, but in the dodge form posting it says they have a +/- 2 AGL and each AGL point difference is a +/- 1.75% (So what does this mean for the druids as well, what -to agl do they have 1? because... 5% for 1, 7.5% for 2 = confusion for me)

It changes depending on your actual AGI though so it can be a little lower. You are also thinking the 7.5% extra or lower dodge occurs on the calculation but it occurs on the stat points when you login so it doesn't have to calculate it each time. It means the value itself is lower though.

I.E. You have 20 agi, ignoring any other bonues and only focusing on the class dodge bonus, if you are a monk, it would be 20 * 1.075 (7.5%). You have 21.5 AGI with calculations (the decimal point DOES matter.) If you had 23 agi, you would end up with 24.725. Zerkers would be AGI * 0.925 (-7.5% reduction). Druids would be AGI * 0.95 (5% reduction).

Also magic resistance, I cant open up the link that shows how it works (old one works fine, but gave me a headache). How does it work in lay mans terms?
Race Modifier * Class Modifier * Actual Wisdom Calculation
so for a human monk its 1.10 * 1.15 * wis calc (what is the wisdaom calc?)

For defenders its: Race Modifier * Class Modifier * Wisdom * Level * 0.13 * SpellToughnessMultiplier
For attackers its: Race Modifier * Class Modifier * Intelligence * Level * 0.1 * (Random(WeaponMin*0.2, WeaponMax*0.2))

Where weapon can only be a staff to effect pierce rate.
If attacker roll > defender roll then it hits, otherwise resist.
SpellToughness is typically set at 1. Blind, sap, etc normally its 1.15 or 1.1. makes it harder to pierce.

Lastly the Barb/knight hp:
is it HP per LVL + chr * 10% (for barbs) = gain for the level
or HP per lvl * 10% + chr

It doesn't include charisma, it's (Level * END HP per level * BONUS) + random charisma bonus.

The damage reduction of taunt, is it applied to all enemies or just the taunted enemy? How much is the DR?

It's dependent on charisma and level for the tauntlevel, it occurs on all enemies. The damage negation occurs on everything, including PVP:
totalDamageReduction = Charisma * 0.0075
Means 20 charisma is 15% damage, 10 charisma is half of that at 7.5%.

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Re: Current Class Modifiers & Skills/Spells

Postby daedroth » Tue Sep 06, 2016 5:47 am


Thank you sir :)
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Re: Current Class Modifiers & Skills/Spells

Postby daedroth » Sat Sep 17, 2016 2:44 am

Attack Increments At Levels: 3, 9, 25

^didnt that get changed? I am sure my new assy had 2 attacks at level 1
PS> I cant remember if any other class got changed, so never checked.
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Re: Current Class Modifiers & Skills/Spells

Postby NiteHawk » Sat Sep 17, 2016 3:33 am

Yeah a bunch got changed. Updated it now.

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Re: Current Class Modifiers & Skills/Spells

Postby Bron » Tue Sep 20, 2016 7:52 pm

Decided to give this game a try. Since playing RoK back in the day, and then being a tester, and blah blah blah.

Anyway. After creating and leveling a few classes. In my opinion it might be easier to just have two stats for each class as a requirement, rather than having some have 1, while some have four. This may make creation simpler as well as making some classes easier to accomplish in a variety of ways, to focus on different skills/spells/features of each class.

Assassin: Str 16, Agi 16
Barbarian: Str 18, Con 16
Bard: Wis 14, Chr 16
Cleric: Wis 16, Str 12
Druid: Wis 16, Chr 16
Knight: Str 16, Con 18
Monk: Str 16, Agi 16
Necromancer: Int 16, Wis 14
Paladin: Con 16, Chr 16
Ranger: Str 16, Chr 16
Sorcerer: Int 16, Wis 12
Thief: Agi 16, Int 14
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Re: Current Class Modifiers & Skills/Spells

Postby NiteHawk » Wed Sep 21, 2016 2:56 am

Bron wrote:Decided to give this game a try. Since playing RoK back in the day, and then being a tester, and blah blah blah.

Anyway. After creating and leveling a few classes. In my opinion it might be easier to just have two stats for each class as a requirement, rather than having some have 1, while some have four. This may make creation simpler as well as making some classes easier to accomplish in a variety of ways, to focus on different skills/spells/features of each class.

Assassin: Str 16, Agi 16
Barbarian: Str 18, Con 16
Bard: Wis 14, Chr 16
Cleric: Wis 16, Str 12
Druid: Wis 16, Chr 16
Knight: Str 16, Con 18
Monk: Str 16, Agi 16
Necromancer: Int 16, Wis 14
Paladin: Con 16, Chr 16
Ranger: Str 16, Chr 16
Sorcerer: Int 16, Wis 12
Thief: Agi 16, Int 14

I agree that it needs to be looked at but I'm worried about how it will effect builds overall. I'll have to test and see. The whole idea (I think) Is to be lorey, but it also makes it so you can't make builds that are exactly the same because you need to think on what points you need (aka you can max out whats important and thats all.). I think if we remove the restrictions on certain classes then alot of race/class builds would end up exactly the same. Would be good to get peoples says on this too.

I don't think all classes can be seen as the same 'needs', is the issue.

I do think that if something like this is done, then the amount required per class should total the same. , which could be 12 or 14 points total (For example 12 points could be 18, 14.. Or 16, 16. Remember classes start at 10 base.) I think 18 however is too high for any stat and it shouldn't go past 16 though.

Honestly in the end I'd just love to remove the requirements completely, but I don't think that would play well. I'm not sure though.

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